Local SFAC's need your input on Halibut

So far the info I have is...

4.98 mlb tac for Canada potentially, hence about 771,000 lbs for the rec
That's what we are looking at and the Canadian delegation will be fighting for an increase.
I really don't see us getting anywhere near last years TAC.
Do I like this? heck no.. I'm pissed.
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I see they're still using the same broken model and yet no one with any influence seems willing or able to call DFO on it. This model doesn't assess realistically how many fish are harvested as a second possession fish to accurately predict the real world savings to be achieved by that strategy. We have three years of data where we had pretty much identical TAC and identical season lengths - 2010 with no size limit and 2011 and 2012 with the useless second, possession, fish at 83 cm. All three years resulted in the exact same amount of harvest over the exact same season length. Last year a season possession limit of 6 and a max size were introduced and harvest rates dropped dramatically.

In addition, there is an abundance of historical rec fishing harvest data available. This data shows that the average size halibut harvested annually and historically is smaller than the 83cm possession slot. Any statistical modeller worth his salt will tell you if a modifier, such as the possession slot, applies only to a very small percentage of the sample (in this case, doesn't apply to locals, day charters, those unable to harvest a fish on day 1, those not able to get out to halibut grounds due to weather, those only targeting bottom fish on one day of multi-day trip, etc, etc) and if that modifier is larger than the mean fish harvested, it will have negligible effect on decreasing the average size harvested.

As we know the data sources for rec fish management have a high degree of uncertainty and bias, the precision and accuracy of estimates is extremely low and thus the error is extremely high. Given the very large error in such fish management models, a modifier who's limit is above the observed harvested average will have no measurable effect on decreasing that harvest average. The fact that the model being used is predicting harvest reduction as a result of a possession fish of 83cm is a clear indicator that the model is flawed.

Wolf made a great point about oct-dec. 6000lbs we are over regulating ourselves for...

Sorry I disagree...
6,000 lbs is a rounding error.
September with 37,000 has more meat on the bone.
37,000 lbs, which is far less than 5% of a TAC of 1,000,000 lbs, is also much smaller than the error variation inherent in this type of model, particularly given the non-random survey-based data source. As such, statistically there is no more "meat" on September's bone.

Thanks GLG for figuring out how to post the spreadsheet. My hope is guys study it closely to see the impact of various TAC scenarios. Really appreciate all the hard work you put into this. I hope guys here appreciate your effort.

Next is stepping back to ask what we value most in the fishery and trying to find a regulations choice that best fits. While no one here likes the prospects of another reduction in TAC we nonetheless will need to select a choice most feel they can find ways to work.

In my area it seems most folks are looking for status quo if our TAC goes down and if it remains the same as last year they either want the upper size to increase or the lower size to increase. If we increase lower size it uses more TAC, so increasing upper limit is likely better. I also sense there is support for Feb 1 start if we have same as last year, but not at expense of a fall fishery.

1/1 was a non starter last year but who knows. It may be a fit depending on the TAC we get. Bottom line is all this is pure speculation until Fridays announcement. Hang on to your hats, going to be a hell of a ride.

BTW, Profisher I agree with your local SFAC on not going after the un used TAC. If we did it potentially takes us down a road we don't want to be on. Easier to use it as a potential bargaining chip in the IPHC process.
According to numbers if we get 850k say status quo would result in 150,000lb deficit...that goes against the boards own set full season as #1 priority. 1/1 benefits resident anglers the most...it only is tough to swallow for some guides and lodges....who are a large part of the sfab...hmmmmm....

Shoulder is still the best overall IMO so if all of a sudden it is ok to forecast early closure I don't get how that isn't #1. Economically it is best, for residents it is best, allows 2 fish most of year when salmon aren't abundant etc etc
The lodges are actually not the larger part of the SFAB..... remember the membership of the SFAB is made up of the SFAC
By the numbers even 1/1 won't work either. Most guys in our SFAC wanted 2 fish option. They don't care about hunting Dino's as much as opportunity to get 2 fish on a trip Gas is too expensive for running out for just one Our area is different than yours because the run out is really far. That said maybe we all reassess once the TAC is known. Fingers crossed for a decent TAC.
And how much did we leave in the water with a bio risk of 10% ???? lemme see-- 1/4 M lbs. Anyway-- no model can be trusted until it has run for at least 3 years ... so lets use the leftover as a bargaining tool for this year. There HAS to be flexibility with the numbers and not just meekly accept an unproven model.
I agree. Bio risk offers some degree of flexibility. A lot depends now on the TAC we get. We have some very good people at the IPHC table.
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So let me get this right.... Is this the same process as years gone by that they are telling us once again we are screwed by giving us a bunch of lousy choices to try to pick from to later tell us this is what our representatives choose for us with out first giving concrete evidence that there's any truth to it.

Is the SFAC going to let the SFAB know that this is just crazy? Is the SFAB actually going to say NO and make a stand? Are there any rec fisherman agreeing to this BS? Are we just to pick the best option which is pretty easy to see and pretend we weren't baited by it?

What a joke...... I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread and don't plan on opening it again as it's a no win situation for the rec fishermen. So why bother getting worked up about it.

Lube anyone?
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If the SFAB where to say enough is enough to DFO and we are no longer going to discuss the upcoming recreational halibut season until the quota system is scrapped...what do you think would happen? That is basically saying to DFO you go ahead on your own and come up with the plan for 2014. Do you really want that? I personally think you have to separate the annual season planning with the given amounts of quota and the other ongoing fight against the quota system that is the root cause for all our problems.
The "truth" is that the halibut biomass is in a period of low abundance and we are being told it will be for a few years yet....we have to deal with it. All fisheries are seeing reduced seasonal catches not just us. BTW..some of these season options (choices) have come forward from fishermen at SFAC meetings.
If I personally think you have to separate the annual season planning with the given amounts of quota and the other ongoing fight against the quota system that is the root cause for all our problems.

I could not agree more with this statement!! Both parts.