Fishing Reports With Specific Location Details

total agree... general area is good enough...most anglers that know there area can figure it out..those who don't, will learn as the rest of us did... to be good at anything in life require effort and time put into it...most of the veteran anglers on the forum have put there life into fishing and to expect them to give it up on public forum to people whom that don't know?? un reasonable in my humble opinion.... those who will now be looking for Grady's to target as the hot spot..remember we all like to fish and most cases like a little room to move around...:)

Then quit asking me for my hally spots :)
I only read the reports to see if there's fish being caught. It's up to the individual to find the spots, depth and tackle out for themselves. In the end it's called fishing, and half the fun is the satisfaction of finding the right mojo to put fish in the boat. If something's not working switch it up. I learn from trial and error, asking questions and fishing with guys that know their $&?t... Not from reading a report and being a copycat! But that's just me :D
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i like ta think that reports are just ta let guys know that there are fish in the area, as Whisperer just stated ,
apparently sometimes thats just not good enough , ive actually had guys give me the gears at the cleaning tables for not givin more details ,
really made me rethink posting much anymore , prob expalins alot lately , hire a guide , or go out with a knowledgeable buddy ,
put your time in , listen , observe . and become a better fisherman...period,,,more rewarding ,,,,
theres alot of great info on this site on the basics , no doubt..we all appreciate that !!
theres things said on this forum that sound to good to be true , wel , prob just that...
i like ta think ive helped with good solid reports over the past years here , but to expect details on a public forum ?
that just aint gonna happen from most , its called , paying your dues , and putting your time in ,
every once in a while , there may be an old timer or someone thats really dialed in , throwin ya a bone at the cleaning table ,
hell , thats how i learned , 3o plus years of bein a dock rat with big ears for my dad , and frankly , thats how it should stay !!! " TIME "
if everyone shared all there wisdom on a HUGELY read forum like this , not sure what the ratio of fish to fisherman would really be ,
as someone said here , a pm might dig ya up more RELIABLE info than , someone postin a pic with a specific color spoon or manufacturer
of a gear hangin from the fishes mouth lol , smoke n mirrors ,,,
if i somewhere in my reports said that a irish cream was sleighin , i was prob $hitten ya lol...just sayun

i think ALOT on here really need to get out on the water soon ,,, MY GOD :)

anyways , tongue n cheek as usual ,
get out there , and have fun , my turn again next week :)

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I do a ton of running around to get on top of big schools of nice size Chinook. I come in loaded get asked questions and let only a few people know what's going on where and with in a day or two the whole fleet shows up congesting the area and spooking the fish taught me this year to give no location info to people I figure have big mouths. I can't blame them though as everyone wants to generally spread the good news but sometimes it's shooting yourself in the foot. If you work hard and don't get lazy you will usually always have very successful days.

I have a couple of buds where the info I know is kept in house and is reciprocal. The issue on public forums like this is there are lurkers that only take info and never contribute and perhaps for this reason. I figure we put the time in logging thousands of hours and make our living off of our knowledge of an area, why hand it over we are only cutting our own throats. If you want a successful trip and to learn go on a guided trip and take what you can knowledge wise. This year I will be implementing a no hand held GPS rule, had a few folks last year marking my hali spots, kind of pissed me off. Salmon I don't care really as they move a lot but hali do like to hang out in areas typically.

This years reports will be localized as Ukee offshore or the Sound, gear and depth info will come to a close. Last year was a gong show in some areas.
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well said ,

