Alberni sockeye

  • Thread starter Steelheadman_04
  • Start date
any action last few days? might head up for my dads bday in a few...
Just got back from port on Sunday saw a few people like Blue Orca and Iron Noggin and many other folks that I met last year. Yes I was there for a week and found fishing was great but two tips get up early and be on the water fishing by 5 am. Second fish hard and smart. Also get ready because they are quite fiesty this year. The number hooked is sometimes twice the number landed. Ran my boat a couple of days by myself with 4 rods plus four dummy flashers and was hard work but it paid off great. Took family out twice with great success. Even Had Iron Noggin out for a unforgetable day of fishing <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Still bouncing back!!! Cheers ME<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Happy Hookin!!!

Edited by - MyEscape on 07/19/2005 22:03:25
if u dont mind me asking... where were u guys fishing? I'm guessing in cous way but it'd be nice to know where the action is/was.
Try fishing where your sounder goes weird due to the fresh water influxes half way to the log booms from cous. Also try trolling a line between lone tree and the grassy section on the ridge above the log booms on the oppisite side of the channel can good even when the bite turns off. Don't be affraid of trolling in the center of the channel can be very good at times. Early 5 to 6 am was good along the wall from lone tree towards town or vise versa!!!! Be creative alot of my fish were caught on turns so don't just go straight !!! <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>However what worked for me may not work for you, 1.8 mph 25 to 27 inch leaders. 25 to 35 feet but as the water warms go deeper.

Cheers ME

Happy Hookin!!!
well i got the party dads up at 3 am to make the drive...

we managed to get 3 fish around dunsmiur and had a couple hits ( pretty good compared to most boats we saw)

there was a sporadic bite throughout the morning, far better then when i was up in the past weeks, but nothing like normal

i'm hearing some really good things about kirby point so a evening morning bamfield venture may have to happen this weekend...
Limited for two this morn again, but a tad slower for us. Took 'til almost 10:00 am. Day before: 7;42 am, day before that, limt for three: 7:30 am. They're here....

Hi Noggin, good to hear you are out alot (as usual ) I will be down at Poett Nook from the 6th of Aug. on. I'll be out in my 23 footer named Un REEL monitoring on CH. 16 Hope to run into you for a Brew. I brought 48 cold ones back from Vegas this week. Was 119 degrees down there and now can not wait to hit Barkley Snd. for some enjoyable weather. Any Spanker Springs yet?
Cheers!<img src=icon_smile_cool.gif border=0 align=middle>

Good Luck & Good Fishin!!!
Sox still happenin'
RedBonz: likely gone at that point, but if for some reason still inProv, will try to contact you. Best for springs of late has been Cree/Austin, chovies and coyotes for the large.

Have FUN!!
A 46 pound MUT was intercepted at the Wall two days ago. Coyote spoon at 36 feet. Probably a Robertson fish, their on the way!!

Pass the Pack
Smokin Guy's, cant wait to hit a few plus 30's out there, CREE Again eh! Heading out to work Nog? Science excursion? Hoped to run into you, but thanks for the tip.

Cheers!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>