Early Halibut Opening

The system you want to see, has been in place for years. This just shows us that people don't read the reg's, don't have a clue what's going on, don't get involved, and then complain in the end. Our system isn't perfect, but it's what there is to work with. It usually doesn't give us the results we would like to see, but again it's the numbers the working groups have to deal with.

Ya I dont know what to say. I guess I keep seeing rivers closed to sport, even catch and release (but open to netting), Ocean fishing restrictions so complicated you need a science degree to learn them and then they change yearly depending on emotions. It just tiring the more they take away we never get back. Albeit the 80's was a complete collapse east side of the island and no restrictions on sport fishing, just commerical, and the fishing rebounded.

Schadenfreude - DFO​

10 fish per year only benefits guys who live on the island with very few exceptions.
I cant figure out how anyone needs 10 Halibut. With a salmon limit ,a ling limit and some prawns how can 1 family eat 10 29# halibut. As many know here i spend 4 1/2 months a year at TC and come home with our limit . We eat fish twice a week all year and no way with all the other limits would we need 10 halibut. I take 2 30# halibut a year as i like that size for eating. I realize very few Halibut fishers actually get 10 a year but blaming lodges or guides or commercial fishers and then the Americans will only make DFO happy that we , AGAIN, are fighting amounst ourselfs. Trust the people that are fighting for you and if you don’t, then step up, but do your research first
If I had to guess I would say probably 95% of the tac is used up by people who retain 2 or less adjusting annual limits would do nothing.

It’s the same with chinook most chinook are caught though guiding operations and the average chinook retained was less than 6 per person.

So using annual limits as an effective way of reducing catch would mean setting annual limited very close to current possession limits.
I cant figure out how anyone needs 10 Halibut. With a salmon limit ,a ling limit and some prawns how can 1 family eat 10 29# halibut. As many know here i spend 4 1/2 months a year at TC and come home with our limit . We eat fish twice a week all year and no way with all the other limits would we need 10 halibut. I take 2 30# halibut a year as i like that size for eating. I realize very few Halibut fishers actually get 10 a year but blaming lodges or guides or commercial fishers and then the Americans will only make DFO happy that we , AGAIN, are fighting amounst ourselfs. Trust the people that are fighting for you and if you don’t, then step up, but do your research first
I've been stewing this around in my brain for so long I just didn't want to open that can because you know what happens when you do. Why not allow a fish or 2 and done. But then your talking total participation of anglers to count those fish. Almost need tags to manage it. Unless there's a easier way
Is there no way of doing an over slot that can count as two or even three fish on your annual limit? Still keeps the retention at one but helps out the guys that only get out one or two times a year. Has this ever been considered?
If I had to guess I would say probably 95% of the tac is used up by people who retain 2 or less adjusting annual limits would do nothing.

It’s the same with chinook most chinook are caught though guiding operations and the average chinook retained was less than 6 per person.

So using annual limits as an effective way of reducing catch would mean setting annual limited very close to current possession limits.
I'd guess the opposite. I'd guess the biggest chunk of the tac is taken by the minority who feel the need to maximize their catch, take granny out to get extra limits etc. A smaller, reasonable limit of say five fish might give a longer season to those of us who can pace themselves. Assuming folks play by the rules.
there is 100's of guides across the coast, taking out people every day for 4 months of the year, Many of whom it will be their only fishing trip of the year, Guided success is infinitely higher than non guided success.

I get what your saying, i just dont think its a significant amount compared to the above.

