Local SFAC's need your input on Halibut

Ya it was in Campbell river paper and said 10,000lb was used and didn't say how much was originally leased. 2012 1000lbs was used. I think most leased it for larger fish not due to closing season though. Didn't end up using it though for most part like most years I'd assume
January 21 is deadline for local SFAC's to provide input and recommendations on Halibut Options.
Once Canada’s allocation is determined, DFO will consult with the Sport Fishing
Advisory Board (SFAB) January 21st to 26th, 2014 to develop a recreational
halibut fishing plan for the coming season.

My local SFAC doesn't seem to want any input. I can't find out if or when there is or was or will be a meeting. I was given a contact Email, so sent an Email, and the reply was:
"I have forwarded your request to Brian Matts at DFO for further information."
-->no further information arrived.

I have see many posts (& threads) asking for us recreational anglers to provide input to the SFAC/Bs.

I believe that no one really wants any input. Its almost impossible to find out any information at all. Other than now knowing whom the chair for my SFAC is, I have received no other information, and no direction on where I may find it.

It's almost like a secret society.

Very disappointing.

I have to agree. If you can't attend the meetings in person, you are out of luck. Don't know why this is set up this way but in this electronic age there is absolutely no valid reason to conduct business in this manner. Someone said there were 200,000 licenses issued and even if that is an exaggeration, compare that to how many people attend these meetings. There has to be a better way. DFO needs to either establish a dedicated web site for feedback like the IPHC has, or poll fishers when renewing online licenses. I still see the SFAC and B boards having a role in developing the options, just not in acting as a spokesperson for the anglers like they are now. This model is stuck in the past IMO.
Yes at the moment the best way to be involved is to attend meetings. At the moment there is no website set up for the SFAB. We actually looked at getting a domain name and someone already scooped anything with SFAB. The other challenge is if DFO holds the site and administers it everything posted has to be translated into both official languages. That makes posting anything in a timely and meaningful way difficult and tied in red tape potentially. That means the only seemingly viable route being finding someone to fund and admin a website which creates another set of challenges. So for these reasons this idea hasn't really gained much traction yet. If anyone has some brilliant ideas I would love to hear them.
We actually looked at getting a domain name and someone already scooped anything with SFAB. The other challenge is if DFO holds the site and administers it everything posted has to be translated into both official languages. That makes posting anything in a timely and meaningful way difficult and tied in red tape potentially. That means the only seemingly viable route being finding someone to fund and admin a website which creates another set of challenges. So for these reasons this idea hasn't really gained much traction yet. If anyone has some brilliant ideas I would love to hear them.

Well you are right. SFAB has been taken as a domain name. However there are about a billion others that would suffice, so I cant imagine this was looked into very hard...

I mean the first one I put in was SFAB-BC and its not taken.....


As far as the French English thing. How hard is it to dump a bunch of minutes into google translator and copy and paste it. lol

The real truth is, the more opinions and the more this info is out there, the more head aches it causes for the people really trying to get stuff done behind the scenes. Most people Don't understand all of it, or any of it for that matter and sometimes there isn't time to explain. Yes it sucks but when you really think about it, but these guys spend days trying to come solutions on things with just a hand ful of them around a table. There is a lot of info to consider and how any decision will impact everyone. Its a lot of work with people involved that know what they are talking about , let alone every tim dick and harry with a fishing license giving his more times then not useless opinion.

Anyway the fact there is no website at least showing whats going on and the reasons for it are bs.
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Here is a direct quote from the DFO site

There should be transparency throughout the process based on open lines of communication and the provision of timely, accurate, accessible, clear and objective information. This information should be available to all participants in the process on an equal basis. DFO organizers, after considering input from the local SFAC Chair, should provide access to agendas and information needed as a starting point for informed discussion well in advance of meetings. In addition, DFO will ensure this information is posted to a public website to ensure accountability to all Canadians.

