Gun Control in US and Canada

Not sure if anyone is interested but there a really nice Assault Rock being offered on eBay.

There's a bidding war going on--- it was $ 100 this morning ---as of this evening it's past $ 3,000

I'd bid quick before it's too late!!!!

here are some questions that have been asked regarding the AR-15 just so you'll know what you're bidding on:

Q: A salt rock - question? Does this need to transfer through an FFL? and can you get me one in left handed? Thank you, Nancy Pelosi Jan-11-13
A: Yes, but it could also be operated left on right handed. Or single handed.
Q: Is it possible to get a pink one for my wife? Jan-11-13
A: This is the only model being offered. Have you tried duracoat? Works wonders
Q: Do you have any that are not so "scary looking?" I think if you had one that was not so "scary" it could circumvent the proposed assault weapons bans. Maybe if it was in a nice pastel color, or maybe some other mineral content it would not be so "assaultish" and I could use it more effectively. I guess cavemen were not so easily scared? Jan-11-13
A: No what would they have to be afraid of with one of these
Q: Do you know if I will need a conceal carry permit with this? It's in great condition by the way. Jan-11-13
A: Rock Crawlers are exempt from CRP.
Q: Does this also come with a "high capacity" bag that will hold 30 pebbles? Jan-11-13
A: No just don't get caught with high capacity pockets
Q: Does this item require a $200 tax stamp? I've never purchased an Assault Rock before and I'm not sure if is classified as a NFA/Class 3 registered weapon. Please advise. Jan-11-13
A: I am not sure you would have to check with your state laws
Q: If the FBI's crimes stats for 2011 state that there were 6,220 handgun homicides, with only 323 committed by rifles, however 496 by blunt objects such as this, while 728 were committed by hands/feet/fists, why would I not want a modern AR-15, as they are used in less crimes than this blunt object? Jan-11-13
A: If the opposite of Pro is Con, is the opposite of Progress, Congress? The facts would support a fist/foot ban but instead the geniuses in DC are pushing for a rifle ban. I wouldn't put anything past them. Contact your state legislators to put a stop to this madness!
Q: Please advise - Is this a true Assault Rock or when thrown does it only fly through the air and hit the head of the target just the once? If the latter I believe that calling it an assault rock may be misleading. Jan-11-13
A: I am caveman. I speak small words.
Q: Does this model come with a barrel shroud or any "shoulder thing that goes up"? Jan-11-13
A: no it does not come with a barrel shroud, this is only offered in the base model as shown.
Q: Does it come with a Rock Assault case? Jan-11-13
A: no just as shown, they do make a rock club tho
Q: I live in the nanniest of nanny states, NY so I must inquire if this rock holds more than 10 pebbles at a time? Also, does it have a gravel hider? Jan-11-13
A: Sorry this is only being offered in the base model shown. Such scary features would make it non-compliant with certain state laws. I dont want to discriminate.
Q: I'm really interested but I think its value will decline when our govt limits how many times you get to "throw It" Jan-11-13
A: dear buddyebs, you will be fine just dont have any high capacity pockets. our canadian laws limit us to 5 pebbles
Seems like the "mass shooter" event is happening with more frequency in these recent times.

The fact is in reality , guns by themselves don't kill people. People with guns (of any kind) kill people.

Just about every gun out there is capable of killing another human.

There are even air and pellet guns that can easily kill you.

It was said that the Mafia preferred the .22 caliber for a lot of "hits".

Killing with guns has been around since they invented the gun...that said, I don't recall hardly any "flako" mass shootings when I was growing up or when I was in my teens.

Not like today. Where every other day people are getting knocked off by disgruntled persons.

'Disgruntled'?......that's not a strong enough word.

As in alcoholism (where alcohol is not the is the RESULT. The CAUSE is what drives a person to drink or use drugs or anything else in the first place) so it goes for mass shootings.

The gun is not the is the RESULT.

If everybody was sane ,nice and totally at peace with each other, there would be no killings.......guns or no guns.

There is something going on in this modern society, a dynamic, that is fueling people with passive/aggressive anger the likes of which was not seen before much.

Do we like violence in Canada? We certainly do. We don't have the auto-weapons........but we make it up by refusing to watch hockey if they take the fights out of it.....and we are also huge fans of watching people getting the **** kicked out of them in the UFC. Dana White loves Canadian audiences.

In Vancouver, the drug dealers have all the guns...and use them with wild abandon on a regular basis.

What is it in this society that let's people with agendas fly under the radar for so long?

How do people that are clearly insane escape detection?

"Mass bombers" ( and I'm talking about homegrown American bombers....not terrorists from another country) have outperformed "mass shooters" on occasion. So you don't need an auto weapon to kill the masses. A bomb is as good or better, which they have proved.
Hard to legally ban the sale of you can't go out and buy one to start with as far as I know.