it can pretty busy out there in no time , social media is so far advanced now ,
up to date live info sits on your finger tips , most can typically find out where the fleet is , as there walkin down the ramp to there boat , via a few texts ,
ive heard guys go as far as givin off locations of certain guides just to spite them ,pretty low , nothing is kept quiet for long these days it seems ,
as far as the handheld gps goes , not sure how affective banning them will be for ya , most phones now all have built in gps ,
alot of us also have the navionics app , which is deadly by the way , secret spots and humps are a thing of the past ,
i try ta hit humps after my salmon ,
i get marked daily , its pretty obvious when they come for a looky within 100 yards , ive learned that there is countless spots and humps that hold hali on any given day ,
but , i do have a few bottom fish honey holes that i keep very close to my chest , and only utilize them when i feel its safe too :)
and a few that i promised i would never pass around , from guys that trusted me enough to tell me , and to this day i guard them more than my own spots ive found ,
dont get me wrong , i meet guys back at the nook every year , and most are all great guys , i always help out if im able to , sometimes that help is passed on back to me when im struggling !! as searun said , kinda a scratch scrath thing i guess , meeting alot of guides over the years , its funny , most say the same thing , come fishin season , everyone wants to be your buddy lol ,
your best friend is forming a small network of guys , spread out , check ur ego back in at the dock , and share info , especially in my area where there is so much great water to hunt , it can be costly on the fuel bill , usually when 3 -4 boats o out , someone bumps into guide fleet , chances are there into fish , BUT , not always , ,
no need ta swamp them all , let them work , and give them there space , i get WAY more satisfaction staying out of the fleet ,

FYI , the irish cream on a 6 ft leader always puts a few over the rail , was kidding , simple , but a great go to

sse ya all soon , Nook opens in a month , wow , sure came quick this year

yes the cell phone apps amazing and probably won't be able to stop it totally but I will certainly let them know it's not cool. I would rather pass on folks that want to drop the pin on all ones hot spots anyways. If you want to go fishing and have a great time with no hidden agendas that's the clientele I enjoy taking out. Definitely agree with the scratch scratch statement how ever some folks just love spreading the word lol. I can't stand fishing in congested waters about the only time I will do is if it's blowing and everyone's tucking behind Meares and there's no options, other than that I look for open water for the most part. Anyhow looking forward to a great season on the water, FYI - big Chins being caught for this time of year right now Offshore Ukee no BS. Probably see you out and good luck this season.

All the Best!
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lol, there are no truly secret hali spots, and if we think that, then probably never had a drive by to mark your anchor spot. Seen that trick more than a few times when guys make a sharp turn from a mile out to come over to your spot and then track off in another direction. Crap happens, no point stressing about it. And if someone wants to come onto my boat to learn, I could care less if they bring along their GPS because its not like my boat is hard to find. A big deal for some guys who charter is to come on the boat and learn some things they can use when on their own boat. I have no problem with that. Had plenty of guys who came out with me fishing, later on come along side me in their own rigs to share the spot and a few laughs. Nice to strike some friendships on the water and enjoy seeing guys have some success knowing you might have helped them in some way.
Searun your a good sport, good on you. I look forward to all your hali honey hole coordinates and fishing updates with area depths and gear used lol were all ready to take in some more knowledge : ) May I suggest starting a new thread for all of us to have a boo over before heading out would be very convenient and yes charts as well. And I'm pullin your leg lol! If it's reciprocal I'm in 110%, but a one way street naa I'll take a pass on that. Good luck out there this year the fish are a nice size this year so far they should be hogs come July & August.

These guys will be racing you to your honey hole------>

Be careful who you share with lol!!
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The sling shot always gets them on the trick turn they only do it once lol! :D Those were the old days, to haywire now a days age is slowly settling me down lol. Pretty soon I probably won't give a hoot anymore be to tired to care I think probably not though some things make one go crazy!
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Rock piles and humps may not ALL be secrets , but i guarantee, the good ones are not shared publically ,
i do drive by's headin back to the beach regularily , rarely see anyone on my favorites ,

production on specific humps changes year to year it seems for us , last year , the Uki side was golden for us
i guess we can debate weather its best ta move around or stay n pay ,
im lucky enough to have easy goin friends that trust me , and dont mind re settin the hook 3-5 times if needed ,
if the action is dead ,
nothin better than puttin the pick out , and wham , fish on before the other lines are out yet ;)
or just bouncin around driftin has been fun lately too , minus a few $$ in hardware

we dont have the currents that the South boys have , so for me personally , tide changes are not a huge deal for me, MOST times ,
putin down the right buffet and which side of the hump your boat is sittin on in the current , should be our focus ,
ive had action on a pretty good movin tides , seems more productive than a stale zero moving tide ?? imho
again , by no means am i an expert , just sharin what works for me , I learn more every year...
if there are guides here that are willing to bring you to there lights out hali holes and load em up on
your gps HIRE HIM lol !!! best $600-$800 you will ever spend...

