April 1 Fishing Regs-sell your Boats!!

If Minister Jordan's twitter feed is indicative of her activities this past week, it would appear @BCRingo is correct:

Good thing I’m not on social media. Can’t take this kind of cheesy PR.
She’s apparently working on the Blue Economy Strategy and a clean growth future. Somebody tell her that people’s summer plans are awaiting her decision!

Her department can’t issue a fishing notice that wouldn’t need five amendments and still not clearly telling people what’s open and what not! Maybe we’re all expecting too much from these guys??

This website update has made me grumpier!
Can anybody smell a federal election coming? The delay is probably trying to strategize on how many votes they’ll lose by which group that will be pissed off with the decision.
it’s all about being re-elected, nothing to do with what’s right.
Yes, the perfect time to make noise and let them know where we stand. You can bet the Cancel Culture is ramping up to have us shut down. It’s important to know where voters stand when you call an election, once you get in they have four years to forget. This is a critical time folks, let your local MP and the Liberal Government know where you stand!
Well he is probably one of the only Premiers that has said anything or spoke up, I think he has alot on his plate right now with other things im more then sure!!!! (covid)
I personally have had 3 meeting with him before he was premier re halibut and salmon etc he gave me a lot of good insight on how to write a letter and nail them with constructive criticism, first time he met me for over 2 hours which I thought was great of him he is a local guy and he understand how important it is to us on coast, unfortunately its really not his place to say much, thats what we have federal MPs for. And I havent seen Randall do much for us here.
2 years ago he put on the waders and helped collect brood stock in the sooke river.
I'd be very careful thinking these govmnt snakes, twice Grizzly bear hunting has closed in this province by nothing more then politics and had absolutly nothing to do with science. In so saying I'm not on top of the salmon politics as much as I should and I'm sure trying to learn in such I need trust and thank those who are fighting the good fight in our interest.
Wow more doom and gloom !!! just read in the Times Columnist about the SRKW if there sited in our waters there going shut us down, there clearly not listening can see there goal clearly now they want us out of the water.
Yes, the perfect time to make noise and let them know where we stand. You can bet the Cancel Culture is ramping up to have us shut down. It’s important to know where voters stand when you call an election, once you get in they have four years to forget. This is a critical time folks, let your local MP and the Liberal Government know where you stand!
Cancel culture is way ahead of us
Cancel culture is way ahead of us
Always seems that way. It’s not only their livelihoods but also their religion. You raise money by being in the news!
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Good CHEK TV News interview with local guide Gord Martin and SVIAC president Chris Bos. This mismangement and indecision by the Fed govt. is killing our local coastal economies and needs to stop! Send letters to the minister and if you haven't already support orgs. like PFA, SVIAC and SFI-BC, etc.

That was a horrible story to be honest - the reporter botched it stating the ENTIRE coast of BC was closed, when in fact many areas are open to full limits of Chinook. The harm this has caused eroding the confidence of customers who were either planning trips to or booked trips to areas like Barkley, Nootka or Quatsino Sounds is impossible to measure. (all those areas are open BTW to full limits)

The stuff I'm seeing posted on FB etc from people who actually think the entire coast is closed is crazy. We are having a hard enough time rebuilding confidence in the shadow of Covid, and now this story. A lot of guys are fuming. I heard from one guy today who's contacting his lawyer.

Not at all helpful - harmful beyond measure.
That was a horrible story to be honest - the reporter botched it stating the ENTIRE coast of BC was closed, when in fact many areas are open to full limits of Chinook. The harm this has caused eroding the confidence of customers who were either planning trips to or booked trips to areas like Barkley, Nootka or Quatsino Sounds is impossible to measure. (all those areas are open BTW to full limits)

The stuff I'm seeing posted on FB etc from people who actually think the entire coast is closed is crazy. We are having a hard enough time rebuilding confidence in the shadow of Covid, and now this story. A lot of guys are fuming. I heard from one guy today who's contacting his lawyer.

Not at all helpful - harmful beyond measure.
That was a great story for the fisherman that can only fish the south....Not everyone has a boat and/or the funds to transport it up the island.
Or the funds to travel and book a thousand dollar charter. Because of poor health I have been limited to my fishing in the local waters around Victoria. I do not travel well. So I guess I'm stuck again with just the month of August to try and catch a salmon. Especially when 75-80% of the fish I
have caught over the years have been hatchery fish.

(end rant)
As a group of sport fishers we have almost zero voice with the general voting public. I know there is lots of work going on behind the scenes, but the average BC voter hears "the government is saving the whales" and thinks, good, about time! The work that the SFAB and others do is important, but all they can do is advise, and the government is under no obligation to take their advice. Now with the birth of two calves this year the ENGO's will surely be telling the average voter that not allowing fishing equals more whales. We need to make more public noise. We need to protest regularly and loudly, we need to make friends with sympathetic media. Or the average voter will never hear our side of the story and we will continue to be a group of people who grumble to one another while their fishing rights are taken away.
Searun dont get your knickers in a knot !!! just be greatfull your area isnt closed!!!! This was a great video , we need to get more of these out there like this as its real, Searun sorry your upset but most areas are closed at least you can still run your business and have the ability to retain a salmon, south island is CLOSED, The reaches of the Fraser are CLOSED, We should be fighting these closures , not whining about areas that are open. looking out over the straights this am, calm seas not a boat out there , the marina is dead. Its a real shame as a sports fisherman we cant stand together , clearly not the case as we are now starting to see where the the priority's fall, Completely agree with fish brains statement as a everyday fisherman we have little or no voice.