Alberni Inlet

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I'm fishing out of China Creek this season and I'm wondering if any fishing reports for the Inlet appear on this forum? Thanks, Tom
top right function. Type in China Creek or Alberni, you'll find lots of topics.
Nothing in the inlet this year until the springs show up in August.
i was gunna say. theres no sockeye fishing for us sporties.
but springs and coho look pretty good for this year. well the prediction anyhow.

i'm taking a wild stab at a 46 pounder taking the derby this year.
Actually, I was not looking for 'historical' fishing reports that you might fine when 'searching', I was asking if current reports for Alberni Inlet found their way onto this forum. You know, like we see for Schooner, Campbell River, Sooke and like that. I think that is what my original post asked. :)

Hey urcin: Like backatit suggested check the archives. There has not been too much action down the inlet thus far. Sockeye is closed and historicaly springs and coho arrive later. I'm optomistic that they might allow a sport sockeye fishery yet. If you want to venture to the outside at this time, well good luck it's a hit and miss. eman