a question to you guides dialed into Hali on the Hook ,
, do you pick and choose which clients get to see some of your humps ,
gonna guess you know who your dealin with prior , locals ? , Albertans ? Imports ??
honestly ??
ive been approached at the dock after a hali day , offering me big bucks ta take them out , " To where we Caught "
i laugh , that just is not worth any $$$ to me , usually just tell m ta give Mills or Blair a shout , take em out to big bank and
drag em outa the mud like most , or just go troll em up at 6-7 mile , iv'e did--done well there for years !!
glow flasher , army truck or purple haze hooch in the mud , keep it simple...bouncy bouncy

sorry , DERAIL lol
im in Hali mode , bloods flowin

cheers , gd lk out there

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Pretty sure I'm not the only guide out there who happily helps out some of their guests who want to learn how to run their own gear on their own boat. Its a big ocean, lots of room out there for everyone. Frankly there are very few secrets in terms of spots. Half the battle is finding the fish, the other is actually knowing what they want to eat. To get all paranoid over guests looking at where you are fishing and what you are using isn't worth worrying about. I'm more concerned about having a good time, and creating a good experience.

Experience has taught me not to get hung up on "spots" and to simply work cooperatively with my peers to help one another locate the fish and create a good experience for our mutual guests. That's not to say I don't have my favourites, everyone does..but the fish move around all the time so what fished great one season, may suck the next.
Awesome responses, all of them.....well except for maybe the "Bob Loblaw" response a while back as it wasn't that informative however at least it gave me a chuckle !

While reading some of these posts I actually forgot I had started this thread (due to some responses I got on the "Vancouver ( must provide us every detail lol) Reports Forum" for being vague about a specific ( small) location . I therefore considered not posting reports at all because when you give and give then some people whine that its not enough info, its very draining- not to mention everything else others have posted about expectations of details in a report. I don't even mind being asked a specific location... I get that... its the negative reaction after explaining you can't provide more detail that makes me wonder; why bother to post at all? Its those reactions ( and the following posts soaked in sarcasm because they are frustrated) that will eventually cut down on many of the regulars doing any reporting at all ( it may be far more prevalent on the VanReports forum) .

The responses here seem close to 100% feeling that fishers will keep smaller hot spots from the masses and would not broadcast on the internet even though almost all of us ( including myself ) have no problem helping others, offering advice, tips, technique, experiences and ideas. The reasoning being nothing to do with "greed" for fish, as one of the responders incorrectly muttered but to move about in peace and quiet without the introducing navigational stress and overcrowding. As well, a spot being kept from the masses may also be done in respect to others within your small goup/intel .

Searun, I think your last post sums up how I feel too about being open with most info. I also think allowing your own paying client know which spot they are actually fishing at is fine but quite different than letting the public know about a small hotspot by posting about it on a forum. I totally agree that attempting to stop a client from noting a position where they paid to go fishing is a waste of time. I can just see it at the dock ... "ok everyone empty their pockets before coming aboard " - and then the clients are asked to put on blindfolds for the run to the "hotspot" ! lol Maybe not the best etiquette for a guest/client to mark positions but not a battle I'd bother getting into. Every time a photo is taken with a phone Nav app open, a lat and long is recorded ....or every photo taken of your helm may show the chart plotter pos.

