quote:Originally posted by sockeyefry
It also intrigues me that you are not complaining about the 15 lbs of fish needed to produce 1 lb of edible weight chicken.
That's called "deflection", sockeyefry.
Sockeyefry, look at the title of this thread, and the web address of the web page. This is a thread about "
fish farm siting criteria & politics" posted on the "
Sport Fishing BC Forums".
If you want to start a thread about fish meal and oil used in chicken feed, feel free to either start one here, or go to the Canadian poultry producers website.
Do I think overharvesting of chilean forage fish for the fish meal and oil for any reason is a good idea - No.
BUT we are focused on the effects of the open net-cage technology here - and so,
YES - there is an impact -
a net loss - on available fish protein that goes into the production of farmed Atlantic salmon on the order of ~4 lbs lost to produce every lb of Atlantic salmon flesh to market.
It's another impact, that I'm glad to hear "intrigues" you.
quote:Originally posted by YEAH BUDDY
Agentaqua I am a 18 year old who does work and guide out in Bamfield, and not associated with salmon farms in any way except I am in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Program at VIU. Wich in no means makes me a expert it just means I push pencils all day about this stuff.
I'm glad you're interesting in this stuff YEAH BUDDY. I do believe in the concept of aquaculture, by-the-way - just not open net-cage technology as it is currently practiced. I think we both agree on this, after reading your postings.
That unfortunately goes against the current vision that our regulators (Harper, and Campbell; DFO and BCMAFF) have mapped-out for us - the great unwashed.
I believe this has something to do with campaign and party contributions, manila envelopes under the table, corruption, collusion, egos, and a long-term game plan to wipe-out wild salmon so that water exports and diversions (and hydro power) to the states can develop and carry-on unimpeded.
The people who are dependent upon wild salmon are not the ones promoting this. Government working in collusion with industry are.
Anyone who dissents is given the same treatment Alex Morton and other dissenters get - severe personal attacks, just re-read this forum for examples of that.
Industry proponents don't want debate. There's too much to hide.
So, you too will face much opposition within the pro-aquaculture lobby if you state that you don't believe in the concept of open net-cage technology.
Hang on for the ride, and hang on to your morals, yeah buddy. It's a bumpy ride.