Cuba Libre
Well-Known Member
Nice!! 20ft Hewes????
20ft Alumaweld Intruder

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
quote:Originally posted by Cuba Libre
Got my new boat all lined up-- just have to fiddle the finances a bit then shes all mine![)]
Awww-- the deal fell through. No place to mount the downriggers!
20ft Alumaweld Intruder
quote:Originally posted by wolf
Well its that time of year and thought with a new year some new people on here and people upgrading thought id revamp this topic.
Here is my new ride for the 2010 season and forever as this is the last boat I will ever buy I hope LOL
If your wondering what make its the 26 ft sportfisher made by HOURSTON and can tell you it is one hell of a boat in the rough water I just bury the nose a bit came home in a 3ft chop at 3000 rpm doing 20 kts and didnt even get the windshield wet smooth and very awsome boat very very impressed so far.
Lets see other guys new rides!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Wolf
Blue Wolf Charters