Some posts on here mention that most spots are not 'secret' or 'unknown' anyway so why bother trying to keep the spots vague or 'secret' from others - well 'most' means not all of them, right ? .... and if all spots are so well known, easy to locate and everyone is fishing them as mentioned ( the whole fleet is there) then why are these fishers so intent on finding out the exact location then ?

Being vague or secretive about a specific spot at a specific time doesn't mean you are protecting a spot because it is some place not known to mankind and has never been fished before , it is simply a place a fisher may have found a great bite at ceratin times and that's been going on few days or more in a specific spot, usually a very small place where very few are aware of that particular pattern/situation unless its published online etc ..... We are not talking about the 'Hi-way' here or huge offshore banks. Pinnacles in and offshore and specific structure/contours/flats/holes/reefs/rocks/points we are talking about.

I would gladly help any fisher with tips and advice at my marina, on the water and yes, even on this forum as I have many times. I have also had tons of help on this forum from others sharing their experience over the years as well and I greatly appreciate what I have gained here.

In conclusion it seems the lions share of us will share alot of tips and info and are willing to be very helpful to others in all aspects of fishing and boating but will keep some of the special smaller fishing gems quiet , especially on an open forum. The way it should be IMO.

...enough... 'Bob Loblaw' !!!!!
Wow this thread is like finding out your adopted when your 20 ... i have pretty much learned every thing i know about salmon fishing from this forum and now its all a lie :p

I appreciate all the information i receive from this forum and i'm not lucky enough to own my own boat. I stay and rent out at the Seabeam and we watch all the sweet looking boats like The Fog Ducker blow by us (I waved last time ... im sure he was wondering who those idiots in the baby boat were haha) .. but because of the odd general location i was able do my research for months leading up to my trip which produced enough fish to feel like the trip was epic. Fish come and go and locations that are good today aren't tomorrow ... in a way i rather lots of general location reports than one or two specific and leave it in my hands to figure out the rest.
When the customer steps on the boat & after the safety ordination... I ask the u want to learn how to fish or do u want to just relax and I do the work...95 percent want to off to the races we go and I become a working the end of the day the boys & gals have now become better at the sport and if the they do have there rig under stand the rules of the road... I don't mind sharing info and have a fairly good network..but that network is a 2 way street.... there is a certain satisfaction those days where the guest walk away having learned something..even knock the odd one fish off the net.. :)
Awesome responses, all of them.....well except for maybe the "Bob Loblaw" response a while back as it wasn't that informative however at least it gave me a chuckle !

While reading some of these posts I actually forgot I had started this thread (due to some responses I got on the "Vancouver ( must provide us every detail lol) Reports Forum" for being vague about a specific ( small) location . I therefore considered not posting reports at all because when you give and give then some people whine that its not enough info, its very draining- not to mention everything else others have posted about expectations of details in a report. I don't even mind being asked a specific location... I get that... its the negative reaction after explaining you can't provide more detail that makes me wonder; why bother to post at all? Its those reactions ( and the following posts soaked in sarcasm because they are frustrated) that will eventually cut down on many of the regulars doing any reporting at all ( it may be far more prevalent on the VanReports forum) .

The responses here seem close to 100% feeling that fishers will keep smaller hot spots from the masses and would not broadcast on the internet even though almost all of us ( including myself ) have no problem helping others, offering advice, tips, technique, experiences and ideas. The reasoning being nothing to do with "greed" for fish, as one of the responders incorrectly muttered but to move about in peace and quiet without the introducing navigational stress and overcrowding. As well, a spot being kept from the masses may also be done in respect to others within your small goup/intel .

Searun, I think your last post sums up how I feel too about being open with most info. I also think allowing your own paying client know which spot they are actually fishing at is fine but quite different than letting the public know about a small hotspot by posting about it on a forum. I totally agree that attempting to stop a client from noting a position where they paid to go fishing is a waste of time. I can just see it at the dock ... "ok everyone empty their pockets before coming aboard " - and then the clients are asked to put on blindfolds for the run to the "hotspot" ! lol Maybe not the best etiquette for a guest/client to mark positions but not a battle I'd bother getting into. Every time a photo is taken with a phone Nav app open, a lat and long is recorded ....or every photo taken of your helm may show the chart plotter pos.

