Herring Comox Valley

Fish Assassin

Crew Member
Thinking tomorrow might look good to try to find a few pails of herring. Been seeing the fleet moving around so one would think the rec. fishery should be good.

Guessing with all the wind no one has even given it a try this year.
This is the operative phrase..... Lambert Channel to Chrome Island---March 1:80,000 to 100,000 tons

It will be a week before I get out there, so dont take them all!!!
Sorry about that FA. It's a new laptop, doesn't quite work the way my desktop does. I will try later for that update.;) eman
Here go FA if you don't have a log in

[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"][h=4]Fishery Notice[/h] [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"] [/TD]

[TD="class: BoldNormalTextBlack, width: 90"] Category(s): [/TD]
[TD="class: NormalTextBlack, width: 500"] COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Gill Net
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Seine
COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe: Test Fishery
COMMERCIAL - Herring: Spawn on Kelp

[TD="class: BoldNormalTextBlack, width: 90"] Subject: [/TD]
[TD="class: NormalTextBlack, width: 500"] FN0111-COMMERCIAL - Herring - Roe - Strait of Georgia - March 1 Update [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]

[TD="colspan: 2"]
ROE HERRING INFORMATION BULLETIN: 05 DATE: March 1, 2013 STRAIT OF GEORGIA AREA 14 Shelter Point to Cape Lazo---------March 1:not assessed E.C. Denman Island-----------------February 28:scratches Lambert Channel to Chrome Island---March 1:80,000 to 100,000 tons TEST:Feb27am .6 mi SW Ford Cove 2% 18.9cm 66:69 7-20-42-2so-1jv(34gm:74gm) E.C. Hornby Island-----------------March 1:not assessed Tribune Bay/Lower Hornby-----------March 1:not assessed Upper Baynes Sound-----------------March 1:scratches Lower Baynes Sound-----------------March 1:set underway Mapleguard to Nile Creek-----------March 1:some schools in the deep TEST:Feb27am .8 mi off Nile Creek, 11.25% 19.9cm 35:56 42-8-6-0-0 (27gm:111gm) Nile Creek to French Creek---------February 27:6,000 tons French Creek to NW Bay-------------February 26:200 tons NW Bay Total 14: 80,000 to 100,000 tons, assessment incomplete. AREA 17 NORTH Dorcas Pt/Schooner Cove------------March 1:not assessed Inner Nanoose----------------------March 1:not assessed Outer Nanoose----------------------March 1:not assessed Neck Point to Dodd Narrows---------February 28:600 tons AREA 17 SOUTH TRINCOMALI CHANNEL ----------------February 27:not assessed Total Area 17N:not assessed TOTAL STRAIT OF GEORGIA: 80,000 to 100,000, assessments incomplete. The test vessel Savage Fisher and the Atlin Post assessed Area 14 this morning. A large body of fish is located in the area of Lower Lambert Channel to SE of Norris Rock, and thin skimmers have been sounded in Upper Baynes Sound. Weather has hampered test sets this morning. There is a seine pool captain's meeting this afternoon in Deep Bay, and there is a flight planned for March 2, 2013. There will be an additional test vessel brought on strength once the weather moderates. ROE TEST CODE: Date; Location; roe yield; fish size; males; females; #1-#2-#3-# spawned; juvenile;(roe weight:fish weight) [/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"] Fisheries & Oceans Operations Center - FN0111
Sent March 1, 2013 at 1347
Both links work on my lap top...........BB
Both links take me to a DFO login screen..On 4 different computers.

Oh well, hoping to get out tomorrow and if we're lucky reload the freezer with some fresh bait.

Anyone else heading out?
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What's the program for herring? Do you jig for them?

We just use herring jigs. Once you find the herring which is not that hard to do. Just look for the gulls and sea loins feeding and drop a line. The rig just loads up with herring.
Well we launched in Comox and headed down to Union Bay. Then back and around and over the Comox Bar and down Lambert Channel. We saw no birds nor marked any bait till we were off Norris Rocks. All of a sudden we were surrounded by sea lions, seals and sea gulls. It was insane the amount of wild life down there. Only problem was the massive balls of bait was on the bottom. For miles the bait was 30-50ft thick just off the bottom. Didn't even tie on a rig. We headed out to Flora and then back and around Chrome Island and up Baynes Sound and home with a quick stop for some oysters.
Owen-- give it a week or two and they will be in as shallow as 6ft! Just about the time I figure i can get out next!
Was out yesterday. A bit rough. Gill netters were set up off of denman just past tree island. Lots of herring on sounder managed to boat a few.