Oh I'm sorry ..did I hurt your feelings...... I was waiting for u to show all of us your pearls of wisdom first.... or do u just hide behind the key board & offer up nothing with no skin in the game.. So please enlighten us how we change a Advisory Process...As it seems you or a very similar character shows up every time something doesn't go are way pretending to have all the answers.... so please caw away....

I'm not sure what your problem is? I sure hope you arent on any boards by the way you act om here. Anyone can see the process is extremely flawed. I'e asked a bunch of questions, you have chosen to act like a 10 year old
This can easily be the catalyst for organizing and I think plenty of people are willing to put up the bucks to do so. A couple of ideas and of course all are imperfect and have their downsides. They're just ideas.

- no longer participate in any of the voluntary surveying whether to do with creel surveyors, online surveys and of course no longer participate in the sport head recovery program.
- at least a day of action every month in the summer where boats show up to a closed spot with lines, downriggers, lures etc..., but no hook. (like they did with occupy skagit
- Sportfishing fundraising money needs to go more towards political organization/lobbying so perhaps Pacific Salmon Institute (very effective money raiser) needs to become more political or merge with SFI or something.
- SFI could reach out to enviro NGO's for a press conference speaking out about these measures as part of politics around KM. This diminishes the political messaging for the Libs behind these measures.
- SFI should hold a press conference with business leaders, coastal mayors etc...around the effect these measures will have on the local economy
- boat stickers, flags, business signs with clear messaging around the issue expressing rec. sector concerns.
- actively engage in the next election on this issue and support candidates that are pro-rec sector

I'm sure there are lot's of others...

I just sent a request to join SFI. The cost is not significant (50$ for individuals) and a no-brainer with everything happening.
This can easily be the catalyst for organizing and I think plenty of people are willing to put up the bucks to do so. A couple of ideas and of course all are imperfect and have their downsides. They're just ideas.

- no longer participate in any of the voluntary surveying whether to do with creel surveyors, online surveys and of course no longer participate in the sport head recovery program.
- at least a day of action every month in the summer where boats show up to a closed spot with lines, downriggers, lures etc..., but no hook. (like they did with occupy skagit
- Sportfishing fundraising money needs to go more towards political organization/lobbying so perhaps Pacific Salmon Institute (very effective money raiser) needs to become more political or merge with SFI or something.
- SFI could reach out to enviro NGO's for a press conference speaking out about these measures as part of politics around KM. This diminishes the political messaging for the Libs behind these measures.
- SFI should hold a press conference with business leaders, coastal mayors etc...around the effect these measures will have on the local economy
- boat stickers, flags, business signs with clear messaging around the issue expressing rec. sector concerns.
- actively engage in the next election on this issue and support candidates that are pro-rec sector

I'm sure there are lot's of others...
Generally like your ideas, and would suggest that we need that creel data. It would be a huge mistake if we pulled back in our efforts to complete log books, participate in catch monitoring, provide marked heads. The data is precisely what we use to make management decisions and where we can see the stocks of concern are not exploited or using certain areas. That is why certain areas did not fall under the announcement today, there was clear data those stocks of concern were not using the waters in significant enough numbers that applying management measures in those locations made any sense. Not trying to be critical, just pointing out the usefulness of the data.
Generally like your ideas, and would suggest that we need that creel data. It would be a huge mistake if we pulled back in our efforts to complete log books, participate in catch monitoring, provide marked heads. The data is precisely what we use to make management decisions and where we can see the stocks of concern are not exploited or using certain areas. That is why certain areas did not fall under the announcement today, there was clear data those stocks of concern were not using the waters in significant enough numbers that applying management measures in those locations made any sense. Not trying to be critical, just pointing out the usefulness of the data.
Generally agree, but in the short-term it can send a message.
I think the reason the majority of people dont show up to these meetings or join these groups is they feel like their voice won't be heard or it wont make a difference. Unfortunately when dfo does **** like this it just kind of reafirms that even when our sfab and other groups put forward reasonable measures and are told they have a good chance of being excepted, the government does whatever they want anyway. As far as I can see they pretty much ignored everything the sfab put forward. I have to give alot of credit to everyone who puts in alot of hours in theses groups to give us a voice. Unfortunately it seems like this is not enough and something needs to change or our rec fishery will be managed to nothing in a few years.
Just herd native netting times on the Fraser are cut by 50 percent so we will be all equal
I call bull****! Please provide proof of this. Even if in the off chance your are partially correct, FN netting still will stay the same without major river policing off some sort.
Well I now will never do any log book or IREC as it is apparently clear the mandate for sport fishing is to become DEAD as they already know how many jobs it creates and how many tourist dollars it brings etc. This is going to cripple our place we call home. its going to have a HUGE domino effect.
He listened to the sierra club and Suzuki and 1 other player that can do what they want....

And if you think this is just a one off, think again we are going to get hammered again next year as what they imposed isnt going to do a fucken thing so hes going to say CUT IT MORE. his teeth is into us now and he will want a bigger chunk next year , I WARNING YOU NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im sure it will be from Victoria to Barkley sound next year as thats where the "whales live"

For all of you that have been on here a long time I said over 10 years ago the moneys generated from local derbies should have been put into a trust fund and not given away... I also said it should be put away to FIGHT DFO in a class action law suit.... well here we are folks !!!!! I am personally done with all of this ive given up as ive been fighting these clowns for over 25 years, I just dont have it in me anymore.
Its time for some sportfisherman to step up and do something be it a class action law suit or a protest playing NICE has got us NO WHERE. that TOOL of a minister has in one swipe of the pen killed any trust or respect among the fishing community the building of trust is completely gone in my eyes towards DFO.

