Pour your drink before you read this one... it's a long one, but an opinion from a 'not long time' forum member.
I am going to guess that we have quite an age and experience range on this forum and many of you that have posted in this thread have been here for 5, 10 and more years. I will also make a pretty safe assumption that some have been fishing for longer than my age LOL! I appreciate the secrecy of certain treasures and I understand the reasons why one would not post publically on an open forum.
What I think is missing is the understanding of the difference between a person asking for tips so he/she can take his/her buddies out and fish limits constantly (and blabbing) vs the person who has spent money on boats/gear and has invested time. Time on the water, reading and understanding the conservation and cycles of what is hopefully soon to be their catch, simply so they can enjoy a treat that isn't packaged in plastic from a grocery store. I know the difference because I started out hating all hunters, only to become educated in my 30's. I started out as the wife who was encouraged to obtain my hunter number so it could be used for draws... Ultimately, I ended up not only keeping camp but going out on the hunts as well. I got my first buck a couple of years ago, I cleaned and processed it myself. (We've raised our own livestock for years so it wasn't unfamiliar territory). I have shared hunting info, but I don't give out my exact spots publically either. It was a HUGE expense and time investment over the years....
Anyway, I'm new to ocean fishing (other than messing around as a kid) as I've just moved back to the island from the interior after 20 years. I am so far behind where all of you guys/gals are and I have learned a lot of things by reading this forum. Love the photos as well. I read the reports and take them into consideration together with our experiences and knowledge and try to apply it all when we're out. I don't understand all of the cryptic comments and find them to be less than useful and at times condescending to newcomers or those who are truly trying to learn.
I love to be on the water of course (grew up sailing), but coming home empty handed is starting to get embarrasing lol! I think it's a good thing to selectively share information, mentor some younger or new to fishing folk... Afterall, there's alot of armchair cyber fishing and video games to compete with these days, why not embrace those who are willing to be out there doing it? I highly doubt anyone here has gotten to where they are today with absolutely no assistance.
To be honest, I was fearful to ask for a little assistance on this forum for fear of being slammed for doing so based on the responses to other member's requests. Maybe it's all in how to ask, beats me?
We've figured out crab and prawns for the most part... We are struggling with the main fish everyone mentions. Have all the gear, I know where to go and what times. You would probably all laugh like hell if you saw the fish markers on my navionics app. Learned how to anchor properly in deep water... that was fun... NOT, but we figured it out. I'm just thinking we might be missing something, or we're severely unlucky.
I am currently trying to arrange going out with someone else, only to increase our chances of going home with something for that one day. I would still love to learn to fish a few spots that are closer to us, so if you're willing to open up some discussion via pm, please do so. We generally launch at Cow Bay....
Good weather this weekend.... Enjoy!