I'm not blaming the volunteers. It seems like this part of the Terms of Reference is not being maintained in good faith by DFO.
So Lorne what would you do? How can we fund and administer a site outside of govt red tape? Asking DFO to post up stuff in an era when the govt is cutting back on virtually everything is unrealistic Not to mention as stated previously fraught with a ton of red tape and internal to govt rules on what and when you post anything on a govt website. Frankly there is no conspiracy going on as some might think. The real issue is finding a practical solution that works.

In the mean time we either attend meetings and participate that way or write personal letters individually or as groups. Or we can complain here but no one at DFO really looks at these forums as anything more than entertainment.
Ok I'm not sure this is going to work but here goes.....
Yea that's not good...
Hey if you right click the picture you can use "view image" to see a larger picture and it can be read.
Here is a link to the tables in PDF that you can download and print.
http://www.ethink.ca/Halibut 2014 with projected TAC table.pdf
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Next one.... Right click the picture and pick "View Image" to see a larger version.

So Lorne what would you do? How can we fund and administer a site outside of govt red tape? Asking DFO to post up stuff in an era when the govt is cutting back on virtually everything is unrealistic Not to mention as stated previously fraught with a ton of red tape and internal to govt rules on what and when you post anything on a govt website. Frankly there is no conspiracy going on as some might think. The real issue is finding a practical solution that works.

In the mean time we either attend meetings and participate that way or write personal letters individually or as groups. Or we can complain here but no one at DFO really looks at these forums as anything more than entertainment.

I don't give a **** anymore man, the regulations and the whole process is so screwed up, so political and so driven by $$$ I gave up long ago. I fish for my family and I catch the halibut we need. That's it. Its really pointless for joe anglers to think they have any influence on this whole thing. they don't. haven't you wondered why I have not been involved in all the drama this year? I just stopped caring.

I was just pointing out that the first reason you gave for not having a website is because the domain name was taken, therefore we must abandon the idea! lol. And that really just goes to show how much effort really goes into things like getting the public involved. And if you think just asking is unrealistic, its fairly obvious how much drive there is to get this going.

I wish you guys the best of luck getting the most out of our TAC. It looks like its going to be quite the up hill fight. Whatever we end up with, I will continue to make sure I have halibut in the freezer for my family, so It doesn't really matter to me what we end up for regulations. As long as there are halibut in the ocean being harvested and sent over seas, there will be halibut in my freezer.
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I don't give a **** anymore man, the regulations and the whole process is so screwed up, so political and so driven by $$$ I gave up long ago. I fish for my family and I catch the halibut we need. That's it. Its really pointless for joe anglers to think they have any influence on this whole thing. they don't. haven't you wondered why I have not been involved in all the drama this year? I just stopped caring.

I was just pointing out that the first reason you gave for not having a website is because the domain name was taken, therefore we must abandon the idea! lol. And that really just goes to show how much effort really goes into things like getting the public involved. And if you think just asking is unrealistic, its fairly obvious how much drive there is to get this going.

I wish you guys the best of luck getting the most out of our TAC. It looks like its going to be quite the up hill fight. Whatever we end up with, I will continue to make sure I have halibut in the freezer for my family, so It doesn't really matter to me what we end up for regulations. As long as there are halibut in the ocean being harvested and sent over seas, there will be halibut in my freezer.[/QUOTE

You pretty well summed up how I feel about the Halibut Issue.

Hope not to many people loose there jobs over this. My kids all worked for Lodges and fishing resorts, helped pay for there School, it's a life style that we in BC are privileged to have. I would hate to see that disappear for future generations. One of my sons still guides in the summer. This is a hole we have dug by accepting government solutions. We need more TAC period. Where's that proposal?
WHAT concerns me the most is YES at the SFAB meeting I attended they voted in favor of no carry over (personally dont agree if commies can so can we especially cramming leasing quota down our throats but thats me) so we are doing this "in good faith" I ask when has this ever done us any good??? ive thought about it before I commented and at the meeting as this is really something that scares me ....

