Hey Wolf and Bananas I think you know this guy... oh wait - WE ALL DO!!!!!!!

IMHO, this is funny and relates to part time guides. Someone fishing a couple of months verses fishing year around - as a livelyhood:

I surely can see a "full time" guides position on the above! Now, this might be moving in the wrong direction IMHO?
Haven't you guys let this guy follow you around enough to know that Halibut fishing is closed?

Perhaps he bought quota....


Well, if he did buy quota, I would suggest someone having a "heart to heart" talk with the individual? This appears to be a "full time" guide and you are dealing with an individual's livelyhood! It also appears (to me) that ad you guys are reading on "Craig's List" is just a cut and paste from another webpage.


I guess it boils down to, is this guide worth the $300 advertised? Or, should we not fish with him, as he can't spell? I have never fished with this individual, nor do I even know him! However, before passing judgment, one might want to do a little more research. This would probably be a good place to start? 'Thursday, August 11, 2011 Sooke fishing report':

There are quite a few individuals "on this site" that needs to use "spell check"! When doing so, remember words are spelled, used, and even have different meanings based on country of origin. Sure hope I didn't misspell anything here!

Just some feed (or should that be food) for thought!
PS... good delete!
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Yeah, Charlie, there's some sensitivities and politics here in Sooke about p/t vs f/t guides, or maybe more to the point, those trying to make a living vs those who guide for a retirement activity or hobby job. There's pros and cons on both sides, and it's bit of a tough one, not likely to reconcile either side.

As for Luc/VIP, he's French Canadian and possibly ESL, so there's the spelling errors. I bet his French webpage is a lot better! I can't speak to his rankings in the local guide community, whether a "super slayer" or not. But I do know some people who have been out with him and had fun. Again a tough one ... do guests want to be out with the top rod or do they just want to go out and plug around and have a good time?

As someone who works with guides, I sometimes worry that we all get so caught up in the competitiveness of fishing (how big? how many? did you limit out?), that we forget about that "it's supposed to be fun" part. I'm reminded of this when I take out visitors on my boat, and I might be pretty stoked about the big salmon we caught, but they are more keen about seeing a seal, the orcas that came through, and pulling the crab trap. Seeing our world through these newbie's eyes -- unless they are really hardcore fishermen or women, being on the ocean may be more important to them than the fish tally.

Unless you're talking Renfrew of course, then LOAD IT UP. [Just joking, no flames please! ;-) ]

Anyways, I'd agree Luc should remove that "halibut fishing" note from his ad ... I think it's a stock ad that is renewed, but you should not promise what you can't deliver.
yeah holmes, there's those "sensitivities" I was talking about... ;-)

I always tell possible clients "the guys around here charge between $75 and 125 per hour, typically a 4-5 hour minimum". Meaning a half day is between $300 and $600 ... that's a pretty big range.

It's a bit like the backyard mechanic who charges $30/hour shop rate versus the $80/hour at the dealership. The dealership says they are being undercut, the backyarder says they are charging what they can to get some business and their overhead is lower. Tough one to reconcile.
this had alot of comonalities in reference to the fire fighter, i have a group of them in the same business that i do, difference being some of them have worked in differrent departments of the city in the past and get direct referals from the civic employees that get called to respond to the complaint from the home-owner. So us private contractors don't even get a sniff at the work. So they as a group get the job, work for cash, have a cash labour pool at their disposal, and my tax dollars paying them their salary, pension, med, dental...

i am a "part time guide" but definately am sensitive to local economy and where my clients come from. I could not believe that some fu__ers had the balls to offer their services to local lodges for cut rates... ********, these guys need holes drilled in their hulls. end of rant,, yes they are a buncha f__ckers.
Understand your perspective Charlie - IMHO such an advertisement reflects poorly on an individual's professionalism.
Understand your perspective Charlie - IMHO such an advertisement reflects poorly on an individual's professionalism.

SO very true also the fact the guy advertises his boat as a 25 fter when its a 23 fter right there thats FALSE advertising.
I know the boys in the quide community dont like him because he low balls every ones rates.I personally didnt charter him for that reason.
Ranks right up there with Paid on Call F/F thinking they do the same job as full timers ...........

That should stir things up hahaha

I've been on numerous charters for a "busman's holiday".....it's nice to have somebody else doing all the work once in awhile. I paid good money.
That said... the catch rate for all my charter trips is less than myself working out of my own boat....and I'm not even a guide.

Many of these guides think the client is a dumbass who wouldn't know the butt end of a Dogfish from a Sea Cucumber.
And they act and fish accordingly.....bare minimum effort, and when you get back in they say "Well...that's fishing.."
Or some idiotic phrase like "It's not the catching....it's the fishing"...

On the other hand......by your actions shall ye be known..... and if you are a good guide who cares about the clients, word gets around quickly......there are some guides out there who I know by reputation and they are definitely on my list for future trips.

However I don't think that just because you pay "x" number of dollars for a charter (high dollar) guarantees that you will have a good trip. I have had **** trips and paid top dollar. In other words "fleeced".

The bottom line is ...it pays to do your homework as to which guide you will employ.....bigtime.
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Its a small little Island, word gets out pretty quick if your a flopper dumping the gear down and sitting all day. There are days in Sooke/Vic that you get only a Spring or two or worse, none, no matter what you do or how hard you push. That said, I am not sure I could sleep at night if/when that happens unless you know you gave it your all for the paying customer. Repeat business is Paramount if you are to survive, word of mouth is advertising that you can't put a price tag on. Its alot more than just producing.

