From PSC.
The Fraser River Panel met Tuesday, August 30, to receive an update on the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon and review the status of migration conditions in the Fraser River watershed. It is currently estimated that 3,759,700 sockeye have passed the Mission hydroacoustics site. The Panel made no changes to run size at today’s meeting. On August 29 the discharge of the Fraser River at Hope was 3,045 cms, which is approximately 19% higher than average for this date. The temperature of the Fraser River at Qualark Creek on August 29 was 19.40C, which is 2 0C above average for this date. Fraser River discharge levels and water temperatures will be monitored closely to determine if specific management actions are required during the in-river migratory period to help achieve sockeye escapement goals. All Panel Area Waters remain closed to commercial salmon fishing. The next in-season meeting of the Panel is scheduled to occur on Friday, September 2, 2022.