There are alot of unknowns WHY if there was this much quota leftover why hasnt the ministry announced a FEB. 1 opening OR a MARCH 1 opening cause you look at those numbers on the 2nd page THAT isnt put up and in March,April, May it was like a fart in a dust storm in fish taken compered to june july aug if I remember right it was like almost 10 times more in those months.......

So my second concern is this IF and this is a HUGE IF we go under again whats them (DFO) to say well aperantly you guys dont need more of the pie and take away and give to FN or Commie, like I said THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS times and im for one are very concerned......

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We need more TAC period. Where's that proposal?

So the question is How do we get more TAC?

SFAB has worked on this problem for years with no success.
We can change the TAC the same way we got more TAC the last time.
We had a major effort when politicians were looking to renew their jobs.
Seems to me the election cycle is starting up right now.
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I have been asked to add a table with cm to lb conversion


<colgroup><col style="mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:2816; width:58pt" span="2" width="77"> </colgroup><tbody>
It doesn't hurt to put it on paper and ask? Other than that? I know we're getting backed into a corner that's for sure.
Wish I had the answers myself but I'm sure the 2 percent we got last time didn't hurt the slipper skippers too much.
So my second concern is this IF and this is a HUGE IF we go under again whats them (DFO) to say well aperantly you guys dont need more of the pie and take away and give to FN or Commie, like I said THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS times and im for one are very concerned......


This has been Mine and many others concern from the very start. Since the very first slot 3 years ago. And what has happened since? well its gotten worse. and will continue to, till there is nothing left, unless you want to pay for it. Cue- don't care, ill catch what I need.
SO it was bugging me so went and found the sheet the numbers that REALLY stick out are from OCT TO DEC there are only and estmated 6500 lbs caught for those ENTIRE months WTH fight for that??? REALLY lets face facts everyone has the itch to fish by march and it kinda kickstarts you after the dull drums of the winter flowers are blooming, its warming up, more sunshine, (I can go on)

I always have said one big one small worked as it gives people the chance to get there fish of a lifetime (dont send me hate mail AGAIN!!!!!) if you so choose to throw back a big one thats your choice and what you have decided dont let them decide for you!!!!

I dont think ANY of you know this but we are the ONLY country to say NO YOU CAN KEEP A BIG FISH...... CONGRATS to the Canadian government

(btw commies dont throw them back and they get 85% of the quota)

AND now with us "throwing back " fish and commercial getting them its going to created a size difference in a couple of years you watch the smalls will be ALL gone its happening now.....

I vote for a 148 cm biggy!!!!!

I rest my case!!!!

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The reason the Victoria SFAC voted to recommend that we not ask for the unused TAC was simple. We have been over out TAC the past 3 years (once substantially) and without a penalty the following year to pay it back, even though under the system we are supposed to. We felt it would be hypocritical to now ask for the underage back. It also sets up a precedence going forward because if we go over again you know we would then have to pay it back. We also recommended that DFO use the unused TAC for the best use of the Canadian public.
Our board also passed a motion to recommend that if there was the same or more TAC available in 2014 as 2013 that we would like to see an increase in size of the 1st fish and not the second fish. The amount of TAC would determine how much bigger that first fish might grow to.
Our board also passed a motion to recommend that if there was the same or more TAC available in 2014 as 2013 that we would like to see an increase in size of the 1st fish and not the second fish. The amount of TAC would determine how much bigger that first fish might grow to.

Dumb. Period.

If we got more which we won't why wouldn't you Go back to 1/2 one under 83cm.

My vote is 1/2 shoulder 1/1 July aug. if that is not possible due to tac numbers well that means there's only one real option and that's 1/1 (1/2 both under 40 is crazy)
We will be lucky to get the 813,000 pounds we used this year, next year. If we somehow do get the same TAC as 2013 (just over 1,000,000 pounds) that still isn't enough to allow an unrestricted size of the 1st fish without the season ending early. That was also the #1 recommendation from our board that we wanted a full season. We were working with scenarios under a full season.