Derby's Canuck emporium

Great goal Raffi, even if TSN annalists dissected Raymond, interfered with Anti
Great game LU, way to stamp your worth. so far what went in was megga screened & no fault on you

Go Nucks Go
this may B the season!!!
Proud to be a fan
Well...unless we see the team we saw in the second period a whole lot more ..... we will be joining the leafs in short order....... fore...... :)
Update wake up this morning at Schick, and by the jesus there is Derby, Fishtofino here and it looks like Hambone is at the check in, Serengetti is trying to get through the door but the bus between his legs is proving to be a problem. Looks like it may be a full house for Friday :)

Bwahaha!! Good one.

Everyone gets another try on Friday
Update wake up this morning at Schick, and by the jesus there is Derby, Fishtofino here and it looks like Hambone is at the check in, Serengetti is trying to get through the door but the bus between his legs is proving to be a problem. Looks like it may be a full house for Friday :)

haa haa Now that is funny.. :) thank you for the great laugh... :) :)
Luongo to start game 2 :( played well last night but the whole team plays better in front of Schneider and he is capable of stealing a game...luongo is not. Gillis will try to use injuries as an excuse should we lose this series and that's not acceptable. Hopefully we win it though! If not i say bye gillis and vigneault (gillis' track record is brutal and Canucks have lost 9 of last 11 playoff games with vigneault at helm). Will be at game tomorrow in luongo jersey ironically enough ha ha
Kesler showed up, Lou had to make more than a few grade a saves to keep them close and allow them a chance to win. Edler made a bad pinch and the twins are their usual playoff selves.
Damn it, they had the game in the bag and Torres scores in OT. What a slap in the chops.
No surprises with the Canucks. They are living up to their Stanley Cup expectations. Maybe they can pull off the unexpected and win one before they call it a season, once again.
It was a great effort-but you need more than Lou/Kessler and Johanssen. I always regretted getting rid of Raffi-very little grit left. I thought they could of/should have won last night but in my heart having watched a few of the other teams I can't help thinking it's probably rebuild time. I hope they prove me wrong!!
The high and lows of being a Canucks fan are getting tough to deal. Kesler was a beast last night, and Lou did make some great saves, but they will need more from others if they expect to win games. Where's the passion? I am thinking some have already given up on this season.
What would kill me if I was a Canucks fan is where do the Sedins go come play-offs ? Is it simply the tighter checking that takes them off the scoresheet, the lack of other lines to take the heat off of them or what ? They have the skills, strength and guts (IMO) but where are they ?