"Serial killers" seem to be different than "mass shooters". Serial killers will kill at random and it seems they do not want to kill themselves any time soon.

The "mass shooter" many times seems to be bent on taking out as many people as he/she can before comitting suicide.

But again the gun is a chosen tool to accomplish the RESULT. ANY destructive implement could be chosen for the RESULT dpeneding on the goals of the person using it.

THE CAUSE is not the gun. The gun is tool to accomplish the RESULT.

We need to start at looking what fuels people to take this course of action in the first place.

The dynamic of this generation is "instant media/communication". Which you would think would encourage communication openly.

On the face of it , it does. But as stated by a well known author:- Our "virtual techno" society can lead to the "tribalism" effect (an over exaggerated sense of having to belong to something in order to compensate for the fact that technology doesn't love anybody) can drive those that are anti-social or have deep problems totally "underground" and able to thrive and expand in total isolation and undetected.

As the 911 terrorists proved:- you don't need a gun when a passenger jet will do the trick. Body count far exceeding the use of a an automatic rifle. Should we ban jets?

The Uni-bomber, left to his own devices, might have done far more damage eventually than a person with a gun.

Nowadays it seems like offshore terrorists are a "red herring". We spend so much time thinking about Al Quaida, we don't bother to look in our own societal "backyard' and thoroughly examine the nature of our own levels of society, our own laws of allowance, our moral platitudes etc etc etc..

Remember the quaint little American "mom and pop" towns/dwellings of the comic-book fifties? Where all was peace and good and everyone left their doors unlocked because everyone got along (so it would seem) and crime was rare?

Those days are no more...if they ever were.

It is now the age of "fear"....where everyone lives at a certain level of "quiet desperation".

It is also the age of the "quick buck". Gun makers will tell you anything to get you to buy their guns, pushing whatever of your buttons they can.

So do the makers of I-pods, Diet programs, T.V.s, Soft drinks, Cars etc. etc........the list is endless.

Hollywood is just the same. If the market exists...push it.
Thank you Hollywood for showing us over the years all the Westerns that depicted versions of America that never existed in reality the way they were portrayed.
99% of Hollywood westerns were ******** in regard to content and historical reference.

We sucked up all the John Wayne (real name:- Marion Morrison) movies...why?
Because we aspire to being the personna portrayed by him.
Tough,violent and can use a gun handily.

We weren't that person portrayed by him, but you don't get any kudos for being "normal" with inherent human fears and doubts. That is considered to be "weak". This type of wimpy person/made good western character was played by Jimmy Stewart with some success. But at the end of the day we'd rather go watch John Wayne play a tough guy than watch Jimmy Stewart be a western wimp.

So they invented "Superman" that little dorky wimpy Clark Kent (who is like most if us) could transform at will into a being of superhuman strength and proclivity...

Hollywood is always giving us what we like and want. And we, as a culture like violence. Even if it is cloaked under the veil of us wearing the "white hat".

Violence for the good of society is most welcome and palatable and we thrive on it.
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Average response to a 9-1-1 call 22minutes.
.44 MAGNUM 1,260 feet per second.
Gee guys-- anyone got an RPG for sale ? -- that would REALLY make me feel safe. No-- on second thought make that TWO RPGs... :-(
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not sure if this was posted yet, but its a good read.

Interesting and informative read, if only to gain an insight into the weird mindset of the pro gun lobby.

1) He refers at one point to the AR-15 as a "modern musket". As though it is still 1776 and there is any resemblance to the primitive arms "sanctified" by the founding fathers and these weapons in terms of their sophistication, range, accuracy and sheer firepower.
2) He refers to the "second amendment" as the justification for no gun control. Here we go again. The second amendment is "holy word" and can never be questioned or abandoned. No matter that it was put together by human beings who could never have imagined the destructive power of modern technology and could never have foreseen the deadly consequences of their political manoeuvre undertaken long ago in the time of revolution.

The price of this "freedom" is endless massacres, and the US is going to suffer it again and again and again......because the "holy word" says it is "good and right" to own and carry practically any and every weapon, anywhere, at any time.
The Second Amendment............

Back then the townspeople and citizens WERE the militia when a situation came up in terms of defense.

So it would be fitting to make it legal for them to bear arms (for use in a "well-trained militia"). Possibly they feared further retribution from Great Britain. And they didn't exactly have much of an actual "army" per se. These people could be called up in an "emergency" and pressed into service. They already owned guns so the government didn't have to worry about spending money on arming them.

As a consequence there were many people that owned guns.

Now we have the army,police,and National Guard. Which serve as a "well trained militia".

