Lost Grady/White


Active Member
Someone lost their boat today![:0] A Grady/White 25' Sailfish w/twin 2002 200hp Mercs and kicker went ashore in a westerly gale west of Otter Pt and east of 2nd Rock. It was nasty out there! The person on board was having trouble keeping things running in the 6-8'westerly sea. Tried to anchor but,... it didn't hold enough to stop the boat from coming ashore. Its ruined now and spread along the shore.The hull is in pieces, friends said it lasted about 6-7 waves and then it all started to come apart. He got off the boat aboard a surfboard and paddled ashore on it...WOW. We looked at it after the tide came down..Not much left![xx(]
Ps.... Please be careful out there! It is so easy to be real deep in trouble, listen to the weather forecast!
glad he is safe, but cant believe anyone would go out in that kind of wind, catching a fish is not more important than your life
Wonder who owned that one???keep us updated hali!!!!!

Any pics of wreck? Hope he got off okay and any passengers as well.
Thank goodness that the person made it ashore. Just once again goes to show you that things can go bad really fast in bad weather. No fish even in a derby is worth risking your life, let alone a winter spring! Feel bad for the person but sure would like to know what was he thinking......

Cheers ME
thats a real shame and he got damn lucky he was able to walk away with his life. But what an idiot, there was 40kt winds forecasted for the straight yesterday and the gordo's beach cam looked like the perfect storm.
As the saga unfolds. No insurance! He told my cousin who gave him a ride from the wreck. He said he had stayed overnight somewhere on anchor? where? We're not sure. He had been anchoring and surfing we think? I didn't see any signs of fishing gear. He left with only a small backpack and his surfboard. There has to be some underlying cause for being out there in those conditions, and it wasn't surfing! More to come.;)
Wow. amazing to survive something like that. I live in Sooke and the winds were absolutely crazy out there, ( I would not even take my whaler out in that)...Glad to hear owner is safe. Sux to not have it insured[xx(]

I may have to take a spin and get some pics for all to see.
quote:He said he had stayed overnight somewhere on anchor? where? We're not sure. He had been anchoring and surfing we think?

There is only 2 surfable breaks in that area, Muir creek and Jordan river, just doesn't make sense to anchor at those spots when the HWY goes right to them.
There other surfable spots....by boat. And surfers are just as obsessed as fisherman.
you're talking to one and north of JR there are plenty, south of JR there is only Muir creek and it gets a 1-2 foot wave on a 15' swell.

Again the road parellels the water until JR, so why go by boat.
I've removed my post, being nothing more than idle gossip and vague speculation.

Whoever the owner of this boat was, they don't need any more salt in those wounds. Yeeouch, that's painful. But if there's a bright side, getting out of there in one piece, to fight another day, is a positive.