CANUCKS'- 2010

Absolutely brilliant game! Thank God for the 'Grinders': La Pierre, Torres and what the hey - the 'Sisters' showed!


Nucks in 5!
7 wins now.....

Roger....... I'm on it.


[Edit]........ Good food.... good company... good game...

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Even Lou couldn't give the game away. Sedins were sighted. Canucks dominated second half of the game. Good start, long way to go. Another bleak day in Gold River.
Much more entertaining than the Bolts/Bruins game 1.
yep was workin so yes had to VHS it, everything was going great and then all of a sudden the sharks looked like they were tired or something, totally got out skated in the third, my cat could see the momentum shift, i love it tho when lulongo handles the puck, he should do it all the time,lmao....holmes*​

Like Campbell?? ................. oh wait, he's golfing now

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LOL the towel guy even gets a comic....Wheres Sully an Force?

......Oh they're still waiting....
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This one's for Holmes ... some reasons to get aboard the bus. Time to let it go buddy, and have some fun with this ride!

Down Goes Brown: Don’t make Kesler angry

There are two unavoidable facts of hockey life that every Canadian fan will be reminded of at this time of year. The first is that none of the country’s teams have managed to win the Stanley Cup since 1993. The second is that, because of that drought, Canadian fans are expected to switch their allegiances en masse once the country is down to its last remaining team.

This year, that team is Vancouver. Yet despite the President’s Trophy-winning Canucks representing what is probably the country’s best chance at a championship since the lockout, many Canadian fans seem hesitant to climb onto the bandwagon.

That view seems short-sighted. While it is understandable that fans of the other five Canadian teams would be reluctant to even temporarily support another team, it says here that it is the logical move.

So if you are a Canadian hockey fan and find yourself still on the fence about rooting for the Canucks, consider the following list of good reasons to throw your support behind the nation’s last hope.

• Geologists and historians assure us that, in the strictest technically sense, Vancouver is part of Canada.

• Manny Malhotra has been a feel-good story as he attempts to resume his playing career after a devastating eye injury, instead of just going straight into refereeing like anyone else would have done.

• Admit it, it would be fun to watch Roberto Luongo win a Stanley Cup and still be roundly criticized for not doing it “clutchily” enough.

• If you do decide to root against them and Mike Gillis finds out, uh oh, here comes another press conference.

• Odds are at some point a Canadian fanbase will watch its team win the Stanley Cup and immediately become completely insufferable towards the rest of the country; at least if it’s Vancouver, the rest of us will get a three hours’ break first thing every morning.

• If you can get on the Canucks’ good side, they might let you help design the new logo they will inevitably be coming out with in the next year or two.

• It has been a long time since hockey lovers around the country joined together in pursuit of a common cause, unless you count getting Winnipeg fans’ hopes up yet again and then laughing at them.

• It has been inspirational watching the Canucks continue to succeed despite every player on the roster having whatever that disease is where you keel over dramatically the second anybody brushes up against you.

• Maple Leaf fans might really enjoy seeing a team built by Brian Burke and Dave Nonis win something for a change.

• The Stanley Cup final is expected to wrap up in early June, which would be good timing for Vancouver since it would coincide with the scheduled end of that Markus Naslund jersey retirement ceremony.

• Ottawa fans would no doubt love to see Sharks star Danny Heatley come up short in a devastating playoff loss, since it would remind them of the good old days.

• No matter what team you’re a fan of, you just can’t root against Ryan Kesler. No, really, you can’t. If you try, the next time you close your medicine cabinet door he’ll be standing right behind you.

• It would be a nice change for Canuck fans’ ever-present persecution complex to be unfounded because the rest of Canada is rooting for them, instead of being unfounded because the rest of Canada doesn’t care.

• Sure, go ahead and get Canuck fans mad at you if you want, but good luck nailing that big sales presentation when you have two guys in green bodysuits humping the boardroom window.

• Sean McIndoe is a hockey blogger who regularly updates the humour site Down Goes Brown. You can follow him on Twitter.
there are more Canadians on any other team left, there are only 13 Canadians on the crapnucks,

Still makes me shake my head.....the "reasoning" about "how many" Canadians being a reasoning for cheering for a team. It's been 18 years since a Canadian team hoisted the Cup and it was in Canada; since the 80's the run has essentially been all American teams and for true Canadian hockey fans that are happy to see the Cup spending a year in southern Florida or California I kinda wonder. :rolleyes:

The closest thing to a CANDADIAN team is one that plays on CANADIAN soil; big deal if a team has 3-4 more CDN born players; this is the NHL and NOT the Olympics, Spengler Cup, World Championships. We are not pitting country and against country.....there are only 2 countries with teams in the NHL and players from roughly 15 countries that play on those teams.

Sadly would certainly see me cheering for the Leafs in a Toronto/Columbus Stanley Cup final. ;)

Soon it's going to be about who uses equipment from what country...who drinks Canadian or American beer after a game......."I am cheering for this team as they have had an A&W hamburger vs the number of guys who have only had a Whopper". :p all the haters based on the principle of "how many" play for a team; I hope to see you elated if the Cup ends up AGAIN in California or Florida. :rolleyes:
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BTW holmes.........if you go to the websites of ALL the remaining teams in this years playoffs and look at their "ROSTER".......oddly enough you find these numbers of CANADIAN players ON THEIR ROSTER.......listed ON THEIR WEBSITES.

Vancouver - 17
San Jose - 17
Boston - 16
Tampa - 17

And....just for fun

Chicago - 15

That is listed right on their websites for their "ROSTER". All guys may not be active but it is their ROSTER's for their teams.

I can just hear you now........."fawk, where the fawk is the fawking drawing board as I have to go back to it again". :p :eek: :rolleyes:
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no way, i counted all the players a few weeks ago and the crapnucks only had 13 on their roster, i dont have some excuse for cheering for an american team, simply i hate the crapnucks, i also would NEVER cheer for the laughs either....holmes*

holmes........go ahead and count it up. In the past "few weeks" there have been no changes to their rosters as the trade deadline was a few months ago.

Oh yeah........and...........

Back to the drawing board holmes....... :p ;)

tampon bay just scored 13 seconds in, wow....holmes*
I wonder if 'topper is going for another walk after the first LOL
the pace in that tampon bay vs beantown game was insane, that was a great game man, best game ive seen in a while, im not sure the sharks or the nucks could beat either of those two....holmes*

there is ONE thing you can be sure of...Shi#hawks can't beat any of the four teams left:rolleyes:;)
I think with all the 1st round draft picks over 3 years now the team to watch out for in the next few years might be the oil. Was Tampa's formula for getting to where they are right now, and in a short time from bottom to a cup winner.