Gun Control in US and Canada

No such thing as safe storage.
Most if not all guns "safes" are easy to bust open and remove the guns.
Also a heck of a lot of guns here in Canada are not even in a gun "safe"
How do I know? because I have many friends and relatives that have guns and not many have safes.
They think that it's good enough to hide it behind the coats in the closet.
No I don't own a gun but think things have to change as responsible gun owners are showing us they are anything but responsible...... Case in point the US air industry had to stop over 1500 gun totters from getting on airplanes last year.

Something to think about I heard on tv today.
"I put two kids on the bus for school and only one can back home"
What is more important to you guy's here .... That you have guns for toys... or the safety of our kids?
Pick one because we don't seem to be able to have both.....
Here in Canada we seem to be back sliding our way in becoming a proxy of the USA gun un-control.
Thanks to the tea party north and it's extreme right wing"nut" leaders.
We will get the same problem that our friends to the south are dealing with... it's just a matter of time.
Perhaps we should just wait until something bad happens here....
Then all you "responsible" gun owners can explain yourselves and point fingers some other direction.
What to do something.... start by locking up your guns so that it does not fall into the wrong hands.
Dump those poor excuse for a gun safe and get something that works.
Try to google your gun safe and see how poor the darn thing is and either fix it or dump it.
Be part of the solution and not part of the problem......
(Too many dead for no reason but for some to demand they have toys)
On average 10 guns are stolen each day in Canada.
It's a ticking time bomb and you guy's are holding the fuse.
What are you going to do about it?
For the record I was opposed to the gun register as it was a waste of time and money.
I do believe that guns for hunting are no problem as long as they are locked up with no chance of getting in the wrong hands. Handguns are for killing people and have no place in this modern world. Semi automatic weapons have no place in hunting and should be banned in Canada. If you can't take down a deer with out having a semi automatic weapon you should be going to your local gun range and building up your skills or take up golf.

Oh and I played with guns in my youth and killed many a gofer.
I use to drive around the fields of my uncles ranch with a loaded 22 on the dash.
That was the norm back them before we new better.
Even played with his hand gun but could not hit the broadside of the barn.
Did this when I was less the 16..... not to smart back then...
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So we should all hammer our swords into plows and plow the land for those who do not.

On average 10 guns are stolen each day in Canada.
It's a ticking time bomb and you guy's are holding the fuse.
What are you going to do about it?
For the record I was opposed to the gun register as it was a waste of time and money.
I do believe that guns for hunting are no problem as long as they are locked up with no chance of getting in the wrong hands. Handguns are for killing people and have no place in this modern world. Semi automatic weapons have no place in hunting and should be banned in Canada. If you can't take down a deer with out having a semi automatic weapon you should be going to your local gun range and building up your skills or take up golf.

Oh and I played with guns in my youth and killed many a gofer.
I use to drive around the fields of my uncles ranch with a loaded 22 on the dash.
That was the norm back them before we new better.
Even played with his hand gun but could not hit the broadside of the barn.
Did this when I was less the 16..... not to smart back then...
i should have also pointed out that visiting any gun show will reveal 'legal' means of modifying your AR-15 so that it is virtually a fully automatic weapon. one of the 'innovative' inventions is a stock with a recoil spring. hold down the trigger and blow an entire clip in an eyeblink. too bad such creativity has not been channelled into sometihng more productive.
Like you tube where you can be taught to make explosives or silencers for your rabbit gun?

i should have also pointed out that visiting any gun show will reveal 'legal' means of modifying your AR-15 so that it is virtually a fully automatic weapon. one of the 'innovative' inventions is a stock with a recoil spring. hold down the trigger and blow an entire clip in an eyeblink. too bad such creativity has not been channelled into sometihng more productive.
So......bottom line:-

Fact:- there are responsible gun owners out there.

Fact:- there are also insane people out there with firearms.

Fact:- there is no way, it seems , to tell when a person is going to act on their thoughts.

Fact:- It is easy to get a gun by illegal or legal methods.

Fact:- Out of any 100 gun owners, the 99 good responsible ones are not going to prevent Mr. 100 nutball from doing anything.

Fact:- Many people are upset at possible legislation that means they have to suffer because of the actions of others.

Fact:- the killing of so many children by Adam Lanza opened up a can of worms.....but it's clear to see that even this event is met by mighty opposition from a number of factions when it come to talk of " controls".

Fact:- it took Adam Lanza to prove that even if you mass murder the sons and and daughters and children of decent law-abiding Americans in broad daylight not much is going to happen in terms of reform, other than exposing highranking politicians who are are puppets for the NRA. That said Pres.Obama is promising big changes to gun laws......but it remains to be seen if anything of note will happen so far.......

So..........bickering and self-righteous back-patting does not solve anything. Quoting the effectiveness of different fire-arms does not solve anything.


(A) What do YOU think should be done?

(B) Do you believe there is a "gun problem"?

