Derby's Canuck emporium was a Nightmare...guess Lou thoght so also..he wants out of there now........ like your call on the game.... I'll go 3-2 :)
Does anyone have a link to watch the nucks game online.
I'm down in Seattle and can't get out to a bar tonite.
I have no clue how gillis can say it will be easier to trade luongo In the summer as teams know they have to get rid of him for cap reasons. What an idiot
Ya, so whatever comes back for Luongo is now gravy...Don't see him going to Toronto anymore as mainly interested in Bozak there from what everyone was saying.
Just need Cloe from the Sharks and I would have a bit more of the loving feeling for Lord Stanley... :)
With the addition of Roy the Canucks are really solid down the middle once Kesler is back.

They now need to try and get a right handed powerplay Dman and/or some extra forwards, preferably with some grit (Clowe, Torres)...
With the addition of Roy the Canucks are really solid down the middle once Kesler is back.

They now need to try and get a right handed powerplay Dman and/or some extra forwards, preferably with some grit (Clowe, Torres)...

Is Torres on the block?
Was down to us and NYR for Clowe but that is AN AWFUL lot to give up for a guy with 0 goals. Glad we lost out on that one to be honest, two 2nds and a 3rd...yikes!
Isn't that why they have Sestito, Weise, Burrows, Lapierre, Pinozotto?

Depending on how the deadline goes and how they finish the season, sestito, weise and pinzotto will be fighting for a fourth line spot in the playoffs if they play at all. Im not saying they are going to get Torres or they want him, but hes been a strong player on two unsuccessful cup runs (edm, van). Burrows is a first liner and Lapierre is valuable for his faceoff and penalty killing, so he has a guaranteed fourth line spot. That's how I see it anyways.

IMO priority number one is a right handed defenceman that has played on a powerplay before. Won't be easy to find that.....

Luongo is definitely worth more in the summer unless somehow Gillis finds a crazy deal out there... His contract is just insane and is the reason it's hard to move him.
Gotta disagree with him being worth more in the summer...several high quality UFA goalies coming out AND GM's KNOW Gillis has to move him before season's start or else buy him out for cap reasons...closer we get to September of next year the less value Luongo has in my opinion.