Lingcod Opening

quote:Originally posted by drhook

Well I think this is fantastic and high time it came about too!
The lingcod closure should have never taken place in the first place. I have it on good athourity that it was misinterpreted data that closed the fishery in the first place and DFO just wanted to save face so they kept it closed. Good for the lingcod stocks but I'll tell you there are lots of lingcod out there and its about time we get a chance to keep some!
As for people loading up there coolers, all you can do is report it and the rest is up to DFO. There will always be poachers and eventually some may be caught but that doesn't mean the rest of us law abiding folks should suffer the consequences!
I agree with Dr Hook.It never should have been closed.The local CO's didn't even agree with the closure.If you believe there are only 5000 ling cod in the straight ,then Sierra club has got to you too.Lots of Lings off Sidney.Talk to any of the few commercial rock cod fishermen who are left and they will give you an idea of how many lings are around.If you want to compare to 40 years ago then you had better quit fishing salmon as well cause in case you havn't noticed,its changed.This all came about while planning of the original RCA's was going on.Out of nowhere ling cod got tossed in to the mix.I was involved with the original SFAB meetings to decide how much to give to RCA's.I was personally responsible for the closure of the north end of Active pass and the Gossip island area.After 40 years of watching the boat loads come from the mainland and fill coolers I was glad to find a way to stop it.Whats made the biggest difference is the stopping of commercial ling cod fishing on the inside.I've noticed the numbers steadily climb since that closure.
Its a 4 month season.Even before the closure of lings,the numbers were climbing.
I have been very involved in this for years and I feel very confident in saying that ling cod are here in great #s.RCAs help and there are more on the way.Instead of listening to the propaganda from tree hugger groups like Sierra and such,make your decision based on what you hear from the fishermen who are actually out there in these different areas.and continue to report poachers.If enough complaints come in ,they will act.Trust me on this.
A very minor 2 cents here. I never got to see the glory days. Barely remember going out with my dad.
I am still a 'young' guy and like to take my family out for the day. And jigging works well for the kids. Now if I catch a legal</u> lingcod then I can keep it!
Poachers are poachers and will NEVER listen or obey. This is just a one fish limit! I doubt the fishery will crash in just 3 months.
A very minor 2 cents here. I never got to see the glory days. Barely remember going out with my dad.
I am still a 'young' guy and like to take my family out for the day. And jigging works well for the kids. Now if I catch a legal</u> lingcod then I can keep it!
Poachers are poachers and will NEVER listen or obey. This is just a one fish limit! I doubt the fishery will crash in just 3 months.
...and those incedental lingcod catches can actually mean something now and not have to throw one back that has a hook lodged in it's throat.
...and those incedental lingcod catches can actually mean something now and not have to throw one back that has a hook lodged in it's throat.
theres a PILE of lings out there!

unfortunately many people complain about only small males or none atall cause they dont know HOW to get them (that said please release those over 25 pounds, they are the key spawners and the meat isnt as nice anyway). i know for a fact there's a heck of a lot more than 5000. hearing second hand info from a dfo guy that did a survery in area 17 he claimed there was 8000 in that area alone. if people can figure out how to minimize rockfish bycatch then im all for it! my other hope would be to put a bloody end to the chowder boats in uki and vancouver that decimate the reefs. for all intensive purposes that may as well be a dam commercial fishery.
theres a PILE of lings out there!

unfortunately many people complain about only small males or none atall cause they dont know HOW to get them (that said please release those over 25 pounds, they are the key spawners and the meat isnt as nice anyway). i know for a fact there's a heck of a lot more than 5000. hearing second hand info from a dfo guy that did a survery in area 17 he claimed there was 8000 in that area alone. if people can figure out how to minimize rockfish bycatch then im all for it! my other hope would be to put a bloody end to the chowder boats in uki and vancouver that decimate the reefs. for all intensive purposes that may as well be a dam commercial fishery.
I really feel that this is a win win situation. We have the DFO recognising the Recreational Fishery. We have families like Erics, with a better reason to head out on the water. We have a few more sporty's out there cramping the poachers style. We have the tackle stores and lure manufacturer's that employ workers and give back to there communities benefitting. We have a fishery that's under a microscope, that will hopefully through stats etc., maintain a recreational fishery for the future. And I don't know about you guy's, but there's not to much better out there then a nice ling steak or fillet. eman
I really feel that this is a win win situation. We have the DFO recognising the Recreational Fishery. We have families like Erics, with a better reason to head out on the water. We have a few more sporty's out there cramping the poachers style. We have the tackle stores and lure manufacturer's that employ workers and give back to there communities benefitting. We have a fishery that's under a microscope, that will hopefully through stats etc., maintain a recreational fishery for the future. And I don't know about you guy's, but there's not to much better out there then a nice ling steak or fillet. eman
I'm glad to hear a bit my logic in the mix. I don't see the point of talking about the good ol' days, the East coast, the Charlottes, poachers, the depravity of mankind, nor the impact of gamma rays on the moon and the mating habits of small rodents ...unless of course you want to stop fishing altogether, to take out membership in the Sierra Club, and to maybe think about becoming a born-again Vegan. :D

It was my understanding that according to folks with first hand knowledge of what's actually going on in the Strait at the moment, there are enough lings to support an opening such as the one that was just announced. I did notice that the areas closest to Vancouver remain closed, which I would think makes sense given the obvious pressure that Vancouver's proximity creates. So I think the issue here is what sort of ling fishery is sustainable based upon accurate information of what's going on today in the Strait, IMHO. [:I]
I'm glad to hear a bit my logic in the mix. I don't see the point of talking about the good ol' days, the East coast, the Charlottes, poachers, the depravity of mankind, nor the impact of gamma rays on the moon and the mating habits of small rodents ...unless of course you want to stop fishing altogether, to take out membership in the Sierra Club, and to maybe think about becoming a born-again Vegan. :D

It was my understanding that according to folks with first hand knowledge of what's actually going on in the Strait at the moment, there are enough lings to support an opening such as the one that was just announced. I did notice that the areas closest to Vancouver remain closed, which I would think makes sense given the obvious pressure that Vancouver's proximity creates. So I think the issue here is what sort of ling fishery is sustainable based upon accurate information of what's going on today in the Strait, IMHO. [:I]
THis is right on!

quote:Originally posted by Red Monster

I'm glad to hear a bit my logic in the mix. I don't see the point of talking about the good ol' days, the East coast, the Charlottes, poachers, the depravity of mankind, nor the impact of gamma rays on the moon and the mating habits of small rodents ...unless of course you want to stop fishing altogether, to take out membership in the Sierra Club, and to maybe think about becoming a born-again Vegan. :D

It was my understanding that according to folks with first hand knowledge of what's actually going on in the Strait at the moment, there are enough lings to support an opening such as the one that was just announced. I did notice that the areas closest to Vancouver remain closed, which I would think makes sense given the obvious pressure that Vancouver's proximity creates. So I think the issue here is what sort of ling fishery is sustainable based upon accurate information of what's going on today in the Strait, IMHO. [:I]
THis is right on!

quote:Originally posted by Red Monster

I'm glad to hear a bit my logic in the mix. I don't see the point of talking about the good ol' days, the East coast, the Charlottes, poachers, the depravity of mankind, nor the impact of gamma rays on the moon and the mating habits of small rodents ...unless of course you want to stop fishing altogether, to take out membership in the Sierra Club, and to maybe think about becoming a born-again Vegan. :D

It was my understanding that according to folks with first hand knowledge of what's actually going on in the Strait at the moment, there are enough lings to support an opening such as the one that was just announced. I did notice that the areas closest to Vancouver remain closed, which I would think makes sense given the obvious pressure that Vancouver's proximity creates. So I think the issue here is what sort of ling fishery is sustainable based upon accurate information of what's going on today in the Strait, IMHO. [:I]
well..if you guys believe that ling cod stocks are fantastic..that's small area doesn't make a whole Strait. In the areas around Texada, up through Campbell River, Howe Sound, Denman Island, Hornby, Lasqueti, and Pender Harbour..there is NOTHING to be caught. Whatever there is to be caught should remain in the water.

Let's see them open the fishery in the great areas then...and keep the rest of Georgia closed.

I won't be targetting them, and I'm personally going to release any that I catch incidentally.

As a whole fish stocks are in serious decline..herring, krill, all species of salmon..etc... that's the facts. Like it or not and I don't care what stats you want to pull or cite, I've got 100 other experts willing to bash and trash those statistics.

it's a sustainable number eh? Maybe that explains why there is no herring relatively speaking? Maybe that explains why there are no Coho to be found in Georgia Strait---streams are being rehabilitated..yet no fish return because there's NOTHING to eat and they didn't survive! They're discovering this now. Check out the MILLIONS of sockeye that go "disappearing"! They never existed! I'd like to see a year when twice as many Sockeye show up as they were expecting as opposed to less than half.

Next time DFO says "sustainable" in my opinion, read "we really have no idea what's going on and we're just trying to make our lives easy and make it appear that we officially have a clue". If DFO were a privately run company with professional managers tomorrow, the whole department would be fired..and this person that replaced Wayne Saito, she's just yielding to recreational business owner's pressure.

Those are a few of my thoughts...
well..if you guys believe that ling cod stocks are fantastic..that's small area doesn't make a whole Strait. In the areas around Texada, up through Campbell River, Howe Sound, Denman Island, Hornby, Lasqueti, and Pender Harbour..there is NOTHING to be caught. Whatever there is to be caught should remain in the water.

Let's see them open the fishery in the great areas then...and keep the rest of Georgia closed.

I won't be targetting them, and I'm personally going to release any that I catch incidentally.

As a whole fish stocks are in serious decline..herring, krill, all species of salmon..etc... that's the facts. Like it or not and I don't care what stats you want to pull or cite, I've got 100 other experts willing to bash and trash those statistics.

it's a sustainable number eh? Maybe that explains why there is no herring relatively speaking? Maybe that explains why there are no Coho to be found in Georgia Strait---streams are being rehabilitated..yet no fish return because there's NOTHING to eat and they didn't survive! They're discovering this now. Check out the MILLIONS of sockeye that go "disappearing"! They never existed! I'd like to see a year when twice as many Sockeye show up as they were expecting as opposed to less than half.

