Hey Wolf and Bananas I think you know this guy... oh wait - WE ALL DO!!!!!!!

Luckily you don't have to be a guide to get the humour in this.

It is classic, no matter what you do for a living we've all heard how "the jack of all trades" can do this and do that, no prob...blah, blah, blah.

Especially liked the "I'll call my part time guide friends" to know where the full time guides are !
Isn't every guide a PT? ;-) I mean after all you only work 6 month s of the year and take the other 6 off. Its not likeyou work dawn till dusk every day of those 6 months or anything!!!! heeheehee
I think I see a blue self inspection sticker, so he's ok!!!
By the looks of the # of replies to the cartoon there sure is a lot of bored guides out there!
Sadly Holmes no typo. Be happy you don't live down here and have to compete with all the guys who just don't get it. Work for nothing, think just because they are working they are successful and spend as much time fixing mechanical problems as they do fishing. I've been told by guides who work cheap (and catch fish) that they have a different clientel and can't put their rates up. These same guys have passed on clients to me when they were already booked and their customers paid me my higher rates. WTF Yet they still give it away. The only reason they can't get more money is because they don't ask for it!!!!! It is them, not their customers.