On another note:- Remember the "Bank Of America" shoot-out a few years back? Two guys wearing body armour with AK-47's , managed to hold off scores off armed police for quite awhile. The police claimed they were "outgunned "and had to hijack a sporting goods store to attain the necessary firepower for retaliation.
Quite frankly, the two armed robbers did a stunning job of holding their own for a period of time.
One of them eventually committed suicide. The other one was finally shot......but only because of a motor vehicle failure.
So...should the police have had firepower to match the shooters?.....or should the shooters not have been able to have AK47's in the first place? If you agree that the shooter's shouldn't have had would you go about putting that into effect?
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Nothing has been accomplished on this thread except for the ruffling of a few feathers and lots of chest thumping and we are another page closer to sixty. :)
So......bottom line:-

Fact:- there are responsible gun owners out there.

Fact:- there are also insane people out there with firearms.

Fact:- there is no way, it seems , to tell when a person is going to act on their thoughts.

Fact:- It is easy to get a gun by illegal or legal methods.

Fact:- Out of any 100 gun owners, the 99 good responsible ones are not going to prevent Mr. 100 nutball from doing anything.

Fact:- Many people are upset at possible legislation that means they have to suffer because of the actions of others.

Fact:- the killing of so many children by Adam Lanza opened up a can of worms.....but it's clear to see that even this event is met by mighty opposition from a number of factions when it come to talk of " controls".

Fact:- it took Adam Lanza to prove that even if you mass murder the sons and and daughters and children of decent law-abiding Americans in broad daylight not much is going to happen in terms of reform, other than exposing highranking politicians who are are puppets for the NRA. That said Pres.Obama is promising big changes to gun laws......but it remains to be seen if anything of note will happen so far.......

So..........bickering and self-righteous back-patting does not solve anything. Quoting the effectiveness of different fire-arms does not solve anything.


(A) What do YOU think should be done?

(B) Do you believe there is a "gun problem"?
So......bottom line:-

Fact:- there are responsible gun owners out there.

Fact:- there are also insane people out there with firearms.

Fact:- there is no way, it seems , to tell when a person is going to act on their thoughts.

Fact:- It is easy to get a gun by illegal or legal methods.

Fact:- Out of any 100 gun owners, the 99 good responsible ones are not going to prevent Mr. 100 nutball from doing anything.

Fact:- Many people are upset at possible legislation that means they have to suffer because of the actions of others.

Fact:- the killing of so many children by Adam Lanza opened up a can of worms.....but it's clear to see that even this event is met by mighty opposition from a number of factions when it come to talk of " controls".

Fact:- it took Adam Lanza to prove that even if you mass murder the sons and and daughters and children of decent law-abiding Americans in broad daylight not much is going to happen in terms of reform, other than exposing highranking politicians who are are puppets for the NRA. That said Pres.Obama is promising big changes to gun laws......but it remains to be seen if anything of note will happen so far.......

So..........bickering and self-righteous back-patting does not solve anything. Quoting the effectiveness of different fire-arms does not solve anything.


(A) What do YOU think should be done?

(B) Do you believe there is a "gun problem"?

On another note:- Remember the "Bank Of America" shoot-out a few years back? Two guys wearing body armour with AK-47's , managed to hold off scores off armed police for quite awhile. The police claimed they were "outgunned "and had to hijack a sporting goods store to attain the necessary firepower for retaliation.
Quite frankly, the two armed robbers did a stunning job of holding their own for a period of time.
One of them eventually committed suicide. The other one was finally shot......but only because of a motor vehicle failure.
So...should the police have had firepower to match the shooters?.....or should the shooters not have been able to have AK47's in the first place? If you agree that the shooter's shouldn't have had would you go about putting that into effect?


Notwithstanding the sneering dismissal by Gunsmith of this thought and of everyone elses trying to engage in rational discussion this post is a great summary.

Unfortunately and sadly, I believe the huge social, political , economic, technological, religious and historical obstacles existing mean that nothing can or will be done. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle and it can never be put back in.
So we should all hammer our swords into plows and plow the land for those who do not.

Don't think this is the answer to our problems but I do think we need to find a way to keep guns from getting into the hands of people, that clearly should not have them. Judging by your handle and the way your boat looks (plus many of your posts in the past) you take owning a gun in a responsible manner. I would guess that you have a secure storage for your weapons. Perhaps you could share your experience as to how to prevent the theft of guns from peoples homes in the event of a break in. Is your storage normal or have you gone above and beyond the minimum that is prescribed by law. Perhaps share with us some best practices that you have gained by being a leader in the field. The wisdom that come with age can help the new guys move along the road to becoming "responsible gun owners". Am I asking to much to try to keep my kid safe in this new world of unstable people running around our communities?
English please do not misunderstand my sarcasm it is not as I have seen is sneering And thanks for helping to stretch this discussion beyond the rediculous. :)

Notwithstanding the sneering dismissal by Gunsmith of this thought and of everyone elses trying to engage in rational discussion this post is a great summary.