This is also where the majority of fishermen are and why now a days it would be really had to rally the troops, is a guy that goes on one or two trips a year, who has many choices of where to go gonna spend hours of their busy life advocating for more tac? its just not gonna happen and that's where there majority of anglers are.
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i will stand by my statements that the bigger lodges should be part of commercial tac. it is corporate. money machines. us small guides in the communities bring people in and also spend our money in these communities. absolutely adding to the trickle down economy that keeps all the services supported. also thought of a weight or length limit per license rather than 10 halibut.. so someone would get say 100lbs quota or 60 inches in total per licence catch it how you can or want to.
i will stand by my statements that the bigger lodges should be part of commercial tac. it is corporate. money machines. us small guides in the communities bring people in and also spend our money in these communities. absolutely adding to the trickle down economy that keeps all the services supported. also thought of a weight or length limit per license rather than 10 halibut.. so someone would get say 100lbs quota or 60 inches in total per licence catch it how you can or want to.
That's exactly what I was going to add to my comment earlier. If the TAC is based on weight, so should your personal allotment.
Is there no way of doing an over slot that can count as two or even three fish on your annual limit? Still keeps the retention at one but helps out the guys that only get out one or two times a year. Has this ever been considered?
It might be too complicated but what would be cool is at the time of purchasing your license for the year you could decide between 2 Halibut options. 10 fish with the regular max length or 5 fish with a slightly larger length . When you print the license it reflects your choice and you are stuck with your choice for the year.
It might be too complicated but what would be cool is at the time of purchasing your license for the year you could decide between 2 Halibut options. 10 fish with the regular max length or 5 fish with a slightly larger length . When you print the license it reflects your choice and you are stuck with your choice for the year.

Won’t help reduce tac as most don’t even get 5 halibut (hence why this years regs really do hurt the avg angler) but an idea for giving options.
I'd guess the opposite. I'd guess the biggest chunk of the tac is taken by the minority who feel the need to maximize their catch, take granny out to get extra limits etc. A smaller, reasonable limit of say five fish might give a longer season to those of us who can pace themselves. Assuming folks play by the rules.
I’m one of those who would love to take Granny out but unfortunately she’s been gone for years. I do however take multiple people out individually which include, 2 friends and 5 family members. They fish only with me and I take them not to “get extra limits” for myself but so that they can experience the same enjoyment that I do from fishing and from sometimes catching one.
I agree and do not understand the need for a limit of 10 but I’m sure there is some logic behind it that most of us are not aware of. Some on here discuss the fact that reducing to a yearly limit to 6 would have no effect on amount caught. If this is true then why is there a need to have it at 10? Is this for a very small number of fishers who do go out and get 10?
In my case as an example, the 8 licences (5 different families) on my boat caught a total of 14 fish last year so even if the limit was 6 we would be no where near the allowable quota.

My average weight was around 12lbs so inline with what the data is saying about smaller fish becoming the norm.

I would like to echo what others have already said and that is to thank those who volunteer and represent us. It’s mostly a thankless job but I’m sure that your efforts are much appreciated by the majority of us.
I also believe it should be 6 halibut.

Last night I attended the SFAB meeting at Esq Angler. I got the feeling it will be 102 cm halibut per day and one in you possession and opening April 1st.
Halibut fishing in areas 19/20 has a lots of great tide flow dates in March and as the months go on it appears there are less and less flavorful tide flow dates. Then late June a lot of dog fish start moving in. .

What ever the final out come is, we have to do our best with it. The guys representing Rec fisherman are doing the best for us all because they are fisherman too. Thanks for volunteering.
Sorry but I am not in support about reducing annual limit. Seems completely stupid to me. Another bandade. The really issue is TAC allocation coupled with a bad year for recruitment.
Please explain. Why is it stupid? What’s your logic behind the response? Is seems to be a common thread on here that the “vast” majority on here do not catch 6 fish per year. Is the limit of 10 for a very small minority? I don’t know which was why I said that there must be some logic behind it that most of us don’t understand. If someone “needs” more than 6 they could just get their granny to get a license and tag along for a trip. Only helps if she would be willing to share her catch. 🤪
Please explain. Why is it stupid? What’s your logic behind the response? Is seems to be a common thread on here that the “vast” majority on here do not catch 6 fish per year. Is the limit of 10 for a very small minority? I don’t know which was why I said that there must be some logic behind it that most of us don’t understand. If someone “needs” more than 6 they could just get their granny to get a license and tag along for a trip. Only helps if she would be willing to share her catch. 🤪
Because it will make zero difference in reducing the TAC we use. That’s why. Won’t be helpful at all.