Fraser river sockeye

The salmon commission panel reports talking about commercial and recreational openings in bc are just posturing moves for the US side . Redfisher has it right SLIM &NONE
I think it’s going to open based on gulf troll numbers and they bumped up the late run size.

It opens to seine and troll tomorrow for 400k pieces to be reevaluated Friday.
honestly a little comical at this point

Area 13 (Lower Johnstone Strait):

Gill Nets open 82 hours, from 14:00 hours, September 7 to 23:59 hours, September 10, 2022 in Subareas 13-6, 13-7 excluding Deepwater Bay (from the boundary sign located at 50 degrees 11.434 minutes North by 125 degrees 20.268 minutes West to the boundary sign located at 50 degrees 10.861 minutes North by 125 degrees 20.885 minutes West), 13-8, 13-9, a portion of 13-10 lying west of a line from Islet Point on Sonora Island located at 50 degrees 17.677 minutes North by 125 degrees 23.663 minutes West to boundary sign on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 16.760 minutes North by 125 degrees 22.780 minutes West, a portion of 13-11 lying west of a line from Bodega Point on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 14.883 minutes North by 125 degrees 22.016 minutes West to a boundary sign on Quadra Island located at 50 degrees 16.390 minutes North by 125 degrees 22.620 minutes West and 13-27 to 13-32.

Variation order 2022-CR-GN-001

The target species in this fishery is Fraser River Sockeye. Sockeye, Pink, and Chum retention is permitted but there is non-possession and non-retention of Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead (none of these species may be onboard a vessel that is engaged in fishing unless they are being revived in the revival tank immediately prior to release).

Minimum mesh 100 mm. Maximum depth 90 meshes. Maximum hang ratio 3:1. Corkline to web distance minimum 0 cm, maximum 1.5 m. Maximum net length is 375 meters. The maximum gill net set time is 60 minutes. All vessels must have operating revival tanks (specifications are outlined in the Conditions of 2022-23 Salmon Area D licence).

In-season activity and catch reporting is a mandatory requirement under the 2022-2023 Area D Salmon Gill Net Conditions of Licence. This information informs run-size and is important for in-season management of the fishery. Furthermore, Fisheries and Oceans Canada has identified improved catch monitoring and reporting as a fundamental priority for fisheries management. Failure to comply with the 2022-2023 Area D Salmon Gill Net Conditions of Licence, in particular those sections specific to activity reporting and catch monitoring, will be a priority for enforcement action.
may open for rec fishing for a 10 day opening, notice may come out tomorrow for a saturday opening, downstream of hope. Only in river, things can change
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It's almost pointless do do any recreational "marine openings" for any area other than 29. Top end of Texada might hold some fish. Area 18 holds some fish in Pender Bluffs typically but those MIA SRKW may show up???? It adds up to a nothing burger made from left over scraps of nothing.
Based on several years of experience in the river (jet boat, Chilliwack to Hope), and a few years in ocean, a river opening would be more detrimental to sockeye runs that a chuck opening.

Ocean boats only carry a few people. BUt on the river whole clans show up, from toddlers to elderly, and they all seem to tka ehome their 2 fish.
and when there's a Chinook opening at the same time -many fishers keep trying for a "Spring On!" after they've beached their 2 Socks. Followed by mishandling (even kicking) unwanted sockeye back into the river.

I see far better behavior on the chuck.