Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

No surprise, Low oxygen levels in waters are the cause of these events, as stated weather events and their effects on those levels, combined with #'s and size of fish in the pens, fish suffocate.
Will not effect the wild fish as they move to deeper/different waters,

Hint if I was fishing inside Nootka sound, I'd be fishing deeper than I normally would do
It also happens in lakes and rivers to wild populations of different fish species. Sounds like DFO was giving Stan information. He also hot a nice paddle in.
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Why does it take a whistleblower to bring this crap to light.
How many other such events happen that never see the light of day. I suspect we will never know.
Probably a blow out sale coming up at Costco. When you see those rot spots in the filets just pretend it was a battle wound from a sea lion.
Out of sight - out of mind (hopefully) has always been the credo of the PR firms hire by the industry. It brings up the unresolved and ongoing issue of complete lack of notifications of disease outbreaks in real time with location, DFO's interpretation of the Privacy Act, & the relationship that the private vets hired by the industry being able to claim their responsibility lies with their clients rather than impacts to wild stocks.

If the cause of the fish kills was actually Heterosigma spp., or DO - that would be easy to confirm. Yet this was not done. Why?

Typically DO gets worse as you go deeper in inlets, not better. Temperature is higher near the surface but almost never gets too hot deeper than 8m, and more typically below 2-3m. So it seems very unlikely these are the stressor culprits, as well. Yet these were offered as explanations. Why?

And what is a mass mortality event verses a disease outbreak - and how is it defined? Who gets to determine that?

The company vet - not DFO.

And even if there were a disease outbreak in cultured stocks that they admitted to - who is testing adjacent wild stocks?

NOBODY. Out of sight - out of mind.
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Mass mortality. Oxygen levels too low.

Didn't the FF's get to increase the number of fish in some farms due to the Broughton Archipelago closures?
Won't too many fish crammed into the same nets cause extra oxygen usage?

So might not this oxygen problem be caused by greed?

I don't think the DFO has ever tested a single farm. Sure they may go visit and look over the offered stats but I don't think they ever test anything except maybe the coffee. If they do then their results are never released.

The FF's are part of a group that reviews and approve information to politicos and the public. DFO has to go along with whatever they tell them, the FF's this way are the bosses of the DFO.

I notice that there are no longer any test fishery on the Fraser River or they increased the size of the net to 12". Did the totals start rising too high after the removal of the Broughton Farms so another source of information needed to be censored? Certainly the rivers have much more fish. Still not historical but rising fast.
I notice that there are no longer any test fishery on the Fraser River or they increased the size of the net to 12". Did the totals start rising too high after the removal of the Broughton Farms so another source of information needed to be censored? Certainly the rivers have much more fish. Still not historical but rising fast.
By the sounds of the fishing reports coming from Sunshine Coast you might be on to something.
You all think this is 1st time this has happened?
These company's know this can, does and will happen.
The crews worked to save fish, non stop around the clock days in days out to get ahead of the event when it was found to be happening, fish died, chit happens
I know you all look for conspiracy theories and grasp at straws, saying its probably this, or probably that..
Time to take your tinfoil hats off , this event was low oxygen levels..millions $$ lost, insurance claim will be filed.
Just as you all would do if a tree falls on your house or your house floods.
I'm not saying it wasn't DO or any other explanation. I am saying this claim is easy to back up with data, and other inlets nearby on WCVI should also be afflicted with similar noticeable changes in WQ, as well. This is what a basic DO/temp profile looks like:

And the industry and DFO have a very long history of out and out lying on many issues - one doesn't need a tin hat to recognize that:

The onus of proof is always on the industry proponent to prove they didn't cause an effect - not the other way around.
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No surprise, Low oxygen levels in waters are the cause of these events, as stated weather events and their effects on those levels, combined with #'s and size of fish in the pens, fish suffocate.
Will not effect the wild fish as they move to deeper/different waters,

Hint if I was fishing inside Nootka sound, I'd be fishing deeper than I normally would do
I guess these “curtains” didn’t improve the outcome this time, if they were even used.
Curtains for open net pens in BC?
You all think this is 1st time this has happened?
These company's know this can, does and will happen.
The crews worked to save fish, non stop around the clock days in days out to get ahead of the event when it was found to be happening, fish died, chit happens
I know you all look for conspiracy theories and grasp at straws, saying its probably this, or probably that..
Time to take your tinfoil hats off , this event was low oxygen levels..millions $$ lost, insurance claim will be filed.
Just as you all would do if a tree falls on your house or your house floods.
Glad you acknowledge this **** happens. The problem is the disease infected dead flesh of the rotting carcasses just ooze away into the surrounding environment to infect and impact everything else that live in these waters. You cannot even clean a cement truck on the street and rightly so as that water ends up in the rivers and oceans but this toxic sludge from open net cage fish farms can just drift into the environment with no accountability.
"The Liberal government intends to move ahead with its 2019 campaign commitment to put an end to open-net salmon fish farms in coastal B.C. waters but the industry has been given five years to adapt to the plan, three sources say.

The federal cabinet made the decision last week and an announcement is expected on Wednesday in British Columbia, the sources say. The exact details, including a transition plan for the operators and fish workers, were not shared with The Globe and Mail. The Globe is keeping the sources confidential because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The sources said the government will renew the licences for open-net fish farms for another five years, which matches the business cycle from hatchery to harvest, and then the industry must dismantle its open-net pens and move to land-based operations."