Here's my take on getting specific about location, methods, and gear.
I think every fisherman/woman has gone out one day and slayed them, and then goes out the next day, and does it again... slays the buggers again! What a great feeling. I think that is partly what keeps us coming back. On the flip side, I would imagine that most of us have had the antithesis play out. We clobber fish all day long on the first day, and go our the next day and don't get a sniff. We sit around the boat wondering what the heck happened. Same conditions, same tide, same weather, we're marking fish, and we're using the same setup that filled the boat the day before. That's when I start looking for who brought the bananas on board.
Speaking for myself, I'd have to say that the second day failures happen just as often as the second day successes. Therefore, what I learned on day one, may or may not apply to day two, even for MYSELF. So for me to put all my specifics on the interwebs for others to interpret and duplicate (with varying days of success I might add) may, or may not help them out. Hell, that information may or may not help ME out!
I think it's a great feeling when you can go out on day two and feel like you are succeeding based on your learnings from a previous day... that feeling of really having the fish dialed in. That's great stuff. But, I really get stoked when I can figure out how to catch fish when the day one stuff doesn't work. Then you have to figure out what's different and devise a new strategy. That also adds to my fishing repertoire in many cases, and creates new tactics or learnings that I can use on future days.
In summary, I think that it really doesn't matter that much. There are definitely some things to learn, and finding the fish is half the battle, but do specifics really matter? I doubt it. Fishing and fish are too dynamic to provide any real consistency. A fisherperson's consistence comes from their ability to adapt and their willingness to give up on what worked yesterday and push for a new approach that will work today.
Just my two cents...
Now I'm going off to read the reports for this past weekend.