Totally disagree with you, the only sector facing serious retention is the sport fishing sector and if you think for one second that free range netting for food fishing and selling for money and no restriction on halibut with long lines and rods, then being so greedy and asking to food fish closed areas is not worth conversing about even if there was no fish shortage, then with no disrespect you should not even comment, sportfisherman have always been the regulated fishery with manageable respected quota and reductions when needed, so the yes we have every right to complain and converse and object . Keepers of the land need to step up and prove it all over the west coast, make their people accountable and regulate, but I think your missing the fact that we the sportfisherman and guides are the only ones taking a massive hit, case in point look at the skeena river and what happen there last year. People are fed up. Look at the halibut, I can take my First Nation buddy out in my boat on the salt water where he can jig two rods every day with no quota or size limits while we await his long line and that ain’t right. Sport fisherman are aware and are living the impact it has on our communities all over. So I am more than sure we are aware of our impact.