Derby's Canuck emporium

Well, Vancouver was close for the longest time. But then they blew the whistle and the game had to start.
Wouldn't matter who started. Nucks don't have a playoff team. Time to clean house. After this is over no one should be safe.
Got to ask why didn't Lou not start??? it wasn't about goal tending??
my feeling always had been that the team had more confidence with CS in net and therefore could play more aggressive. With Lou, I tend to think they err more on the side of caution and play more defensively (thus scoring problem in first 2 games)....CS kept them in it until the first mental lapse, then down hill from there for the whole team. At this point, I don't know who you go with! Assuming CS is still the future, I think they have to show confidence in him and start him again. If they don't, they just make next year that much more painful to deal with. That said, if CS starts and its a repeat, next year will be hard to figure out
Wouldn't matter who started. Nucks don't have a playoff team. Time to clean house. After this is over no one should be safe.

Agreed. Too many smurfs and Swedes to win in the playoffs. This team was built to win in the regular season
It doesn't matter with this team who is in goal...the d-men are making too many mistakes with one of the two getting caught up ice and they don't have enough scoring power to overcome the odd gaff that ends up in their own net. Last night was a scoring outburst for this team, hard to win when scoring 2 goals is a good night. I don't think a total blow up is in order but they have some overpaid lack of talent on the team that needs to be shipped out. For me I would obviously pick the goalie you want and trade the other, get rid of Ballard, Raymond, and the twins. Bring is some PROVEN talent that craves playoff action and who rise to the occasion.
Gillis has to go. #1. He has brutal track record. Plus buyout Ballard and booth. Let Raymond go. I'd look at trading edler. Even Sedins if you've got deal where you get 2 young players back. Keep Schneider. Maybe throw edler in package with luongo. But gillis HAS to go.
Also if Sedins are willing to sign for 2.5-3 mill a piece for 2 seasons from now in order to give Canucks cap room (which I could see) then I'd resign them. Otherwise trade.
Once again the Canucks exceeded everyone's expectations. Our only hope is that they pull out all stops and win a single playoff game. On the other hand, the organization is financially stable as thousands pay hefty sums to attend this annual debacle.
I agree that the Sedins can still be serviceable players for the Canucks, but they are no longer a first line power house, they need to take a pay cut when their contract is up next year and make them second liners. That way they can see some more favorable match ups and you can build a first line around Kesler. If you like Kesler or not, he is ready to take on the role of being "the guy" on this team but he needs high caliber players with him. He deserves that.
Not that Alain Vigneault really had any choice if Cory really is the future. He will be lucky to have a job if they can't pull a rabbit out of the hat. Four straight wins would help the cause though. Not likely. I think we are sellers in the off season.
This should be fun......maybe we can get this one but 4 in a row???..... we'll we see....Hey Jackel should I become a Leaf's fan............:)