Unfortunately and sadly, I believe the huge social, political , economic, technological, religious and historical obstacles existing mean that nothing can or will be done. The genie is well and truly out of the bottle and it can never be put back in.
I have a high end gunsafe and it is bolted to the floor. Before these were required I locked my firearms in a rack in a locked room and ammunition in a separate room in a locked container. I also remove the bolts from the rifles when I can and store them in a cabinet under lock and key. To my embarassment I have gone all the way out to the shooting range and found I have left the bolt at home rendering the firearm useless.
My children have been well educated and were the first to reprimand me when I did not safely store them fast enough. I have three children grown into adults and only one has interest in firearms but the other two are very understanding of the safety rules.
The only time I spanked a child was when he pointed a pellet pistol at another child and this pistol beonged to somebody else.
I tend to be somewhat sarcastic at times because all the discussions we have here have done nothing but what I have done with what I am in control of speaks for iself.
Don't think this is the answer to our problems but I do think we need to find a way to keep guns from getting into the hands of people, that clearly should not have them. Judging by your handle and the way your boat looks (plus many of your posts in the past) you take owning a gun in a responsible manner. I would guess that you have a secure storage for your weapons. Perhaps you could share your experience as to how to prevent the theft of guns from peoples homes in the event of a break in. Is your storage normal or have you gone above and beyond the minimum that is prescribed by law. Perhaps share with us some best practices that you have gained by being a leader in the field. The wisdom that come with age can help the new guys move along the road to becoming "responsible gun owners". Am I asking to much to try to keep my kid safe in this new world of unstable people running around our communities?
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one of the reasons the capacity issue along with rapid fire semi-automatic weapons has come front and center is because many of those children were so riddled with bullet holes they could not be visually identified. not just killed, which is tragic enough, but riddled because of rapid fire and large capacity magazines.

starting someplace is far better than buying into the fear offered for sale by the NRA to the highest firearms bidders.
Legislation has in the past been enacted here and there.......not necessarily for "control" of firearms.....

The legislation itself is suspect...for instance:-

The Florida "Stand Your Ground" fiasco.

If this isn't the most peculiar piece of work, I don't know what is.

George Zimmerman might, at this point, be wondering how he dug himself into the hole he's in right now.....
I can understand how you look at it but then if he would have used a shotgun the children would have been horribly messed up anyways. I just cringe at the thought of innocent children in this scenario. The USA has a problem which I don't think will be solved by a total ban, they will need some real soul searching and blame the NRA or whoever you want the issue will not go away and our discussion has done little to help.
Prohibition did not stop drinking of alcohol but made a lot of money for the smugglers. A total ban will not stop this either as has been proven by the government's unsatiable greed for money.

one of the reasons the capacity issue along with rapid fire semi-automatic weapons has come front and center is because many of those children were so riddled with bullet holes they could not be visually identified. not just killed, which is tragic enough, but riddled because of rapid fire and large capacity magazines.

starting someplace is far better than buying into the fear offered for sale by the NRA to the highest firearms bidders.
I find the emphasis on "large capacity magazines" to be a total farce. If You think that one 30 round mag is inherently more dangerous than 3 10 round mags then you are seriously deluded. With a minimum of practice anyone can learn to drop and reload a magazine in less than 2 seconds. It's just an issue for politicians to shout about to make it seem like they are doing something.
Many of the "hunting" weapons we have here in Canada in the form of rifles are not actually "hunting" weapons at all.

They are "Guaranteed Kill" weapons.

Hunting, in a lot of cases, has nothing to do with it. You simply drive out to the area, walk a few steps, take aim with a high powered scope (even though the animal is only 300ft away) and drop it with a magnum load that would stop an elephant.
No problem.

Take a few pictures of yourself with the carcass close to the camera to make it look bigger....and voila! home to drink and watch the hockey game.

No hunting skill involved. At all.

Reload skill:- Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have killed Kennedy with a rifle made by the Italians that even they rejected for use in their army eventually because they deemed it to be a piece of crap. (Bolt action Carcano).

3 shots/reload in under 6 seconds. Nobody , for some reason , has ever been able to duplicate that feat.

First rifle I ever fired (other than a .22) was a 30-30 Winchester lever action.
Nailed 6 out of 6 targets at 250ft. No scope or anything.
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Many of the "hunting" weapons we have here in Canada in the form of rifles are not actually "hunting" weapons at all.

They are "Guaranteed Kill" weapons.

Hunting, in a lot of cases, has nothing to do with it. You simply drive out to the area, walk a few steps, take aim with a high powered scope (even though the animal is only 300ft away) and drop it with a magnum load that would stop an elephant.
No problem.

Take a few pictures of yourself with the carcass close to the camera to make it look bigger....and voila! home to drink and watch the hockey game.

No hunting skill involved. At all.

Wow, I should come hunting with you if it's that easy lol.
I find the emphasis on "large capacity magazines" to be a total farce. If You think that one 30 round mag is inherently more dangerous than 3 10 round mags then you are seriously deluded. With a minimum of practice anyone can learn to drop and reload a magazine in less than 2 seconds. It's just an issue for politicians to shout about to make it seem like they are doing something.
well you might want to read this if you think that a "large capacity magazines" to be a total farce.
You see that the nut case in question was stopped when he had to reload.
The question would be if only he had a 5 shot clip how many people would be alive today.
Something to think about if it was one of your family that was there that day.