Gardening pics, hacks, successes, and or failures

You wait for the scapes to make a full circle and then cut them off.( around June) They are quite tasty and can be used like green onions. They also keep very well in the vegetable crisper in your fridge, and will last for a couple of weeks. Do not pull your garlic yet the bulbs still need to develop. If you are watering your garlic, stop when you harvest the scapes. As for when to harvest your garlic bulbs, I usually wait until the bottom three leaves die off (mid July depends on the year) You want to wait as long as you can so the the bulb fully develops, but before it starts to open. You can test this by exposing the tops of a few bulbs and checking how tight the cloves are to the stem, when they start to pull away, you know it's time. I hope this makes sense.
Awesome cheers
Man I feel for farmers, to cold, then to hot, then to wet, then to dry
That's exactly our lament. We are never happy with the weather.
anyone ever dealt with flea beetles?, they are absolutely hammering my tomatoes this year.
I had a bad infestation the last two years. Last year I bought some Diatomaceous earth powder. I mixed it with water and a small amount of dish soap. Sprayed the leaves and it work really well, remove devestated leaves and spray the rest of the plant. Rain can wash D.E. off, so reapply when this happens. I sprayed heavily and no harm to the plants, I can't say the same for the fleas though.
Seems to be working , I used safers end all to kill them all that were sitting on the leaves and then Diatomaceous earth powder

I hate using using chemicals but all the predictor bugs and spiders just don’t seem to be out yet with this colder rainy weather


Still haven’t put peppers in the ground. Overnight temps have been low. But I also haven’t been bringing them back in at night so I probably should just get it done 😂. Tomatoes and everything else doing great though. Flowers especially.


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Seems to be working , I used safers end all to kill them all that were sitting on the leaves and then Diatomaceous earth powder

I hate using using chemicals but all the predictor bugs and spiders just don’t seem to be out yet with this colder rainy weather

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Rotate your plantings next year to keep the little bastards away. Ensure you do a good clean of the bed at the end of the season.
Yeah it seems to go against leaving the organic material but I think the main cause was just leaving all the dead rotten tomatoes and leaves in the bed in the end of the season
Yeah it seems to go against leaving the organic material but I think the main cause was just leaving all the dead rotten tomatoes and leaves in the bed in the end of the season
💯 that is most likely the cause. Still rotate out even if you get them under control and a clean bed