Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

When does this nightmare end?
A whole province of fools and stupid citizens that need governing. Don't think just listen.

Last I heard was 2025 and they are done. As usual Canada and BC are a decade behind.

So they wash off the sea lice, where do they go?

How much of the slime off the fish has antibiotics? Or pathogens?

These FF's have hastened whatever disaster may happen via global warming by reducing the numbers of wild stock.

And DFO. What's a million or so eh? How many of those would have been spawners? How many of the other not affected fish got eaten because these ones weren't around?

is there a map of where FF's are located? Can't find one using google


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Might take months for a ruling. Judge found it interesting the minister used "science" that was not shared with industry or FN in her decision. Joyce really was a ENGO first.
Not disagreeing with HG's comments - but it is an interesting and enlightening of a yet too familiar a perspective from the industry on Joyce and her going thru with the Discovery Island decision.

1st - all of this Discovery Islands FF impacting wild salmon and the need to remove the farms started not with Joyce but with Justice Cohen (Recommendations 18 & 19) way back circa 2009:

So the industry knew the end was coming for 13 years and didn't think they would actually have to adapt given their close relationship with staff in the Aquaculture department that always protects the industry against inconvenient science. We have seen pages and pages of ATIPs on this thread supporting this allegation.

2nd - the industry DOES NOT OWN the sites (water column and sea bed) - it is instead owned by the people of Canada and regulated thru various federal and provincial agencies. It is instead a PRIVLEDGE to use these sites and receive free pumping and free sewerage disposal. The industry has seem to purposely confuse issues and convince itself and its supporters that it is their right & expectation to use these sites and ignore Cohen.

3rd - the industry seems to think that they still continue to the right to block inconvenient data and how dare the DFO minister to use any data inconvenient to their operating as expected with the status-quo. I mean the Minister is supposed to ask them permission to use the data because that's what the staff in the Aquaculture Branch does.

Very telling comments, indeed from the PR firms that support the industry...
It's a decision on the decision not to licence and procedural fairness to make that decision. The point by industry and the FN was they did not get to see some of the "science" used and have a chance to respond.

All involved wanted to see what information was being used by all parties including the engo's (in fact they insisted on seeing absolutly everything). It was pointed out that this was not the case with all of the "science" as jot all was not shared with pro FN and industry.

The judge will rule on the procedure to make the decision not the decision itself...... that is what will be interesting.
Most of the time the stakeholders have no idea, what gets put in the final deck that gets sent to the minister to make the decision. We have seen this with chinook, SRKW ect...
Yes - and we have seen pages and pages of ATIPS with the Aquaculture and Communications Branches of DFO colluding to hide inconvenient data that goes up to the Minister as speaking notes and what to say "if pressed on" contentious topics, i.e. how to creatively lie...

None of that contained in those ATIPs is responsible governance & oversight - IMHO it is instead a complete, deliberate and embarrassing failure of fiduciary duty by compromised staff.
It's a decision on the decision not to licence and procedural fairness to make that decision. The point by industry and the FN was they did not get to see some of the "science" used and have a chance to respond.

The judge will rule on the procedure to make the decision not the decision itself...... that is what will be interesting.
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t some judge already make a decision on the procedural fairness of the decision? or was this an injunction on the decision? I’m confused.
That was the first decision. That ruling stated that the minister had to go back and consult on the first decision ( made by jordan) not to renew the lincences. So the second round of consultations on licenses wad done by the new minister Joyce M. In the first consultations all of the FN opposed the farms (kind of). During the second decision consultations (in court now) several FN strongly supported industry.