Next time DFO says "sustainable" in my opinion, read "we really have no idea what's going on and we're just trying to make our lives easy and make it appear that we officially have a clue". If DFO were a privately run company with professional managers tomorrow, the whole department would be fired..and this person that replaced Wayne Saito, she's just yielding to recreational business owner's pressure.

Those are a few of my thoughts...
I think that there are enough lings to support an opening, I have commercial fished rockcod in the strait of georgia for a few years, and alot of the spots we couldnt fish because a ling would either steal the rockcod, or it would come up half eaten. And rockcod is a main part of a lingcod's diet, so if there are too many lings, the rockcod will never have a chance to rebuild. Especially considering that a lingcod only takes 4 years to reach maturity, compared to a rockcod taking 15+. I believe that in some areas right now, that there are more lingcod than rockcod. So it seams stupid for DFO to be protecting something that can be harvested after 4 years, while allowing a relativly uncontrolled fishery on something that can take 12 years before it even reproduces.
I think that there are enough lings to support an opening, I have commercial fished rockcod in the strait of georgia for a few years, and alot of the spots we couldnt fish because a ling would either steal the rockcod, or it would come up half eaten. And rockcod is a main part of a lingcod's diet, so if there are too many lings, the rockcod will never have a chance to rebuild. Especially considering that a lingcod only takes 4 years to reach maturity, compared to a rockcod taking 15+. I believe that in some areas right now, that there are more lingcod than rockcod. So it seams stupid for DFO to be protecting something that can be harvested after 4 years, while allowing a relativly uncontrolled fishery on something that can take 12 years before it even reproduces.
quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

well..if you guys believe that ling cod stocks are fantastic..that's small area doesn't make a whole Strait. In the areas around Texada, up through Campbell River, Howe Sound, Denman Island, Hornby, Lasqueti, and Pender Harbour..there is NOTHING to be caught. Whatever there is to be caught should remain in the water.
I know first hand that Lasqueti and Texada still have a decent lingcod population. Im confused when you say there is nothing to be caught unless you fish these areas regularly and target lingcod. Many are saying there is no fish before they actually get out there and target them. As for poachers i think its already been said. They will do it no matter what. Last year in Area 17 a guy caught a 30lber kept it and posted it on the BOARD! right beside the sign that says lingcod CLOSED.........
quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

well..if you guys believe that ling cod stocks are fantastic..that's small area doesn't make a whole Strait. In the areas around Texada, up through Campbell River, Howe Sound, Denman Island, Hornby, Lasqueti, and Pender Harbour..there is NOTHING to be caught. Whatever there is to be caught should remain in the water.
I know first hand that Lasqueti and Texada still have a decent lingcod population. Im confused when you say there is nothing to be caught unless you fish these areas regularly and target lingcod. Many are saying there is no fish before they actually get out there and target them. As for poachers i think its already been said. They will do it no matter what. Last year in Area 17 a guy caught a 30lber kept it and posted it on the BOARD! right beside the sign that says lingcod CLOSED.........
I really think that you need to get out more.
Your thought on where there are none is just silly.To say this is to go against some real facts that obviously you are not aware of.

They closed the areas of concern and you forgot the Rockfish areas that are closed and more to come this summer.

As to fish in Georgia Straight, man did most of the damage and the temperature is doing the rest.

You do have the ability not to kill any and that is your right.

quote:Originally posted by fishin_magician

well..if you guys believe that ling cod stocks are fantastic..that's small area doesn't make a whole Strait. In the areas around Texada, up through Campbell River, Howe Sound, Denman Island, Hornby, Lasqueti, and Pender Harbour..there is NOTHING to be caught. Whatever there is to be caught should remain in the water.

Let's see them open the fishery in the great areas then...and keep the rest of Georgia closed.

I won't be targetting them, and I'm personally going to release any that I catch incidentally.

As a whole fish stocks are in serious decline..herring, krill, all species of salmon..etc... that's the facts. Like it or not and I don't care what stats you want to pull or cite, I've got 100 other experts willing to bash and trash those statistics.

it's a sustainable number eh? Maybe that explains why there is no herring relatively speaking? Maybe that explains why there are no Coho to be found in Georgia Strait---streams are being rehabilitated..yet no fish return because there's NOTHING to eat and they didn't survive! They're discovering this now. Check out the MILLIONS of sockeye that go "disappearing"! They never existed! I'd like to see a year when twice as many Sockeye show up as they were expecting as opposed to less than half.

Next time DFO says "sustainable" in my opinion, read "we really have no idea what's going on and we're just trying to make our lives easy and make it appear that we officially have a clue". If DFO were a privately run company with professional managers tomorrow, the whole department would be fired..and this person that replaced Wayne Saito, she's just yielding to recreational business owner's pressure.

Those are a few of my thoughts...