This reminds me of the "No Fish, No Pay Guys" back in the day.
"no fish, no pay" could translate to "hope you like sea bass" :)

That performance aspect of guiding is difficult too. Because as you say Tailspin, no matter how hard you giv'er, some days you're going to end up empty-handed. Getting skunked already means a long boat ride back and that quiet walk up the dock ... would be way worse when people are PAYING you. Ugh.

A problem is that no matter how much fun the day was, the memory of the fun fades, and what is remembered most clearly is that photo of you with the fish ... or the lack of that photo. In the end, the fun of a charter is often weighed by the pound, which is a shame.

In an increasingly conservation oriented world, and with ever stricter regulation, I suspect this culture is going to have to change, where the fun of fishing is the goal, even if you don't get to keep them or fill your freezer. Kind of like how trout fishing used to be about stringers of 30 fish, now it's more about tying your own flies and $1000 dollar rods, LOL. And you steelheaders, even moreso, might go a fishing career without keeping one. I am hearing about more lodges in QCI for example that encourage or even require really big salmon to be released. You pay the big bucks for the thrill and you take home a photo. Maybe that's a glimpse into the future for guided salt-water sports fishing?

Man o man, I think I've glided off topic. Good post Dave S, that guy looks like he can get the job done, whether it's fishing or just about any project you come up with.
And hes fishing out of a 15ft Hourston??? No worries then for the PH guides-- his range is limited (as if there were any worries?? LOL)
Ranks right up there with Paid on Call F/F thinking they do the same job as full timers ...........

That should stir things up hahaha


I'll keep stirring since the fishing has slowed...

What is ethically worse - A fishing guide who is a poc or a volunteer; or a full time FF that guides?

Came back to edit the post as I just came across Cuba Libres post in the more appropriate place for this, the general forum. Thought some others - who like myself - rarely venture of the saltwater page may miss it.

Another spin on part time guides!!! LOL
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this had alot of comonalities in reference to the fire fighter, i have a group of them in the same business that i do, difference being some of them have worked in differrent departments of the city in the past and get direct referals from the civic employees that get called to respond to the complaint from the home-owner. So us private contractors don't even get a sniff at the work. So they as a group get the job, work for cash, have a cash labour pool at their disposal, and my tax dollars paying them their salary, pension, med, dental...

i am a "part time guide" but definately am sensitive to local economy and where my clients come from. I could not believe that some fu__ers had the balls to offer their services to local lodges for cut rates... ********, these guys need holes drilled in their hulls. end of rant,, yes they are a buncha f__ckers.

So you are saying that municipalities are paying cash to fu..ers with the balls to have holes in their hulls?

Intersting side business you are in.
I'll keep stirring since the fishing has slowed...

What is ethically worse - A fishing guide who is a poc or a volunteer; or a full time FF that guides?

Came back to edit the post as I just came across Cuba Libres post in the more appropriate place for this, the general forum. Thought some others - who like myself - rarely venture of the saltwater page may miss it.

Another spin on part time guides!!! LOL

How about you answer your question first.
What would you rather have a full time Doctor operating on you or PT?

What would you rather have a POC Firefighter or Career Professional ?

What would you rather have a FULL time Guide or Part Time .......... Is there EVEN 1 Full Time guide out there that does nothing BUT guide ???

I thinks not, but after over 50 years on the water, fishing, from Alaska to Puget sound ........ I do think I know what I am doing. That said if a PT guide has ALL certification required from TPCanada, and the vessel is Fully Compliant with TPC with the Blue Decal Program, it is entirely up to that guide to Charge what he or she wants, after all are there any FULL TIME GUIDES ..... IN A FISHING GUIDE UNION....... I think not on that one too.

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How about you answer your question first.

I am a full time FF who does not guide. Therefore my opinion is totally bias --- I do think a FF that guides part time is worse than a guide that volunteers or is a poc. However, there are guides on this forum that are vollys and/or pocs and should look in the mirror before chuckin' $hit...just sayin'...

I only know of one full time FF in the Capital Region that part-time guides; I know of dozens of FF's that refer a great deal of business to full time guides on VI.
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I only know of one full time FF in the Capital Region that part-time guides...

The rest are just apart of the association of guides started by a FF that other guides are apart of. Which has spread....Who gets the gravy jobs guiding up north? FF's
So being a career FF myself, tell me ..... So Many Of You ....... calling your self a FULL TIME GUIDE ........ you guide Year round 7 days a week, 52 week's a year. I call BS on 99% of you, bet the 99% do other work on the side, or their so Called FULL TIME guiding ..... IS a side line FULL TIME when the fishing is good.
Many GUIDES as you know are retired and have now taken up Chartering as a way to help make ends meet. Nothing wrong with that !

AS said earlier, if a person is FT or PT, and is fully Certified by the regulations demanded by TPCANADA, as is the VESSEL they Charter, who gives a Rats %$%$$%! what they charge especially if they can deliver ! Their profit margin is totally up to them. Its called free enterprise, and if not What UNION DO YOU BELONG TOO? AND ... who's job are you stealing or being accused of stealing?

The rest are just apart of the association of guides started by a FF that other guides are apart of. Which has spread....Who gets the gravy jobs guiding up north? FF's

Pretty sure if you are secure and competant about what you do,be it guiding or selling tackle then you wouldn't be so paranoid about what others are doing.

So can I presume that you have done an accurate study of all of the guiding positions up north and have determined by fact that the " gravy" jobs have gone to FF's ?