Some posts on here mention that most spots are not 'secret' or 'unknown' anyway so why bother trying to keep the spots vague or 'secret' from others - well 'most' means not all of them, right ? .... and if all spots are so well known, easy to locate and everyone is fishing them as mentioned ( the whole fleet is there) then why are these fishers so intent on finding out the exact location then ?

Being vague or secretive about a specific spot at a specific time doesn't mean you are protecting a spot because it is some place not known to mankind and has never been fished before , it is simply a place a fisher may have found a great bite at ceratin times and that's been going on few days or more in a specific spot, usually a very small place where very few are aware of that particular pattern/situation unless its published online etc ..... We are not talking about the 'Hi-way' here or huge offshore banks. Pinnacles in and offshore and specific structure/contours/flats/holes/reefs/rocks/points we are talking about.

I would gladly help any fisher with tips and advice at my marina, on the water and yes, even on this forum as I have many times. I have also had tons of help on this forum from others sharing their experience over the years as well and I greatly appreciate what I have gained here.

In conclusion it seems the lions share of us will share alot of tips and info and are willing to be very helpful to others in all aspects of fishing and boating but will keep some of the special smaller fishing gems quiet , especially on an open forum. The way it should be IMO.

...enough... 'Bob Loblaw' !!!!!

Yes Peahead

You get it !! great post , bang on...

especially this !!

Being vague or secretive about a specific spot at a specific time doesn't mean you are protecting a spot because it is some place not known to mankind and has never been fished before , it is simply a place a fisher may have found a great bite at ceratin times and that's been going on few days or more in a specific spot, usually a very small place where very few are aware of that particular pattern/situation unless its published online etc ..... We are not talking about the 'Hi-way' here or huge offshore banks. Pinnacles in and offshore and specific structure/contours/flats/holes/reefs/rocks/points we are talking about.

Derby totally in agreement with letting the guests run the gear as many I have taken out are comfortable using all the equipment. Even newbies I help and give a chance to do it all if they want unless I figure my downrigger could get broken, rats nest etc. lol Really enjoy helping out and explaining why I'm doing certain things and going over contours and if they want scope out land marks to figure out a general spot if you can see shore fly at it. I just don't like pin dropping that's all takes many years to find favorite spots and learn how to fish them in a productive way. Many of my spots were an time and financial investment lol and that's a reality so I like to keep them as anonymous as possible and this is for halibut and cod. Like one said in an earlier post cod spots can be nuked quickly with to much pressure and aren't very resilient. Salmon well they are migratory so I don't care and I pass that info along all the time. Some spots inshore sometimes are left quiet as there's only so much room for so many boats at a time.
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Wow this thread is like finding out your adopted when your 20 ... i have pretty much learned every thing i know about salmon fishing from this forum and now its all a lie :p

I appreciate all the information i receive from this forum and i'm not lucky enough to own my own boat. I stay and rent out at the Seabeam and we watch all the sweet looking boats like The Fog Ducker blow by us (I waved last time ... im sure he was wondering who those idiots in the baby boat were haha) .. but because of the odd general location i was able do my research for months leading up to my trip which produced enough fish to feel like the trip was epic. Fish come and go and locations that are good today aren't tomorrow ... in a way i rather lots of general location reports than one or two specific and leave it in my hands to figure out the rest.


i remember your boat actually , glad ya had a good trip , its always a blast , good fishin or not ,
will keep an eye out for ya this season

I always get a chuckle when I'm anchored somewhere and some dude comes close by to wave and say hi to mark the spot thinking he's cleverly just looking like a friendly guy..

Truth is, I don't know what the FAK I'm doing so the joke's on him.... unless he's looking to fill his quota of dogfish. :) LOL.