Alberni Inlet Reports

quote:Originally posted by urchin

Seems to me that if you're not on the water damn early, 6 or so, forget it 'cause the wind will likely blow you off from noon on. What time of day does it finally let up? I'd like to do an evening fish tomorrow with my kid who's coming over to Qualicum (home)from the mainland. I know there are no guarantees[:I]

Cheers, Tom

With this cold weather, the thermals don't kick up. It was like a mill pond today. I know the experts all say that Alberni is a first light fishery, but we always catch more fish during morning tide changes.
Aug 18 DBL Header at 11AM (low tide) 20 and 25 # near Stamp Narrows.
Fishing 30 to 40 feet. Got a nice hit at 6pm but lost him near the boat. Most boats around us seem to get 1 or 2 for the day. Slow but still good in my books. Rain at noon but nice water to fish in. GLG
august 18th.........fished coulsons from 5 till 830-one hit......
went to pill......after a couple hours, got a couple hits , lost one, and then landed a 18......odd fish caught around then ripped to widdlestone and didnt see one fish caught in 2 hours ......long day but all my lures are now clean and ready for next weekend!!!
Fished between colsons and china creek. One double header around 6:30pm. Landed both after about half an hour. A 32 lb and a 21 lb. Didn't see many others being caught. That was it for us.
The two fish we were into were on MP2 (dark pink...36" leader) and pink or purple haze flashers. Last year every fish for us was on that combo or 5" CopCar with green/glow hotspot flasher.
Good luck up there...better enjoy it...the salmon fishing sucks in Alberta!
Kelly .. 1 fish on a c-spoon silver prism with purple and gold flasher – 1 fish on a green and white hoochie with purple haze flasher. Leader length was fingertip to nose plus 6 inches.
Net fisheries as of late very slow
19th 20th dates
FN average 8 per boat total 460
COMM ~ 18 fish per boat

Hope they shut it down like up in Gold area as the number are not what they projected up there either

On Sunday I got 4 to the boat with 1 LLR
Hey guys went out this morning and got 4 in the boat. biggest was a 33lb and we got two in the 20's and one in the later teens. We got them all with in the first hour after daylight. I plan on going out this weekend as well
I might head over tommorow night or thurs morning till sunday night. 15ft K&C 30 yamie with 2 young guys. give us a shout if you see us. tight lines
The guy next to me at CC said he caught a lot of his fish on a small pink hoochy that I would use for socks or pinks. I seem to remember, about 20 years ago, catching springs on a similar pattern by the power lines, just N. and on the outside of Active Pass.

Anyway, I had two on at Lone Tree two nights ago using a green/white Coyote. However, still eating burgers, so far[:I]

seems to be picking up a bit... I'm here from the 22 to 25, and fished this am around underwood... what a brutal day... only got one to the boat (20#) and lost about 5... pathetic LOL... all fish hit before 8am.. will let you know how i do tomorrow
fished CC (underwood area) this morning started around 5:30... caught 2 (14# and 24#)... lost 5, (two well over thirty pounds which snapped my line)... did not have a good morning bite today, all hits were spread out through the day... packed it in at 1 pm

final day tomorrow, hoping for the best!!!
I was out in front of China Creek for a couple of hours this afternoon. Brutal wind[V] And not a bite.

Hey guys went out this morning(sat) and fished china creek. We got three in the boat, two twins at 26lb. Both were chrome and a 18lb which was darker. We fished long and hard for our 4th fish which would be our limit but couldnt do it. Im going out tomorrow again in the orca, so if u see me out there gimmie a shout.
yea the widn got pretty bad, and same with today... this morning was very windy for first light.... very slow for us... only 3 hits landed one 21#

all hits were caught on a tomic plug i tried... WOW!!! very shocked... i am wanting to get into plugs to try for next summer for use in barclay sound, so i bought one last night and tried the "pulled-pin" method... the plug was a 6 inch 602... did not expect to get any fish on it :D:D:D definatly getting into plugs next year...
My dad and I were out in front of china creek this morning,went 4 for 5. A 25,23,22 and a 13,2 on coyotes and 2 on hoochies
limited out on possession today so headed home. landed 9 springs in 3 hours yesterday it was awsome. kept 6 (3ppl) released 3 and one nice 7lb coho. full report and pics to come
How'd you make out today Kelly...saw you out there but never got close enough to say hi. It sucked for us today...and we saw very few fish caught. Got an uncle from Ontario here...trying to decide whether to give Alberni another try tomorrow, or head for the Q's.
The gillnet fleet was staging in the harbour and looked like a test seine at Lone Tree.

Thanks for the beer on Saturday Osama...never had one taste better[8D].
up early this morning ready to go fishing, i thought id send an update.Fishing was slow early morning but managed to get into four fish yesterday, 3 on bait,one on army truck coyote.This has been an awesome week off with more than 22 fish the way the cohoes are here, and there big too
