air rockets on seals


Well-Known Member
i'm buying some of these air rockets i see in the firework shops for my seal friends. what do you think?
i'll probably screw up the fishing by letting off whiz/bangs but a box of 10 for $5- ?
Never Heard of that. if it scares away the seal, probley the same with the salmon

But you never know
those are canadian bottle rockets it will scare the seals away, and they also shoot under water and explode. you have to get good at aiming them
the commercial guys use water proof explosive to scare away seals and sea lions from getting in there nets or ruining there gear
I used some this season that I was given last year. They seemed to work. I don't know if keeping them on the boat for very long is a good idea. I ignited one after it was on the boat for a couple weeks and when it went off it didn't act normal. Kinda exploded in my long pliers from now on ;)
If you kow a commercial fisherman ask him about giving you a couple of seal bombs seen them first hand what they can do:D

Good luck Wolf
I started using bottle rockets about five years ago to scare the seals that would follow behind the boat off nanaimo.It worked for a short time but they became used to it and it no longer made a difference.I don't think they scare the fish though as they explode above the water.
I really prefer a 22mag loaded with 22 long shells it is fairly quite but pretty deadly. :D I here Sea lion is pretty tasty too.
The seals **** me off as much as then next guy when I'm fishing. But cmon, really, howz about I come to your house and light off a pipe bomb at your dining room table when your not looking. Would you like that?
Seal / Sea Lion Problems??

Lessee... 180 grain partition settled on top of 82 grains of 4831...
Now THAT's an "air rocket" [}:)]

Ooops Wrong Forum :D

Hey VictoriaBoater, your PETA colours are showing!! [:o)][}:)]

Wait till you get your 1st decent winter spring on, ya know the one
that peels off 100' of line, a few real good head shakes and then one of those furry bugger's grabs it. then you'll wanna bomb their dinner table too...
Especially off of victoria waterfront, seals a plenty!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck Wolf
Nog, The problem with high powered rifles is they make to much noise. I do like the 4831 powder and the nosler partion bullets but what caliber are we using? The problem is the seals population is unchecked. and a local tribe member told me the blubber makes a great dip for your chips. Nog I though you where just a fisherman a man of many talents? Joe
quote:Originally posted by battaglino

Nog, ... I do like the 4831 powder and the nosler partion bullets but what caliber are we using?
... Nog I though you where just a fisherman a man of many talents?

That was my elk load for the 300 Weatherby (German produced oldy with a new custom barrel). A tad excessive for seals perhaps?? :D

Just a Fisherman? Is there any such thing?? LOL!
Yes, I fish. The chuck, the lakes and the flows. As much as anyone I know. But my first calling has always been hunting, it's just that they only let us do that a couple months of the year you see, whereas fishing... Well, you get the drift.
Also an IPSC competitor, and have been involved with long range target shooting and black powder for many many years.
If any of that makes me 'many-talented' in anyone's mind, I guess I'll have to wear the label :D

As for the seals and sea lions, I don't think you'll find any bio-type that would openly suggest there isn't a current problem (of course excluding those in the direct employ of the Greenies, or who have their hands tied - mouth zipped is a better phraze - by their Governmental employer). Perhaps the best example is the California Sea Lion. Afforded blanket protection for a considerably long time period, they are now colonizing areas in which they have never</u> had a historic presence. This at a cost of course. Our indigenous sea lion (Stellar's) was already in trouble when the legislation was introduced to protect the 'Merican imports. Now, with an ever increasing population of the latter, the Stellar's are in much more serious trouble. They are being outcompeted for food sources and habitat at an unprecidented rate. Fact. And I guess no-one needs to paint a picture of just how much fish needs to be consumed on a daily basis to maintatin an individual's bulk (400 to 700 pounds), let alone the impact of a rapidly bugeoning population of these rats of the sea.

Time for a cull on the California Sea Lions is looooong overdue in my mind's eye. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any of our duley elected to grow the intestinal fortitude to Make It So!.
