Sad to hear that. The data actually helps us at times make a science based argument for tailoring management measures to produce a fishery that actually protects the fish we need to, and allows a fishery for those we don't. IMO if we stop providing the CWT heads, log books and DNA samples then we are the one's who will lose out. In the area I fish, we were able to actually use the data to open a place that was closed largely because of a "perception" of where certain fish stocks were being caught - data proved otherwise.
Ultimately you have to decide for yourself if you want an opportunity to have data you helped provide used in making management decisions, its that simple. If you are prepared to roll the dice on what DFO might do if they have to make decisions based on old data or perceptions, then that's OK too. I know reaching some of the exploitation assessments, DFO science was taking whacky estimates of CWT (coded wire tag) data by using a guestimate of 18x the actual CWT tags turned in for one area based on the very low participation rate by anglers in that area....the lack of data actually worked against those guys in that area because we allowed DFO to make it up.
There you go. Your call.