Alberni sockeye

  • Thread starter Steelheadman_04
  • Start date
EE...Cancelled Monday due to weather..
Tomorrow will be out at Cortez/Read Island way.
Haven't heard any good reports on Sockeye as of today..
They seem to be screaming up the inlet and into the river really fast, but as the river drops in level it should improve soon. I think that the amount of fresh water entering the inlet is inticing them to run up faster this year....Just a guess...although it was suggested to me by someone else, it does seem to make sense...

Blue, read island is a great spot! off viner point 2 years ago in july we had great luck and nailed 9 springs in 3 days biggest 21 pounds. stayed at the campground on rebecca spit. had it been good fishin up there?
Just spent the worst day you could imagine on the water today...
High twenties, calm water and no wind....
Picked up 4 Springs by noon,...
But no Sockeyes today.....

quote: Just spent the worst day you could imagine on the water today...
High twenties, calm water and no wind....
Picked up 4 Springs by noon,...
Jeez--that does sound terrible. I'm glad I was at work...<img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>
EE....I was in Port Alberni......Left dock at 5 a.m.....
At least it looked like Port Alberni...hmmmmm..
Yep, I'm pretty sure it was...
Sockeyes are being caught, but it's taking alot of time and effort to get your limits (2). Which is what fishing should be...

well we'll keep your spot a secret then. In the meantime I hope the sox show up cause we're going camping there in about 10 days.
ya im goin up this weekend hopefuly things pick up for sox.Any suggetions for lures and depth?

Edited by - fowl hook on 06/21/2005 15:50:47
Secret Spots?????
Not really!
Sockeye lures haven't changed since last year....Mp14's, Mp15's,
Nasty Boy and Halloween spoons...Same old/same old....

didn't mean your lures, it was your location i was talking about.
It's common knowledge that the springs are in early this year, check out the regular spots pill point, banfield wall, yankee bay and through out the broken island group. Put in the time and you may be rewarded but who really knows. Remember thats why they call it fishing and not catching. What and where works today may be different tommorow. Just an opinion. Rain rain go away let the sockeye stack and school today !!!!

Cheers ME

p.s I will be in port from July 10 to 17 look for My Escape, names on the boat, and if you see me dont be shy to say hi. Staying at china creek.

Happy Hookin!!!
hey fowl do you have all the gear and stuff for sox?

if u want to come check out mine give me a call on friday and ill show you what you need etc.
gonna do another scout trip tomorrow... anyone have suggestions for location (close in or head up to nahmint?) any success lately?
Things are just now starting to pick up. Without a doubt, the most dismal showing of sox I've seen thus far has been this spring!!
BUT, two days ago, a lot of boats got into them - standard locations: Ten-Mile, Hook Bay, just inside the narrows and towards Arden Ck. Not so standard was the ladz that literally nuked them off of Chup Pt!!
Yesterday: Saw a handfull landed at 10-mile, but none for us. Headed out to Pill: Results - 3 sox and 2 springs kept, many of the latter released. Actually saw wave upon wave of sox pouring through the passage!!
This am: Buddy called a short time ago - quick limits for his 2 boats @ Dunsmuir!

All in all good news. Looks like it's finally starting. I'll be out over the weekend, letcha know as it goes...

Tight Lines...
well we got skunked on sat at hook bay area and hardly saw anything caught (less then 10), starting to get worried there might not be any decent action for the camping trip next weekend...anyone else have a report?

p.s. if the sockeye are slow hows bamfield area doing for chinooks?
Eagle Eyes, were you fishing sox? I'm not sure where hook bay is. We'll be up to the canal on Thurday. I got a report from a guy who fished China creek last Friday and Saturday, he caught 5. Aparently Pill pt. has been kicking out some chinook, I think that's a bit closer than Bamfield. Also where are you staying? We'll be at Macktush from Thursday to Monday.

Edited by - bellinghamangler on 06/27/2005 20:47:43