Lost Grady/White

Hello to all.
This story I find quite interesting. I went looking for the boat on Saturday but was unable to find it. I was thinking about what happened to the guy.... maybe the boat was stolen, He wouldn't want to call the coast guard, if the boat was stolen maybe to do a drug run or something....I may be wrong but that would explain why he got into trouble, doesn't know the boat good enough to keep himself out of trouble. Engine trouble, run out of gas... etc. I may be wrong posting my thoughts on this but thats my 2 cents worth. IMO I don't know anyone with a boat that expensive who would even risk going out in that weather. Steve.
Update; the 'known to police' owner of the boat ended up in bracelets that afternoon.:D It was his boat!
You can't miss the boat it is still there at the west end of second rock, west of Otter pt.(as of Sat pm). It is easily seen from a boat.
IMO... he already made the delivery and ran out of gas on the way home! He had a back pack on over the wetsuit when he came ashore.;)
Anybody out in that weather and that gets into trouble puts the folks in search and rescue in unneccary danger. Anybody that wrecks that nice of a boat has way more disposable $ than me. Love mother nature and the ocean but I always remember she doesn't feel the same about me:)
We'll look tomorrow on our way by in the boat...see if it survived the higher tides and surf?:)