Boats on Used Victoria and Other Areas

Interesting. I was wondering about the component parts and paint quality. Even if if the welds are good if the component parts and paint break down then you have expensive repairs and lots of maintenance that impacts re-sale values. They are designed to look nice new, but after a few years be prepared to spend $$$ to repair, replace and repaint. Not worth the money for these Chinese boats IMO. Support better made, better warranty and better after sales service by buying domestically I say.
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Too bad. Pedder bay used to have them for rentals too but with a shorter salmon season an roi on them would be difficult. Not sure if they will have them for 2025 or not? Sad to see these companies carved up but not many manufactures seems to make under 18 footers anymore. Silver streak seems to be an exception but only open? and Stabcraft whose YouTubers do a great job marketing their 14 foot opens
Race Rocks and Carmannah are both 17’ and available as hardtop or soft top.
Are they 17 plus pod? I feel like they are 19 loa and priced like it. I can’t tell from the website, I know SS put a lot of work into that website but I can’t navigate it and google is useless on LOA, don’t know if Andy or anyone from the company is on here.

Heard from a reputable source Silver is only building 18’ + pod racerocks/carmanah for stock, any 17s in these models would be a custom build. Both have a 7’2 beam and the carmanah is supposed to be the premier version of the two, believe as mentioned both are available in hard or soft top.

Then they of course have the 18’6 + pod challenger w a 7’10 beam & hull strengthener available in hard or soft. They might still be doing CCs in 17 but not sure.
A friend had the same boat with a yamaha 150, 9.9 kicker on a trailer. His was an 08 or 09. He sold it a couple years ago for around the same price. I don't know what he had for electronics.
Are they 17 plus pod? I feel like they are 19 loa and priced like it. I can’t tell from the website, I know SS put a lot of work into that website but I can’t navigate it and google is useless on LOA, don’t know if Andy or anyone from the company is on here.
17’ hull with extension pod, probably 19’6” OAL. My Gambier is built that way; 18’6” hull with 30” extension pod.

I’m not sure if you find that a benefit or drawback, but I appreciate that the figure given for hull length is the actual useable hull, not hull plus pod.

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My fishing buddy has an Eaglecraft built in the late 80s. Absolute tank, well built boat way beyond most tin boat builders.
Too bad the motors are no longer being made, tough to find a mechanic to work on them? Best to steer clear of etecs?

100 hours on a 8.5 year old main isn't much, sat for 2 years. Doesn't sound promising.

Is anyone on the S Island servicing them? SIMC in Sidney?
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You are right, in theory 75hp is no big deal for a 17ft whaler. That being said, with only a captain on board sitting in the back at the tiller handle, 75hp flat out sounds terrifying. When you are going fast in a tiller boat with minimal weight onboard, it almost feels like you are a rock skipping over water, and something could 'bite' at any second and send everything tumbling end over end.
Try a 150 jet tiller. Moderate pucker factor