Canucks: 2011/2012

Man was he crappy in the shoot out... upside down, stick flyin' all over the place.

Good thing the boys were puttin' it in the net to keep givin' the wang more chances; had to stop one sooner or later.

Can you imagine if Luongo got pulled for the shootout! I would be praising the move! Might just start a new trend. Doesn't take much to rattle Luongo and the goal he let in at the end of regulation was WEAK. Would have been a perfect opportunity to make the move.
Luongo has been pretty dominant for around a month now I think. Shootouts have always been a problem..... But canucks fans shouldn't bash him right now. He's the main reason they've been getting points lately, the team infront of him has been average at best.
No kidding. Luongo maybe isn't in the top 5 goaltenders in the league, but he's better than what we're used to. Hello Dan Cloutier!! I think if we had Tim Thomas, we would still ride his a$$ all the time. It doesn't matter who we have in net, the Vancouver fans would still give it to them. Luongo has been solid his whole career here. Name me another goalie that doesn't let in a softie every now and then? I can admit that Luongos softies sometimes come at the wrong time, which is why I think people ride him so hard. But have you seen some of the other softies in the league? Wow, shots from center? The last month or so the team has been terrible, but we're still getting points, thanks to our goalies. That being said, Gillis has a huge decision in the off season (after we win the cup). I would like to see them keep Schneider and trade Luongo. I think Scheids is the better athlete and seems to have a calmer demeanor. In the long run, I think Schneids is going to be a better goalie. He still has room to learn and improve, as he's young. Whereas Luongo is 5 years older, and perhaps on the downside of his career. Not many goalies get better as they move into their 30's. They seem to lose flexibility and reaction time. But there is only a couple of teams that Luongo would waive his NT clause for. Montreal, Tampa or Florida are my bets.
Wow I just got up after trying to watch the game great way to get some sleep watching that shitshow. LEAKY sucks verse same as the first, let er rip Derby :)

No need my friend ..... my friend Mr.tulameentrapper has done it for me.....;)
Mtl fans are as hard on Price as we are on Luongo. I'd be very surprised if he went there, but it's one of the teams he would waive his NT clause for, I bet. Maybe we can get Gomez and swap salaries? I heard he finally scored a goal.
Lou wants to win a Stanley Cup. Not only a lifelong dream but also now to prove the doubters wrong. Do you really think he would take a trade to Montreal at his age? Will his playing career last long enough to see a cup in Montreal? Risky!!!
Lou wants to win a Stanley Cup. Not only a lifelong dream but also now to prove the doubters wrong. Do you really think he would take a trade to Montreal at his age? Will his playing career last long enough to see a cup in Montreal? Risky!!!

agree... :)
If Lou wants to win a cup he had better get his mental game together when he faces Chicago then Boston because last year he was messed up in the head.
Montreal? Seperatists? Politics & hockey? Wow, this is way-cool!

Be right back just as soon as I figure a way to skew salmon-farming through the crack in this now slightly-ajar door...
The point is that Lou shouldn't be asleep in the net ESPECIALLY in the last two minutes of a hockey game riding a shutout.