Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread


Norway imposes a tax on disease riddles Fish Farms.
What will the Fish Farm owners do?
Expand their holdings in those countries who are still foolish enough to allow Fish Farms undertaxed existence.
Norway imposes a tax on disease riddles Fish Farms.
What will the Fish Farm owners do?
Expand their holdings in those countries who are still foolish enough to allow Fish Farms undertaxed existence.
And countries that allow them to continue to spread that disease and associated viruses in open net pens to passing Wild Salmon smolts which basically gives them a death sentence upon contraction of the diseases and viruses and sea lice.
Shocking - sure hope there isn't more manipulation of the original intent to go to closed containment. Personally I think there is more risk from spreading disease than what sea lice poses. I worry however, that in some science circles evidence of really bad diseases being passed from farmed fish to wild fish will just get buried so deep it never sees the light of day.
Interesting narrative promoted by the industry PR firms and boosters: anyone looking for accountability from either the industry or their compromised regulators - DFO- gets labelled an "anti" verses instead of simply being opposed to impacts to wild stocks vis-a-vis the very open net-cage technology used by the industry which allows them to currently operate with free pumping, free waster disposal and nearly free real estate and thereby maximizing their profits by offloading and externalizing impacts.