Everyday post a photo of a reel you own.

Just for fun, I'll switch the topic for one second. Lol 😂

Yes...I am still moving.


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OK, back on track. Now that I am the main PEETZ guy, perhaps I should start thinning this collection out a bit. That's a totally different topic though.

Here's a great little classic. Very strong presence in its day. Popular amongst river angers and jiggers. DAM is a German brand that did very well in North America over its history on this coast.


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Here's my HARDY Silex Major. It's always a fun, challenging battle. Adrenaline filled excitement. Always worth a cast.


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I have had this one for a long time caught a few pinks at the mouth of the Oyster with it.
Here's one that just came into my hands yesterday afternoon, given to me by our buddy Don who is a longtime SFBC forum member. It was fun chatting over all the local fishing history and coming to realize that we all knew so many of the same characters. Thanks again for this truly OG PFLUEGER trolling reel mounted to an ancient stubby cane rod. Your awesome Don.
i got one of them too!
More modern, for what many term hi-tech jigging, but isn't really at all much different than what we have done all along. Yes the rods and reels and shapes of lures have adjusted over time. Doug Field carried on after his Dad Rex to become a pioneer in light short rods. He was ahead of his time with the technique and most anglers laughed at his trout looking set up. It made him one of the most successful jiggers on the coast and in my opinion way too far ahead. It took decades for anglers to finally catch up and today in recent times, I even get the odd funny look from anglers that still don't understand.

This custom is married to my favorite reel for jigging. It's a Daiwa Tatula loaded with 20lb J Braid. The jig lure is made by me.
pretty much all i do now. thanks for hooking me up with reel and line.
Another day another set of reels,
To me, these are the most valuable and sentimental in my collection, would not sell these for anything, they were my dads, who past in Jan 2023. A couple of older Mitchell's with spare spools.

I as given the same reel from my father when I was 10 so many memories I just cleaned and re greased it this fall. You guys got me thinking it’s going to be a retro year need to dig out the old closets face reels and do some stream fishing with my boys.
Another day another set of reels,
To me, these are the most valuable and sentimental in my collection, would not sell these for anything, they were my dads, who past in Jan 2023. A couple of older Mitchell's with spare spools.

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I put thousands of hours on Mitchell 300s as a kid. I would wear out the anti-reverse dog lever and have to take the reel apart to file new teeth in it. The dog was some kind of pot metal but somewhere along the line they changed to plastic (70s?) and they didn’t last as long.
When my dad introduced us to salmon fishing we just got bigger Mitchel reels.
Thanks for that piece of nostalgia.
Another nice reel if in good working order with upgraded parts and upgraded graphite drag washers is
The Mitchell 782 Gold Band edition... The one with the Red band had inferior internal parts.


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My DAM reel bought in 1975 approx. It's important to me because I caught a 42 Lb Spring off Beechy Head in June of 1982 with it. I was dragging my gear behind the boat 50 feet or so....... with herring strip and a Peetz 6 oz weight on it. Couldn't afford down riggers. I only had 200 feet of line on the spool. The fish took all of it. It dragged the boat around for 20 minutes. Thought I had the bottom to be honest. I think its the same line on it today as back in 82. Anyway, got the fish to the boat and crapped my pants when I saw the size of it. Just as I was going to net it, the hook fell out. I grabbed the gaff and in a nano-second had the fish in the boat. It straddled the entire width of my 12 ft Lund.

Another nice reel if in good working order with upgraded parts and upgraded graphite drag washers is
The Mitchell 782 Gold Band edition... The one with the Red band had inferior internal parts.
Hey! How'd did you get a picture of one of my Reels? I've had this a long time. Got it cleaned it up at season's end but haven't yet figured out a good source for graphite drag washers.