halibut report

Hey Scott , yup dry for us on the bank , one good pull in 5 hours! I think Dennis's hali was one of the few today. Oh well beats goin to church!

dropped the crab traps at sidney spit, then ran to kelp reef. Anchored up for 4 hours and got one @ 40#, then too top of a great day on the water the trap was overflowing with dungees. any one using the ramp at Tulista watch out as there is a boat sunk at the dock

There were a couple biggies caught today one of the vic guides got a 143lbr and i saw a 101 on the scale at pedder.
We managed a 117lbr today out around the Cordova Bay area, other than the one fish it was fairly slow.....but still it was one heck of a day.


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    117lb Hali 1.jpg
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I looked at the currents for the weekend and only saw a small window to fish? Am I not seeing somthing? Currents at Trial.... huge Ebb and a greater than 1 knot current on the flood. Please educate me? I stayed home and worked around the house wishing for better currents.....Dohhhh
you are right, there was a small window..
once the flood established around 11:00am it was hard to keep the gear on the bottom
anchor kept popping loose as well.
Here's Sunday's currents for Race, from the web (tbone tide prediction):
2011-03-06 08:34 PST -4.81 knots Max Ebb
2011-03-06 12:09 PST 0.00 knots Slack, Flood Begins
2011-03-06 14:51 PST 3.69 knots Max Flood

So, it is slack midday, but I'm not sure how far on each side you can go til Race gets dangerous. Just west of the Bluffs, there was pretty much no current at 1pm, by 4 it was slight, but still barely noticable in terms of angle of line. Any current experts care to weigh in?
Current definatly plays a factor,but you can't beat local knowledge on where to put yourself with the ebb and the flood , stay away from Race rocks on the east side on a current stronger then 1.8 knots anchor setups start to get expensive but you can tuck yourself on the west side in a ebb current ,william hd there tends to be a big back eddy there on a flood and it gives you more time,currents like this past weekend for instance in the Vic area you only had a small window at constance,lots of guys anchored but not fishing properly floats underwater but you had more time on the ebb to fish the oak bay side tucked inbehind Discovery,shallower water inbtween william hd and albert hd bought you more time and ofcourse on the big current days heading west of sooke is always favourable muir creek ,point no point ,JR, san simon where Pudwell was hanging out and Sombrio for the guys who like the boat ride on a calm day
Holy Crap i did it again! i'm great at getting the big guys the day before and the day after a derby.lol

Got a 150lbr today as well as 3 others 60 and a couple 30's

The 150 was a great fight and had some gear in it's yap from somebody else.( Justin) just jokin buddy but it did have a circle hook jammed in it. I'll get some pics up tonight.
YES FINALLY not a bad day out there didnt get a big one like that but good fish buddy.
Here's a few pics


Awesome-- cant wait until I have some FRESH halibut fish and chips! (Down to about 6 lingcod and 5 halibut meals in the freezer.)
Awesome catch Bananas. I'm totally stoked to hook into one of those now.
mmmmmmm dinner......nothing better than fresh halibut....then came home and made this for the family and of course ate too much but what the hell too good not too...LOL LOL

Went out with 2 forum members had a blast had boat breaky one word "awsome" thanks pac... last pic is his breaky he made......

Guys why all the negative go out and enjoy what you like to do "GO FISHING" enjoy it while we can we are allowed to so just do it!!!!!!!

Gonna try your Deep Fry Batter recipe tonight. It's too bad I don't have fresh hali for it. Some cod from the freezer will have to do. Thanks for posting your recipes Wolf. Getting excited to go try and find some hali soonish!?

Also checked out this video off Wolf's website, fun to watch. Can't wait for summer.
[8tpHgGHkoH8] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8tpHgGHkoH8