Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Fabian Dawson with SeaWestNews. Yup. Figures. Expected that. He's consistently been a defender for the industry speaking of omitting & ignoring facts. Now he wants us to shift the focus away from collusion and corruption in the federal government and instead shoot the messenger. Very typical and transparent response.

Whether or not one likes or agrees with AM's commentary - keep in mind those FoI responses are from the federal government - not AM. And that's after much had already been deleted by the DoJ lawyers.

So I know that does not demonstrate any responsible oversight, good governance, or transparency and simple honesty to me from our top-end DFO regulators. This post by AM is simply the tip of a extremely dirty iceberg - which has always been there since the days of Yves Bastion.

Justice Cohen also recognized this way too obvious conflict of interest as did Kristi Miller.
One can only wonder what the rest of the Iceberg that we can't see looks like.
It will be interesting to see what lessons the various business schools and analysts draw from the collapse of the BC Salmon farming industry. It's a major PR and marketing fail. It could very well be the New Coke & Edsel of this Century This article is a symptom of why. Morton is now is clearly a marginal player and had little or no part in the decision to phase out open pen farms in the Broughton and elsewhere. Yet they have to launch a vicious attack that simply draws attention to her and her message.

The BC situation contrasts so starkly with the same companies operations in Scotland where the damage to local environments and salmonid stocks is far better documented. They used the same playbook here; forming alliances with government and local politicians; forming a rampart defense of denial and only reluctantly agreeing to some reforms of their practices when the pressure became unbearable. This left many sectors of the public suspecting they had been serving up falsehoods all the while. I think in the end they vastly underestimated the power of the activist community in BC and failed to see the alliance it formed with First Nations groups that were outraged at the wealth transfer out their traditional territory while leaving them with massive externalities. Even now the Salmon farm industry can't see it's over for them.
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Good post, Ralph. Very astute, and very truthful. Belligerence, paternalism, personal attacks & disrespect only generate the same in return. That's been the modus operandi for this industry since it's corporate takeover of the original Mom & Pop operations. Not engaging while shooting the messenger has worked for years to keep the dialogue acrimonious and unresolved. Keeping it unresolved has worked for them since they have always been disinterested in answering tough questions that should have been resolved before they started operations. Now, years later - that strategy has totally failed. They are the truly the masters of their own demise, and it's about time. It's a hard look in the mirror. That's why the vitriol. It's not their choice to be accountable, nor look in the mirror. So it has to be the fault of some evil-doer that they did not invite to the back room DFO protector regulatory regime. Not a responsible, mature nor honest response, IMHO.

And as far as the garbage posted by Dawson - it's not only incorrect, misleading and wrong about PRv and the risk assessments - it's also quite slanderous:
"Morton, who has culturally appropriated a First Nations identity to wrap her apocalyptic prophecies of salmon extinction in traditional territory treaty rights...",
"Morton and her allies in the Salmon-Anon circles"
"...Dr. Kristi Miller-Saunders, a federal fisheries scientist known for her anti-salmon farming stance... ".

This is the kind of dribble I would expect on a high school student's FB page - not from a self-proclaimed and professional "journalist". I would be embarrassed to be associated with this person if he were "defending" my industry on my behalf against "evil-doers" (and thanks to George W. for that sound-bite).
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Morton is indeed becoming Trump - like. A very bad look but typical of her kind.
Morton is indeed becoming Trump - like. A very bad look but typical of her kind.
"Typical of her kind" ?? Alexandra Morton put more hours fighting for salmon than most have spent fishing for salmon. Along with that sacrifice that most could not/would not even contemplate she also witnessed her own husband drown in that same sacrifice.
A person has to give her credit, as AM consistently sticks to her story and won't let any other facts or science interfere with her personal views. The conspiracy theory that all of DFO is on the take has to be hard for the vast majority of people to believe.
Alexandra Morton's views can be verified by the evidentiary documents behind them. You are referring then to all of the hundreds of global scientists comprising that body of evidence. Science is ok strapped in at 40,000 feet or being resuscitated from clinically being dead from stroke or heart attack but becomes "personal views" when debunks your personal views.
I am sure Morton has said and done things that deserved criticism. However she deserves full credit and recognition for the attached. DFO botched the assessment of the 2002 Broughton Pink salmon collapse as it was happening and it took considerable effort on the her part and others to bring attention to what others tried to bury and most have since conveniently forgotten or pretend does not exit. The report to the then Ministry of Fisheries:



This consultation followed public controversy regarding sharp drops in the number of pink salmon spawners in
2002 compared to the brood year numbers in 2000. Many, but not all, have related the cause to sea lice
originating from local salmon farms. For instance, a letter has recently been addressed to the Minister of Fisheries
and Oceans’ (DFO) office by Ms. A.Morton (Oct. 19, 2002).

“I am writing in regards to the profound crash of all pink salmon runs in Kingcome and Knight Inlets and Tribune
Channel. This is the first time this has happened since DFO record keeping commenced in 1953. The disappearance
of these 5 million fish comes amid good to excellent pink salmon returns everywhere else on this coast from
Alaska south. I have scientific evidence this crash is due to the sea louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, infection on
the juvenile pink salmon that went to sea in 2001”.

full report is at:
“In 2021, Canadians expect First Nations to have a say in what economic activity occurs on their territory. These pens were not the right fit for the area,” Jordan’s spokesperson said.
The plan is to have a plan by 2025. The Liberals have eased up on the "transition" plan and are working on the plan for aquaculture going forward. Many FN have written letters saying they want finfish aquaculture to stay in their territories.................. I think lots of people are confused and some are going to be disappointed.
The original election commitment was to phase out open net farms by 2025 and in Dec 2019 his mandate letter to Minister Jordan specifically said:

work with the province of British Columbia and Indigenous communities to create a responsible plan to transition from open netpen salmon farming in coastal British Columbia waters by 2025 and begin work to introduce Canada’s first-ever Aquaculture Act.
following the outcry from the industry and dependent communities, MFO issued a statement that:

“Our government is working on a responsible plan to transition the industry away from open net-pen salmon farming in B.C., and we have committed to developing this plan by 2025.Our government will not impose drastic, systemic change on Canadian communities,...We believe that the best policies come from meaningful engagement with those who will be directly affected.”

The Broughton decision only effects those salmon farms in that specific area and there is nothing to say local FN groups may or may not establish their own aquaculture operations in that region. Likewise new farms may be established in areas away from the Broughton where they are welcome by local communities including First Nations. Maybe there is something there for the Salmon Farming corporations to learn from if that takes place.

Taking the needs of local communities into consideration, returning fair value to them and doing so in an environmentally responsible way is part of the emerging model of new capitalism. People are learning that maximal returns measured on short times periods of a few months has not produced anything close to optimal results for anyone other than a privileged few.
The original election commitment was to phase out open net farms by 2025 and in Dec 2019 his mandate letter to Minister Jordan specifically said:

following the outcry from the industry and dependent communities, MFO issued a statement that:

“Our government is working on a responsible plan to transition the industry away from open net-pen salmon farming in B.C., and we have committed to developing this plan by 2025.Our government will not impose drastic, systemic change on Canadian communities,...We believe that the best policies come from meaningful engagement with those who will be directly affected.”

The Broughton decision only effects those salmon farms in that specific area and there is nothing to say local FN groups may or may not establish their own aquaculture operations in that region. Likewise new farms may be established in areas away from the Broughton where they are welcome by local communities including First Nations. Maybe there is something there for the Salmon Farming corporations to learn from if that takes place.

Taking the needs of local communities into consideration, returning fair value to them and doing so in an environmentally responsible way is part of the emerging model of new capitalism. People are learning that maximal returns measured on short times periods of a few months has not produced anything close to optimal results for anyone other than a privileged few.
They must stick to the plan. Out by 2025