Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Exactly HG, I think we've all known salmon farms will be where FN decide.

Quote from OBD link

“I’ve confirmed that there will be no closure of aquaculture centres in 2025. We’re going to present a transition plan, and then we’ll go from there.”

Read between the lines on this...
the cdn gov will "present" a plan
not "implement, require, or instill"
All vague words like , "could, may, might"
I have heard that no transition plan until at least this spring. That would only leave months until 2025 which is the speed of light for the Gov. to do/ not do anything.
What's your take on this aa?
Agree with HG. The Trudeau cabinet are in panic mode. They don't want any more bad news/press that's why they thru "The butcher" (that's what Le bouthillier means) in. She should have instead been named "Agneau sacrificiel" (sacrificial lamb).
AA: I don't think there will be a transition plan that will make Bob happy. Especially when the minister told industry no closures for the remaining farms in 2025. The transition plan is already over year late at this point. I'll be interested to see if the new farm by minstrel island goes in after a plan does get released.
This is not surprising as the transition plan has been stalled for some time and with the court cases not ruled on ......... who knows when and if things will change. Now that farms are in areas with FN support it will be hard to close them.
These court cases amount to FF ownership of the waters where they are if they win.
These court cases amount to FF ownership of the waters where they are if they win.
I don't think the word "ownership" quite applies. More like co-management within a particular FN Traditional Territory- which already has been ruled on in a number of court decisions.

The Pandora's Box that DFO & the industry DO NOT want opened at all costs - is to have a court case that acknowledges the reality that fish swim and water flows - which is why they REFUSE to update their siting criteria to capture these realities.

They refuse to incorporate their own research into the siting criteria like Mike Foreman's work (weblink below) because that might increase the distance between critical forshore juvie salmon rearing areas and disease plumes from operating open net-pen sites and shut down the industry in areas:

and NOBODY wants to hear that fish swim because the whole industry might get shut down like it did up near Rupert:

Good indeed - keep up the good work to publish the truth on this questionable industry so we can move these disease spreading, polluting feedlots onto land where their negative environmental impacts can be better managed!
The north coast news is old. Kitasoo has expanded in the past few years. That was a BC decision not to expand....... their new land use proposals must change that if FN want to expand North ....... time will tell.
It was a "BC decision" because the province was in charge of aquaculture when this happened - before the Morton Decision that switched it back to the feds.

And BC made that decision to implement a moratorium because their lawyers didn't want to set a legal precedent by being taken to court and loosing to the Lake Babine and Gitxsan bands over the fact that a fish farm in adjacent FN territory would impact the rights of another FN up the line. They used DNA to prove it.

That is EXACTLY my point about the government's Pandora's Box that they don't want opened at all costs.