Personally, I don't want my neighbors on the block acting as a militia in times of conflict. They have the guns but they haven't got the kind of military/crisis training necessary in an uprising of any kind. No officers or leaders to guide them. Just everybody running around, fuelled by mis-information and emotion, ready to blast the first humanoid that looks suspicious.

There are legal ramifications to deal with when a person is 'armed' for a conflict.
You can be held accountable later, depending on wear the hammer drops in regard to whether the person you killed is a government-deemed "enemy", 'un-armed combatant". 'armed combatant', 'enemy of the state', and whether the use of 'lethal force' was justified.

Alex Jones/Piers Morgan show:-

Alex Jones is a radio talk show host and he has his own website. Over the last few years I've listened to him talk to George Noory on "Coast to Coast A.M." late at night dozens of times. At times he has made some good points on George's show. He is definitely a conspiracy the point where you would actually think he is anti-American government. Many of his discussions with George N. center on how the U.S. government is out to control you in every way possible, from chemtrails to RIF chip implants.
I think on the Piers Morgan show he was simply playing to his band of followers out there. This is the first time I've ever seen him go fullbore trailer-trash redneck.
He had a video "op" with Piers as the token "invading Limey" and he decided to play it for all it was worth.
I used to be an Alex Jones fan......but after the Piers Morgan interview I now see him as a whacko looney and I won't be listening anymore when he's on "Coast To Coast".
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Interesting and informative read, if only to gain an insight into the weird mindset of the pro gun lobby.

1) He refers at one point to the AR-15 as a "modern musket". As though it is still 1776 and there is any resemblance to the primitive arms "sanctified" by the founding fathers and these weapons in terms of their sophistication, range, accuracy and sheer firepower.
2) He refers to the "second amendment" as the justification for no gun control. Here we go again. The second amendment is "holy word" and can never be questioned or abandoned. No matter that it was put together by human beings who could never have imagined the destructive power of modern technology and could never have foreseen the deadly consequences of their political manoeuvre undertaken long ago in the time of revolution.

The price of this "freedom" is endless massacres, and the US is going to suffer it again and again and again......because the "holy word" says it is "good and right" to own and carry practically any and every weapon, anywhere, at any time.

If you are familiar with firearms English you will notice that over time the general public takes up what was the military's choice of weapon was at the time. Through out history it has proven so. Look at the muskets. Look at the .303 British (many and myself own them still), Look at the .30-06 (American and probably the best all around cartridge going that many own including myself), Look at the AR-15 (semi automatic version of the M16 that civilians cherish to this date). They were all war time rifles and cartridges. Most civilians use them for hunting, competition, and home defence now.

The AR platform is modular like the video suggests. Colt again got it right in the design. You can swap out upper's and barrels and make it the ultimate hunting, competition, or home defence rig going. You can keep the .223 for coyotes and other game of that same size or you can make it a 6.8, 6.5, or .30 cal, or many others, and take larger game like deer, bear, and even up to moose size game with it. With modern manufacturing machinery these guns have become quite accurate. The accuracy has been proven in matches like the video indicates.

I have no problem with gun control or future gun control in the States. I do have a problem with certain groups, individuals, etc. pushing government for restrictions based solely on events or looks of said firearm. I love gun's. I love the mechanical aspect, the engineering, and machining that goes into them. Just like archery I love the competition of shooting them accurately at ranges etc. They are impressive pieces of machinery for sure.

Note: not once did I refer to god or holy in this post.
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Look up the battle of Athens Tennesee 1946.
If you are familiar with firearms English you will notice that over time the general public takes up what was the military's choice of weapon was at the time. Through out history it has proven so. Look at the muskets. Look at the .303 British (many and myself own them still), Look at the .30-06 (American and probably the best all around cartridge going that many own including myself), Look at the AR-15 (semi automatic version of the M16 that civilians cherish to this date). They were all war time rifles and cartridges. Most civilians use them for hunting, competition, and home defence now.

The AR platform is modular like the video suggests. Colt again got it right in the design. You can swap out upper's and barrels and make it the ultimate hunting, competition, or home defence rig going. You can keep the .223 for coyotes and other game of that same size or you can make it a 6.8, 6.5, or .30 cal, or many others, and take larger game like deer, bear, and even up to moose size game with it. With modern manufacturing machinery these guns have become quite accurate. The accuracy has been proven in matches like the video indicates.

I have no problem with gun control or future gun control in the States. I do have a problem with certain groups, individuals, etc. pushing government for restrictions based solely on events or looks of said firearm. I love gun's. I love the mechanical aspect, the engineering, and machining that goes into them. Just like archery I love the competition of shooting them accurately at ranges etc. They are impressive pieces of machinery for sure.