Good luck with the fight boys

Just cancelled our 2 trips to Sooke this year...... I am sure first of many ....... 8 days of fishing to try find somewhere else now.... I feel sorry for the Sooke Harbour Resort, the Esso Station, Home Hardware, Eagle Eye outfitters, The Grocery Store, BC Ferries, Buffy's Pub, the Liquor store, Sooke Pizza, MacDonalds, and anywhere else we used to spend dollars at each year.
Just cancelled our 2 trips to Sooke this year...... I am sure first of many ....... 8 days of fishing to try find somewhere else now.... I feel sorry for the Sooke Harbour Resort, the Esso Station, Home Hardware, Eagle Eye outfitters, The Grocery Store, BC Ferries, Buffy's Pub, the Liquor store, Sooke Pizza, MacDonalds, and anywhere else we used to spend dollars at each year.

send an email to each of those businesses and copy the minister
What I will say is this. The SFAB is an Advisory process, not a lobby group. I still strongly believe and support the SFAB process as a way to formally offer advice to the Minister on rec fishery matters. But we have to recognize the limitations of an advisory process, and understand the value of a dual function that in these times is so very important. The game has changed. Evolve or die.

What the rec community lacks is a strong financial war chest to fund a social media campaign and lobbyist. This action taken by the Minister clearly shows that this government has changed the game. They have placed considerable political capital into the social media space. The rec community has been beaten by the ENGO's who long ago raised $$$, hired social media experts, and pivoted their influence efforts off the web. The rec community is so utterly fractured and people sit back and do nothing because, as we have heard on this forum, they won't act because these decisions don't impact "my" fishing area!

Just wait, the pain is coming to an area near you. The ENGO's all lobbied hard to CLOSE the entire rec fishery. So too did FN's who advocated going to Zone 0 Management - no fishing.

Its time for the sleeping giant to awaken.
Good friend of mine runs a social media advertising company. We were sitting around a camp fire a couple months ago and he brings up sport fishing with me. We talk for 5 minutes until I thought hmmm he is suddenly quite know
What I will say is this. The SFAB is an Advisory process, not a lobby group. I still strongly believe and support the SFAB process as a way to formally offer advice to the Minister on rec fishery matters. But we have to recognize the limitations of an advisory process, and understand the value of a dual function that in these times is so very important. The game has changed. Evolve or die.

What the rec community lacks is a strong financial war chest to fund a social media campaign and lobbyist. This action taken by the Minister clearly shows that this government has changed the game. They have placed considerable political capital into the social media space. The rec community has been beaten by the ENGO's who long ago raised $$$, hired social media experts, and pivoted their influence efforts off the web. The rec community is so utterly fractured and people sit back and do nothing because, as we have heard on this forum, they won't act because these decisions don't impact "my" fishing area!

Just wait, the pain is coming to an area near you. The ENGO's all lobbied hard to CLOSE the entire rec fishery. So too did FN's who advocated going to Zone 0 Management - no fishing.

Its time for the sleeping giant to awaken.
I know for a fact the ENGOs hired social media companies. The same types that got Trump elected and are involved in all other political campaigns. Going up against a bunch of unorganized rec fishers to change the public opinion is/was child’s play for them.
It’s obvious what money and lobbying can do. They lost the pipeline battle so they throw them a bone with “saving the whales” at the rec sector expense. We are all on the water and know these closures will do nothing. If companies and communities directly involved in the rec fishing don’t get together and start putting money into this there is no hope.
A few people volunteering their time isn’t going to get it done and it’s not fair to blame them for DFO not listening. They are an advisory board, they advised and DFO didn’t take the advice.
I wonder what Horgan has to say about this I believe he is a sport fisherman?
Just cancelled our 2 trips to Sooke this year...... I am sure first of many ....... 8 days of fishing to try find somewhere else now.... I feel sorry for the Sooke Harbour Resort, the Esso Station, Home Hardware, Eagle Eye outfitters, The Grocery Store, BC Ferries, Buffy's Pub, the Liquor store, Sooke Pizza, MacDonalds, and anywhere else we used to spend dollars at each year.

It seems there will be winners and losers economically. South coast and south Vancouver Island will be impacted, certainly businesses in Northern BC and Haida Gwaii will have a tougher time. However WCVI and Northern VCI businesses in Port Hardy area and from Winter Harbour down to Barkley Sound/Alberni should have more business as fisherman switch to those areas where limits are still 2 per day 4 possession.
It seems there will be winners and losers economically. South coast and south Vancouver Island will be impacted, certainly businesses in Northern BC and Haida Gwaii will have a tougher time. However WCVI and Northern VCI businesses in Port Hardy area and from Winter Harbour down to Barkley Sound/Alberni should have more business as fisherman switch to those areas where limits are still 2 per day 4 possession.

Oh I am pretty sure this year they will be watching recreational sports fishing movement very closely.

These closures are really to protect Chinook now so they can later be caught in commercial and FN sockeye fisheries. ITs all about the money and sockeye fisheries.
I forgot..... I was on the fence about buying a second property on Vancouver Island... kept getting close and another tax, and another tax... (Since I am from Alberta)...... thankfully they closed the Salmon fishery down ... makes my decision easy. Saves me a ton of cash! (Said with about as much sarcasm as possible!!!) So I will have to apologize to a couple Realtors and a Seller out there now as well....
RonJ, I was with you until you included BC Ferries on your list!! Those bastards losing out on gouging anglers hauling their boats over to the Island is the only thing I’m not sorry for in this whole fiasco!


LOL.... I guess... of course the whole thing is with sarcasm.... we do seen about 600 round trip hauling the boat... we were going to find storage for this year..... but certainly not now... might even have a good as new Searunner 210 up for sale..... I have always sent Emails to government when required... but ultimately... this move proves we were just wasting time... they will do what they want, the they want, for whatever reason they can come up with.