if you had 1 week to go fishing in bc......

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Hi guys, I am visiting from the UK and have a week off to go fishing in October - not familiar with the area so where would you go? Would most like to fly fish but will try anything to get hold of some fresh run salmon! Where do you think is best at this time of year? Any advice would be good, thanx
The Fraser Valley can be a fabulous place to fish but is also very crowded.

The Skeena country with some many rivers within striking distance of Terrace is most likely your best bet but October might be a bit late I've only been in September.
I wouldn't come to BC for fishing! There are very few freshwater fish to be had and as for the slat - too many "food fishers" taking everything in sight to leave anything for the sports fishers. This fishery is highly over-rated and I have found it to be a waste of time and money. Been out on the salt 4 times this year and been skunked all the way - except for a few sea bass that I threw back for the "food-fishers".
Well I don't know about over rated fella , reading the posts and looking at the boats where I was fishing it was a slower than normal year and with some unique challenges to get the fish but I did OK and I see that most others were into catching fish so maybe you need to go out more than 4 times in a year ?

Viking where are you from? maybe you need to think of why your going fishing if your not having fun experiencing the water maybe try dominos!!!!!!dont hack our beautiful province and what it has to offer.

Come to the Island ......Still lots of fish as viking46 hasn't caught them yet.
Chum is still good in the salt up in Campbell River, winter springs starting to show in Victoria, and the rivers are teeming with cuthroat.
Lakes haven't turned yet and still no snow (although that may change in two weeks).
Wolf , I think he is an "agent provocateur" sent by another site to undermine and spread dissension etc.
Going to try around Heather campsite tomorrow on Lake Cowichan for some large cutthroats to smoke up for the Halloween party and the grandchildren love the smoked trout.

Viking's right, fishing not very good in BC, much better in Ontario, or Saskatchewan, isn't that right fellas.
Maybe the fishing is not good here for you because you havent learned how to fish!!!!!!!!!!!![:p]
Fishing and pursuing fish is a state of mind , to be critical of a geographic area of fishing is not logical and would point to other areas of deficiency in the pursuit of fish.......... probably related to the fisherman proper , nes't pas ?

Cela me semblerait la plupart de raisonnable, mon ami.
"Je pêche, donc je suis."
Start replying in a foreign language, and kill a thread...
Tomtjt, send an email to one of the regulars for places to visit, although you're probably here already. Picked great weather to visit!
Gang, I wasn't hacking BC - just that there are very few fish being chased by very many fisherpersons. Yes, it is a beautiful province (I live on the east side of Vancouver Island) but a fishing paradise it is NOT! Been fishing in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario and fish can be caught within an hour of being on any lake or river - be it walleye, northerns, sauger, bass, perch, or catfish. Been on the salt 4 times this summer and nada - been on some freshwater lakes a few times more than that and only a few trout to show for the effort. So, what I am saying is - as a fishing destination - BC is not the greatest, as a matter of fact is kinda pitsie.
"walleye, northerns, sauger, bass, perch, or "

Ya well thats the difference, I've caught all the fish mentioned above and I'll take getting skunked on the west coast over a limit of northerns any day.

Although I find it hard to believe you got skunked 4 times in a row on the island, no offense but you really must not know what you are doing.
I'll never question someones ability to catch fish, but if you were fishing south of Campbell River to as far as say Duncan in the summer, then I can see not catching any fish.
I think Straits of Georgia should be renamed the Dead Sea in the summer.
Come the end of May til September, I go where the fish are and the seals aren't.
But the question was for fishing in October, which is a different kettle of fish.
Hey, I went out with a guy who has fished the island for over 10 years we were doing the trolling thing at the end of the Alberni channel along with some dozen other boats. Like I say - too many folks searching for too few fish. The commercial and native fishery must have got most of them - none left for the spending fisherperson.
viking46, the Alberni inlet is a transient fishery...here today, gone tomorrow. I fished there 4 days at the end of August, begining of September. First 3 days, into 11 fish (smallest 15lbs), fourth day skunked.
But feel free to tell the rest of the world how horrible the fishing is here;).