Note: not once did I refer to god or holy in this post.

So what your saying is the general public deserve to have access to the same weapons as military? Maybe the general public should have the same training as the military before access is allowed then. There is no need for joe public to have military grade weapons. Joe public is not fighting any wars.

Pushing the government for "restrictions" on guns is definitely not based on the look of a gun. It's is based on the design, performance, and intent of the gun. And when people "push" the government for change in gun regulations after a tragic event, it is because the people would like to prevent an event like this from happening again. It's how humans have evolved over time. It's called learning from our mistakes. Here are some examples: school zone speed limits, seat belts, age restrictions on the purchase of cigarettes, cross walks, airport security, etc etc.

I don't know about you, but I like living in a country where we have rules and laws to prevent everyone from running around doing whatever the f@ck they want.
Interesting and informative read, if only to gain an insight into the weird mindset of the pro gun lobby.

1) He refers at one point to the AR-15 as a "modern musket". As though it is still 1776 and there is any resemblance to the primitive arms "sanctified" by the founding fathers and these weapons in terms of their sophistication, range, accuracy and sheer firepower.
2) He refers to the "second amendment" as the justification for no gun control. Here we go again. The second amendment is "holy word" and can never be questioned or abandoned. No matter that it was put together by human beings who could never have imagined the destructive power of modern technology and could never have foreseen the deadly consequences of their political manoeuvre undertaken long ago in the time of revolution.

The price of this "freedom" is endless massacres, and the US is going to suffer it again and again and again......because the "holy word" says it is "good and right" to own and carry practically any and every weapon, anywhere, at any time.

So what should they do?
. Joe public is not fighting any wars.

Not here.

In many countries joe public is fight wars. Id prefer to have a few guns in my house if i ever have to, thats forsure. Im not a conspriacy theroist but if you think Canada is out of the realm of "citizens not having to fight wars" you are on another planet. It blows my mind when people think that stuff just cant happen here. The 2 world wars were in the last 100 years, and people are way crazier now! I wonder what the anti gun lobby will do to protect themselves if that ever does happen

. It's how humans have evolved over time. It's called learning from our mistakes. Here are some examples: gun free school zones,

fixed. That seems to be working well ( not advocating guns in schools, just saying...)

.don't know about you, but I like living in a country where we have rules and laws to prevent everyone from running around doing whatever the f@ck they want.

Agreed. thats why we have things called jails.

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In many countries joe public is fight wars. Id prefer to have a few guns in my house if i ever have to, thats forsure. Im not a conspriacy theroist but if you think Canada is out of the realm of "citizens not having to fight wars" you are on another planet. It blows my mind when people think that stuff just cant happen here. The 2 world wars were in the last 100 years, and people are way crazier now! I wonder what the anti gun lobby will do to protect themselves if that ever does happen

FYI, when you go to war for your country, you don't bring your own guns. Also, I think you've been watching too much of those doomsday tv shows. How's that bomb shelter going?
So what your saying is the general public deserve to have access to the same weapons as military? Maybe the general public should have the same training as the military before access is allowed then. There is no need for joe public to have military grade weapons. Joe public is not fighting any wars.

Pushing the government for "restrictions" on guns is definitely not based on the look of a gun. It's is based on the design, performance, and intent of the gun. And when people "push" the government for change in gun regulations after a tragic event, it is because the people would like to prevent an event like this from happening again. It's how humans have evolved over time. It's called learning from our mistakes. Here are some examples: school zone speed limits, seat belts, age restrictions on the purchase of cigarettes, cross walks, airport security, etc etc.

I don't know about you, but I like living in a country where we have rules and laws to prevent everyone from running around doing whatever the f@ck they want.

The general public does not have access to the same weapons the military has. Did you not look at that video. It wasn't just propaganda. It spoke the truth. Joe public does not have military grade weapons so give your head a shake and get informed before posting more uneducated information.

The government has been pushed for restrictions based on the look of a particular firearm repeatedly. Again you didn't watch or like the video posted previously. If you didn't like it so be it but don't post something that you are obviously unfamiliar with. The look or name of a particular firearm has been the biggest waste of tax payer's dollar's next to the gun registry in this Country. That is a fact. Do you know how much money has been wasted regulating "scary" looking guns combined with the gun registry? If you don't and your not upset about it then this discussion as a Canadian tax payer is over!!!!!

I don't know about you but I like living in Canada where we have gun regulations that seem to fit the bill with most of the gun owning citizens. I do like to live my life in such a manor where the government doesn't tell me where or how I can wipe my own azz. You might like people telling you how do it but I do not. I agree that the US needs some more gun control that is similar to what we have here in our Country.

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