April 1 Fishing Regs-sell your Boats!!

That sending a letter on April 9 and that they won’t be taking any more input after the 9th is kind of taking it to the wire. I’m not critical of him sending it, just the timing. This is a pretty major issue and I believe that he could’ve made his position a little clearer a lot sooner. Makes me wonder what would’ve happened if they hadn’t extended the deadline? Would that letter have made it? Or been mailed at all? Again, not critical of his coming out on our side, just that the optics seems kind of like a last minute decision.
There are regular conversations between the Province and DFO staff - the timing is not accidental.
I wish to hell DFO would give us an answer.
I would rather know now if they're not going to follow the SFAB advice.
It can't possible take this long to review the facts and science
and make a decision.
no where else in the private sector can someone holding a senior top position be late for deadlines time and time agin, especially when they have the last 2 years since the closure to "consider" what they are going to do without loosing their job... cant beleive my hard earned tax dollars are used to feed the the those ignorant baboons in government.
I suspect most of the proposal will get accepted or we would see more fuss being put up by SFI.

My guess is the areas further away from the Fraser River have a higher chance of being approved.
Well he is probably one of the only Premiers that has said anything or spoke up, I think he has alot on his plate right now with other things im more then sure!!!! (covid)
I personally have had 3 meeting with him before he was premier re halibut and salmon etc he gave me a lot of good insight on how to write a letter and nail them with constructive criticism, first time he met me for over 2 hours which I thought was great of him he is a local guy and he understand how important it is to us on coast, unfortunately its really not his place to say much, thats what we have federal MPs for. And I havent seen Randall do much for us here.
2 years ago he put on the waders and helped collect brood stock in the sooke river.

100 percent agree. John is always present at most of the salmon enhancement initiatives on south island. That is why I said I was suprised I hadn't heard from him, but as @searun pointed out he has been involved in the ongoing discussions. Believe it or not things do happen beyond what is said publicly in the news. DFO runs the fishery not the Province. This decision is with Ottawa. Not our local pacific region DFO or Premier.

And Wolf is right Christy Clark and her band of fools in last government never backed Sooke once when it was going down because of these restrictions. Not once. Lucky at least John's engaged. He also fishes as well so that is bonus.
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Just a thought on the delay: would be very easy, and quick, for Ottawa to reject the proposal and not have to respond to backlash from the ENGOs and FNs. The fact that this is taking time, and in fact extra time, strongly suggests that not only is it being seriously considered, but they are likely to be working Out how it will be implemented with the least amount of backlash. Anyway, a different way to look at the timing, which sucks no matter how you slice it!


I suspect most of the proposal will get accepted or we would see more fuss being put up by SFI.

My guess is the areas further away from the Fraser River have a higher chance of being approved.
And what type of fuss would you like to see? Remembering just because your not seeing it in the Public eye doesnt mean things are not being done or the pressure is not being applied in the right spots :)
And what type of fuss would you like to see? Remembering just because your not seeing it in the Public eye doesnt mean things are not being done or the pressure is not being applied in the right spots :)

thats my point glad to here it’s going to largely accepted right on
Great I am glad to see the blame game is starting. Awesome.
Not sure how you got that out of what I posted? Did not mean to imply any negativity or ill will.


all I was saying as of the proposal was going to be flat out rejected that we would be hearing a different tone and that there must be a good chance than of some of it being accepted
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Not sure how you got that out of what I posted? Did not mean to imply any negativity or ill will.


all I was saying as of the proposal was going to be flat out rejected that we would be hearing a different tone and that there must be a good chance than of some of it being accepted
Tensions are high. Lol. I had no intention of offending anyone either but you can feel the tension through the computer screen on this issue. Lol
Tensions are high. Lol. I had no intention of offending anyone either but you can feel the tension through the computer screen on this issue. Lol
We’re all frustrated and most importantly have minimum trust in the integrity of the decision makers. Let’s hope that we hear some positive feedback by end of this week. Thanks again to those who worked hard on he proposal and most importantly, navigated the political maze of dealing with multiple stakeholders.
It’s very concerning, that the decision regarding the public fishery in BC is reliant on that of a Nova Scotian. I’m from Nova Scotia, a province surrounded with coast line and ocean. I can tell you growing up there certainly wasn’t any recreational boating and certainly no recreational fishing going on. No body I knew was out with families enjoying the ocean, it was looked at so differently back there the ocean was just a cold place for commercial fishing to take place and even that was viewed as kinda depressing. It certainly wasn’t looked at as great family past time and sustainable way to feed your family while doing it. My point is I have little faith this Minister will really understand the significance and value of a recreational fishery. Hopefully I’m proven wrong, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time for that lol
It’s very concerning, that the decision regarding the public fishery in BC is reliant on that of a Nova Scotian. I’m from Nova Scotia, a province surrounded with coast line and ocean. I can tell you growing up there certainly wasn’t any recreational boating and certainly no recreational fishing going on. No body I knew was out with families enjoying the ocean, it was looked at so differently back there the ocean was just a cold place for commercial fishing to take place and even that was viewed as kinda depressing. It certainly wasn’t looked at as great family past time and sustainable way to feed your family while doing it. My point is I have little faith this Minister will really understand the significance and value of a recreational fishery. Hopefully I’m proven wrong, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time for that lol
Not disagreeing with your perspective on the issue but Wilkinson was from North Van and branded himself as an “advocate of the angling communities”. We know what he did for this province and our resources during his tenure. It’s becoming more evident that this decision is being made at the PM office and the fisheries minister is just the talking head who “officiates” the call.
Can anybody smell a federal election coming? The delay is probably trying to strategize on how many votes they’ll lose by which group that will be pissed off with the decision.
it’s all about being re-elected, nothing to do with what’s right.
It could be. It was in the news that if an election was held today, our golden boy will win a majority government. I’ll be moving to Antarctica.
Not disagreeing with your perspective on the issue but Wilkinson was from North Van and branded himself as an “advocate of the angling communities”. We know what he did for this province and our resources during his tenure. It’s becoming more evident that this decision is being made at the PM office and the fisheries minister is just the talking head who “officiates” the call.

If Minister Jordan's twitter feed is indicative of her activities this past week, it would appear @BCRingo is correct:
