Gun Control in US and Canada

No matter what kind of ban introduced, the only people who will have the banned item are criminals. Law abiding citizens will not have any.
No matter what kind of ban introduced, the only people who will have the banned item are criminals. Law abiding citizens will not have any.

Every gun used in these mass shootings has been legally owned. So yes a ban on certain types of guns/magazines would have kept them out of the hands of the shooters.

If guns kill people,,,.Then
pencils miss spel words.
Cars make people drive drunk.
Spoons made Rosie O'donnal fat

Simpleton logic at its finest. Pencils are not designed to miss spell words - Assualt weapons ARE design to kill human beings. So when a shooter uses one to kill people he is using it EXACTLY how the manufacture has intended. When you misspell your name with a pencil that's just you being dumb, the manufacture of the pencil did not design it for misspellings.

And yes you can kill a person with anything, your bare hands even. The point is not to ban everything that can kill people but to ban weapons that are designed to kill people - do you see the difference?
McCrystal said it all the other day: '...the military style weapons fire the .223 round at 3,000 FPS. it was designed to kill people and it is devastating in its effectness. no one in the public needs access to one of these weapons...'

so even this macho man is speaking out at this point. we may be crossing the rubicon with the NRA at long last. now also consider that something like 70% of the actual membership supports background checks for all purchases along with a waiting period. only the NRA lobby is opposed, guess why.....

guns don't kill people, people with guns do!
McCrystal said it all the other day: '...the military style weapons fire the .223 round at 3,000 FPS. it was designed to kill people and it is devastating in its effectness. no one in the public needs access to one of these weapons...'

so even this macho man is speaking out at this point. we may be crossing the rubicon with the NRA at long last. now also consider that something like 70% of the actual membership supports background checks for all purchases along with a waiting period. only the NRA lobby is opposed, guess why.....

guns don't kill people, people with guns do!

I hope to god they dont try to ban weapons based on FPS. what the FACK does the FPS have to do with anything?And why pick on the .223 round as a caliber? Anything tracveling over 2000 fps can kill with ease. there are a million caliber and bullet combinations that travel over 3000fps. I am all for banning 30 round mag azines, but banning certain calibres or insinutating because a round travels at a certain speed should be banned is ridiculous.

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I would hate to see how you interpret the bible. :(

Every gun used in these mass shootings has been legally owned. So yes a ban on certain types of guns/magazines would have kept them out of the hands of the shooters.

Simpleton logic at its finest. Pencils are not designed to miss spell words - Assualt weapons ARE design to kill human beings. So when a shooter uses one to kill people he is using it EXACTLY how the manufacture has intended. When you misspell your name with a pencil that's just you being dumb, the manufacture of the pencil did not design it for misspellings.

And yes you can kill a person with anything, your bare hands even. The point is not to ban everything that can kill people but to ban weapons that are designed to kill people - do you see the difference?
Nice quote from Jon Stewart last night on the Daily Show (paraphrased but his intent is there):

...."So what we have here is a small group of fanatics, convinced of an impending dystopic future, building their arsenals and sowing fear and loathing against gun control and in the process, keep the rest of us in a dystopic present...."
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perhaps this guy has the solution?? ... yikes!

also quoted on the jon stewart show the other night "ultimately, we don't have a crime problem, or a gun problem, or even a violence problem. What we have - is a sin problem" - Mike Huckabee

Happens Every Single Time there is a "perceived threat" of any form of increasing "Gun Control" Legislation down there.
Before Obama was elected the first time, Pa (lives in Idaho) was unable to find brass, powder or bullets for the hunting rifles (including my 300 Weatherby), and Ruger 10-22's were sold out for over 5 months in his region. Already feeling the effects of the 10-22 issue here as a consequence again this time (back-ordered in many many places) and this is a 22 for Chri$akes! :confused:

With all the latest banter centering on "Gun Control" I am not at all surprised.
It does represent part of the problem with instilling new Laws down there. Millions already "on the streets" and millions more on the way...

Not really meant it that way Poppa, I was just insinuating that no matter what you ban the wrong people will have it anyways.
Besides no body can match the USA for their adoration of weapons.
only if you're a "believer" - that books' nuttier then gun nuts. :P
Not really meant it that way Poppa, I was just insinuating that no matter what you ban the wrong people will have it anyways.
Besides no body can match the USA for their adoration of weapons.

ah I see what you mean, i understand the thought but I don't agree with it. I think humans are creatures of opportunity. But again the mass shootings aren't related to street crime or career criminals and the guns aren't illegal weapons, the last kids mom legally bought them. So if she didn't buy the guns and he was too young to buy them himself, where was he going to get them? Its not a stretch to think he might not have gone on the rampage if there weren't guns within arms reach.
That is why we differ the US does not enforce safe storage but Canada does and backs it up.

ah I see what you mean, i understand the thought but I don't agree with it. I think humans are creatures of opportunity. But again the mass shootings aren't related to street crime or career criminals and the guns aren't illegal weapons, the last kids mom legally bought them. So if she didn't buy the guns and he was too young to buy them himself, where was he going to get them? Its not a stretch to think he might not have gone on the rampage if there weren't guns within arms reach.
Its not a stretch to think he might not have gone on the rampage if there weren't guns within arms reach.
