Early Halibut Opening

Not known yet,but we have a very small allocation this year unfortunately. Can't see it opening till late spring. Personally planning for a late opening in case in May or June.
I believe today is the last day of the annual IPHC meeting, so Canada's tac should be known by end of day if its not already been posted.
Just wrap up... Canada has taken a 15.8 % cut to the overall tac so the over CND tac is looking like 5.45 million pounds. It will take a couple days for what Rec. tac will shake out to be.
if the tcey for canada is 5.45 i believe you subtract .4 for native that leaves 5.05 we get 15% of that so. .7575 so 757,500 pounds minus any overage from this year i think

That's just a guess off that
if we have 30k overage we could be looking at something like 720,000 pounds but thats just a guess off derbys tcey number
if the tcey for canada is 5.45 i believe you subtract .4 for native that leaves 5.05 we get 15% of that so. .7575 so 757,500 pounds minus any overage from this year i think

That's just a guess off that
closer to approx. 650,000 lbs more or less for the rec
is 650k ends up being the number then with the current regs we would be over that in just the june, july and august, So even if you cut out every month but thoes 3 your may still have to do size regs with a slot or something.

Thats bad
