Boats on Used Victoria and Other Areas

Don't see that everyday.
I had to do the math to convince myself I shouldn't be headed over with a flat deck. 100k with a set of 140s hanging off a pod (and all the build issues along the way). Hopefully someone brings it back to life.
One thing not brought up often with those types of hulls is it takes big power to push them because of the sharp entry and deep V all the way to the back. They fall off plane easily and require good power to keep them on the plane. I talked to some of the guides with Grady White’s around the area and they say something similar.
One thing not brought up often with those types of hulls is it takes big power to push them because of the sharp entry and deep V all the way to the back. They fall off plane easily and require good power to keep them on the plane. I talked to some of the guides with Grady White’s around the area and they say something similar.
You'd be surprised how efficient a 23 can be. They are a 3+mpg boat in good conditions with a single 250. Guys with the diesel 23 laugh at those nunbers but I think they are pretty good.
Guess we finally got the crash people have been going on about. Free trailer with papers is almost a good deal, the Hourston is just proof JT is bringing down inflation. ;)

35 foot aluminum not the kind of discounting you are looking for but still fun @Rain City
By the time my investments recover, everyone else's will have too. And back up we go!
Guess we finally got the crash people have been going on about. Free trailer with papers is almost a good deal, the Hourston is just proof JT is bringing down inflation. ;)

35 foot aluminum not the kind of discounting you are looking for but still fun @Rain City
Why in the actual **** would anyone want an aluminum boat for pleasure cruising?
One thing not brought up often with those types of hulls is it takes big power to push them because of the sharp entry and deep V all the way to the back. They fall off plane easily and require good power to keep them on the plane. I talked to some of the guides with Grady White’s around the area and they say something similar.
Yep modified vee is more efficient but size for size I’d rather be riding in the Hourston on a ****** day.