Best campground marnia poll


Still waiting for a reply from my friend...think he might be up @ Rivers Inlet. I will take care of this, promise.

Good luck and greater fish'n.
Thanks for keeping me in mind.I'm trying to find info on Winter Harbour and Coal Harbour(camp sites,moorage,road conditions,and travel time from Hardy).Should a guy trailer the boat in or run it down the inlet.I think this is a place I would like to check out.Any info would be great.

Talked to my friend last night. They were in fact up at River's With a charter and had a diving charter out when they got back. Fishing was hard but they did load up on the BIG Coho's and Lings.

We both agree that the best campground in Hardy is the Quatse River Campground. 250-949-2395. ( They are located on the river across from the hatchery. Never stayed there myself but met others that have and no bad reviews. They say it does'nt flood out when raining and it looks nice as well, with clean facilities.

Another place worth mentioning is the Sunny Sanctuary. Its the closest to the marina, we stayed there once but did'nt care for it much. Lots of standing water when the rains hit and slow to dry out when not. Also there are about 300,000 little bunny rabbits bouncing around...wich do keep the kids entertained but do you have any idea how much "poop" all these little fur-balls create?. One ton of "poop" per site mixed well with rain water, stirredand mashed well with rubber boots = "poopy stew soup" that takes about two seasons to get cleaned up after youre out. Quatse is maybe another mile farther down the road.

About winter harbour. It does have launching and parking facilites. People stay in Hardy and do the comute every day(takes about 25 mins.). I drove over there once to look around. Very nice little community but did'nt see any camping around there. If youre self-contained you might get away with it at the launch but I don't know for sure. Depending on what youre fishing for its about 20 miles or so to the "mouth" of the inlet(thats where one goes for hali's). I'm told that this has some of the nicest scenery around also. As for Coal Harbour I can't say any thing about it... just don't know, never been there. Port Hard's Chamber of Commerce might be of some help.

Again, I truly hope this has been some-what usefull.

Good luck and greater fish'n.
Mr.Dean thanks for all the info.
I just got back from reny after a long summer of slayin and noticed this post. Yes it has gotten worse over the last few years but if Bud andRex owend it .it would be a first class op but they just lease it and this year might be there i don,t blame them for not putting any money into it.As for the guides throwing fish across the dock well they were told to by the owners.

There's One!!!!!!!!!
I feel the need to share this:

I cant get over about the lack of camping w/launching ares on the lower mainland... It blows my mind!. All of these great public ramps that one pays for day/overnight parking wont let you stay in the camper while on the premises, I just dont get it. In my opinion if your not creating a nusense and have a boat hooked on the back and are fully paid up or have a pass, whats the damb problem?. The lands are public... theres no big morgage on them... no 24hr staffing costs... police already patrol them day and night... campers are self-contained... This would not require any extra form of maintainance costs that I can think of... and given the severe lack of private facilities around here, again I ask WHATS THE DAMB PROBLEM!. Am I missing out on something?. Are there any other options out there for me besides trying to buy-up a foreshore lease in a hostile take over of the R.V.Y.C. in Stanley Park?(not that I have anything against yaucht clubs). All I want to do is to be able to go fishing for a weekend.

While I'm on a rant, I feel the need to express my opinion about Porteau Cove. This place is beutifull. Other than the super early wake-up call of the train horns that blow through there(if you ever stayed a night you know what I mean)its a nice place to hang your hat for a couple of days... if you don't mind launching your boat, anchoring out in the cove, swimming back to get your truck off the ramp, swimming back to the boat, drying off then getting changed to go fish for the day. It all sounds very adventureous I know but a little much for 5:00 a.m. dont you think?. Its more than just a little chilly. Even if you had a competent buddy SOME ONE still has to get wet. Even better yet... Some time ago in the not so distant past, BC Ferry Corp. installed an emergency ramp/landing site along side the "general persons" boat ramp, and the govt.(us taxpayers)paid HUGE dollars for this and no one had the fortitude to create a plan to install a few pilings inbetween for a simple finger dock to make it just a little nicer for the weekend warrior... when all the equipment and supplies were there and handy to do so. This place is one of the BC "marine parks" so why or how did the Ferry corp move in there in the first place?. Again these are park lands set aside for the general public... not tax dollar subsidided corporations to use as they see fit

Yeah, I guess I'm slightly a-little p.o'd. Definately fed up with govt. "great ideas".

I,m sure other people around here share these issues w/me. What do you guy's do to overcome these obstacals?.

Sincere feed back required. Thanks.

Good luck and greater fish'n.

Edited by - mr.dean on 09/13/2004 12:24:18
It was brought to my attention that there was some discussion here about Port Renfrew Marina, and I had to see it for myself.
I have been going to Port Renfrew Marina since before Rex and Bud had it, and over the past few years, have got to know them. The website is for the "best campground," and that is something that they've never professed to be. I've watched their operation and the popularity of it expand over the last number of years. For a business to expand the way it has over the last few years, they can't be doing everything wrong. Not only do they offer marine gas, but they offer vehicle gas for the convenience of both residents and tourists to the area. They have a very strong nucleus of regular customers who want to be part of the best fishing on Vancouver Island, and that's why I go. I was at their last derby on the long weekend, and it was bigger and better than ever. They raised over $1700 for the hatchery. For those of you who are looking for a 5 star resort, don't go there. I'm there for the fishing, and it was phenomenal again this season.
You miss the point entirely-it's not about fishing-that's been excellent all over the place.
If the place treats the river like a garbage dump, is dirty and disorganised and still doesn't have hot showers then somebody will build a place that does.
In saw a reference on another board to somebody building a new place w/breakwater which is exactly what Port Renfrew needs.
Excellent fishing will attract crowds and those people will need service and somebody will give it to them.
Then your short sighted pals will be stuck like they deserve to be.

that's why there's a warranty!
Rodbreaker, I have to disagree with you. YOU missed the point. I spend the better part of the summer there and the river is certainly not "treated like a garbage dump."
This place offers the only protected moorage in the area. To me, short-sightedness is parking your boat in a place that gets washed away by storms year after year. Go ahead and park your boat there, but not me.
I've been to the Renfrew Marina/Campground and I agree that it's poorly run and something of a disaster.
Dumping all those fish carcasses in the river is just plain stupid,
anyone who says that carcasses aren't being dumped is in serious denial.
It is important to remember though that some people have very low standards, the stench of rotting fish wafting up from the river bottom just doesn't bother them at all.
Not taking a shower for days @ time <img src=icon_smile_dissapprove.gif border=0 align=middle> doesn't bother them either, hard to believe maybe but true all the same.

livin' la vida pesca!