Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

I think since I (and we all) have witnessed such change since the repatriation of the Constitution in 1982 (and even before) with FN involvement in decisions on resource development in their own traditional territories - and UNDRIP now coming soon federally - I see the change happening remarkably quickly as compared to the past historical timeframes.

I am not seeing that vision and reality reflected in the industry's vision and understanding of the current and future political landscape. I think they have gotten way too used to getting their way and being protected by DFO. Kinda a hard and unexpected wake-up call for them - or at least they would have us believe.

But again - dishonesty reigns through the PR releases. The industry has been well aware of Justice Cohen recomendations to DFO for years:

"Beginning immediately and continuing until at least September 30, 2020, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans should ensure that:

• the maximum duration of any licence issued under the Pacific Aquaculture Regulations for a net-pen salmon farm in the Discovery Islands (fish health subzone 3-2) does not exceed one year;
• DFO does not issue new licences for net-pen salmon farms in the Discovery Islands (fish health sub-zone 3-2); and
• DFO does not permit increases in production at any existing net-pen salmon farm in the Discovery Island

This should NOT have been any surprise.

Until they change the core of their operations - the open net-cage technology - there is no way they can "improve operations" until they do actual risk assessment and management. Siting criteria is NOT a scientific-defensible substitute for that process - but it is convenient for the industry and DFO regulators. Not so convenient for outmigrating juvenile salmon - which is the real problem that remains unresolved and unacknowledged by the industry.

So - out of the water they come. They have had their day, and their dominance is slowly fading. The political landscape has changed in spite of their efforts. It will continue to do so. It's long overdue.

Interesting to see the switch from Fish Farms to herring.


Alexandra Morton Gwayum'dzi really?????

Unlike if you lose your job in vancouver, If you lose your job in port hardy you're probably selling your house and moving out of town.
The foreign owners of Open Net Pen Atlantic Salmon Fish Farms know sea lice are killing our wild salmon
and this is their solution to the problem

Norwegian fish farming giant Cermaq is applying for a permit to use almost a million litres of a highly toxic pesticide near Tofino. Salmon farms around the world are plagued by sea lice, because of overcrowded conditions. Corporations like Cermaq are using ever more extreme methods to control sea lice, threatening the marine environment and the livelihoods of communities who depend on it.
The pesticide Cermaq wants to use, Paramove 50, is a concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide. Paramove can persist in the environment for weeks, and tends to pool in shallow waters—the very place used for rearing by juvenile wild salmon, as well as crabs, shrimps and other crustaceans in their larval life stages

Pesticide dumping in Clayoquot Sound – Clayoquot Action
The foreign owners of Open Net Pen Atlantic Salmon Fish Farms know sea lice are killing our wild salmon
and this is their solution to the problem

Norwegian fish farming giant Cermaq is applying for a permit to use almost a million litres of a highly toxic pesticide near Tofino. Salmon farms around the world are plagued by sea lice, because of overcrowded conditions. Corporations like Cermaq are using ever more extreme methods to control sea lice, threatening the marine environment and the livelihoods of communities who depend on it.
The pesticide Cermaq wants to use, Paramove 50, is a concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide. Paramove can persist in the environment for weeks, and tends to pool in shallow waters—the very place used for rearing by juvenile wild salmon, as well as crabs, shrimps and other crustaceans in their larval life stages

Pesticide dumping in Clayoquot Sound – Clayoquot Action
Preliminary work in the laboratory with Interox® Paramove™ 50 in raw seawater has shown the half-life of 1200 mg·L-1 H2O2 to be 28 days at 10°C.