Aquaculture improving?..The Fish Farm Thread

Does anyone on this site really believe the Fish Farm industry would fund a scientist who they were not very sure his research would support their cause.
"he was ‘absolutely delighted‘ that the BC Salmon Farmers Association funds his research projects."
If you do, I have a bridge I would like to sell you!
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Miller et al 2022 SSHI


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Mordecai 2022


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Dave, I wouldn't go to my dentists to get my appendix removed - even tho my dentist may be an "expert" on teeth. Might be even a liability issue there. No liability issues for pundits of open net-pens tho - even tho that industry affects other industries.
"Sea lice levels of 11.53 lice per fish — almost four times the federal threshold for treatment — were also detected during a March 7 count at Cermaq’s Ross Pass farm, according to a separate email from an aquatic biologist with the federal department."
Nothing new....happened many times in the past some reported and some not.
SO what is DFO going to do about it. In the past they did NOTHING!
"Sea lice levels of 11.53 lice per fish — almost four times the federal threshold for treatment — were also detected during a March 7 count at Cermaq’s Ross Pass farm, according to a separate email from an aquatic biologist with the federal department."
Nothing new....happened many times in the past some reported and some not.
SO what is DFO going to do about it. In the past they did NOTHING!

So now/today the anti's are believing what the government reports, but only if its a bad ff report/press? and do all ff companies get painted with the same brush?
Is this what should be done in all industries, every company gets painted with the same brush as the worst offender?
So now/today the anti's are believing what the government reports, but only if its a bad ff report/press? and do all ff companies get painted with the same brush?
Is this what should be done in all industries, every company gets painted with the same brush as the worst offender?
Government nor Cermaq did not report. It was only revealed through a freedom of information application from Alexandra Morton. They don’t protect wild salmon as per their mandate.
Time to remove the the lice riddled Farmed Fish from the open ocean.
Government nor Cermaq did not report. It was only revealed through a freedom of information application from Alexandra Morton. They don’t protect wild salmon as per their mandate.
Time to remove the the lice riddled Farmed Fish from the open ocean.

Mmmm It was a dfo finding/report
So now all dfo reports and findings are what you are supporting? What is it yes or no?
Shall we now tar and feather all companies the same even though others are not the same or even close?
no where on the planet has net cage atlantic salmon and wild salmon mutually coexisted. no where.

JR Lewis · 10h ·

as a fishery officer in charge of alert bay subdistrict for dfo from 1984-1987 when the first atlantic salmon farm was put in at mound island i have worked this file through 33 years as a dfo fishery officer and retiring in 2011 as area chief, conservation and protection for the b.c. south coast, i remain troubled with the truth surrounding "minimal risk" to our wild salmon. i have subsequently worked for dfo under term with aquaculture management and as well, for a few years with marine harvest. i have worked and have experience on all sides of this equation.
for years i have asked the question...and the answer has always where on the planet has net cage atlantic salmon and wild salmon mutually coexisted. no where. foremost Canadian science researcher, dr. kristi miller, confirmed this in a conference call a couple of months ago. our wild salmon resources remain at risk, and there is a growing abundance of science that says it is more than a "minimal risk" that dfo says. as we know, anything more than a "minimal risk" would do two things that would unravel norway's wealth from our coast. the first is, if the risk of aquaculture is more than "minimal" it automatically triggers SARA, which requires a recovery plan as you know. one would imagine that removal of farms that present greater than minimal risk would have to come out of the ocean. the second, is the fiduciary obligation (and the spirit of reconcilliation) of the federal government with respect to food, social, and ceremonial fisheries that they have enjoyed long before the colonist technology and ultimately drum seining. in other words, we, the people, the taxpayers are likely on the hook for purchasing alaska wild sockeye salmon to provide food for BC FNs.
for what it is worth. sure hope the minister makes the precautionary principle decision in the best interest of Canadians. one would think, it is time to fish or cut bait. otherwise, politically...
if i am off base. please correct me.
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Mmmm It was a dfo finding/report
So now all dfo reports and findings are what you are supporting? What is it yes or no?
Shall we now tar and feather all companies the same even though others are not the same or even close?
Who the hell cares when you have ever growing evidence that net pen fish farms pollute the marine environment! How many more studies, evidence from all sides does it take??? Read the above article - what more does one need? Time for folks to wake up and stop defending an environmentally harmful and unsustainable industry and push to get it moved onto land where it's negative environmental impacts can be better managed.

If there is truly such a big and growing demand for farmed salmon to feed a hungry world (which I agree there is) then market forces will make it profitable over time. The future direction for this industry is more than obvious.
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