A skiff

you SOMEHOW need to incorporate this onto your boat. I’m thinking an old school decal like they used to paint on planes or bombs. i’m sorry but that would be rad as hell
Carve up a figurehead for the bow of the boat
Many good guesses on the deck fill but all no, I'm afraid...

There is a heater but the tank (which I don't have yet) will be a standalone item

Part of me would LOVE to do a little Beta diesel inboard in a boat about this size, but no, I need shallow draft

The gas tanks will be straight up portable six gallon Scepters or whatever so I think I'm more at risk of someone carrying them off than siphoning but I like the decoy concept!

That tattoo onesie thing was a gift from my sister and I find it hilarious and my wife loves it but man, is it ever polarizing! I actually had someone give me **** about it in a park one day, some nutbar woman started chewing me out about how it was conditioning him to accept criminals and tattooed people looked like thugs etc. I don't really care if people hate tattoos, I mean I don't run around insisting everybody get inked up or anything. I come from a subculture of tattooing and started getting tattooed when I was a teenager and my wife was the same way and I don't really need anyone to approve and I don't mind if some people hate it. But to harangue strangers in public on the topic (or any topic, really) man, that's just imbalanced. Fortunately for me I'm pretty quick on verbal jousting so that woman quickly found something else to do but seriously. Anyway I think that outfit is hilarious. With little blue jeans it just slays me.

You know that's a good idea about the pinup although I have to say my wife got into a bit of conflict with that artist and that sleeve was never finished so she might not want to be reminded! But it's such a classic pinup look that maybe it's worth incorporating some aspect of it.

Someone on a boat building-specific forum I go to was talking about how he put a time capsule in his when he foamed the hull and then people were talking about glassing in various things like a photograph etc. I'll have to give that some thought. But the figurehead concept...man, that's a whole other level. Maybe it could be done, if it's not too big. Almost like the Jaguar hood ornaments. It's an interesting idea, all right!
Okay, busy as usual but let me try to burn through a quick outline of the last week.
Carb somehow ended up being out of adjustment – throttle plates too closed at idle. This took me a really long time to figure out. I chased all kinds of stuff for about a day before realizing the gas was pooling in the carb at startup, so it would get nothing until some critical mass was hit, then it would dump in and flood. Anyway I got that figured out eventually and now the engine is running. These old motors are crank HP, not shaft, so this thing only puts out around 16-17 hp. I wasn’t sure if it would even plane the skiff on whatever prop it’s got, but anyway I wanted to mark the waterline with a simulated standard complete empty state, so I dragged her out of the shop, put a couple hundred pounds of plates in her, hung the motor, and took her to the ramp.




Hmm…probably have to change that trim pin position! But at least she floats.


And sits on her lines as designed, that’s nice.


So naturally I duct taped a jiffy marker to a piece of scrap plywood, because what else would you do?


I floated the plywood around the boat and marked the waterline. I didn’t get any photos of that but it just looked like a combination of the plywood pic and any of the other above pics so just use your imagination.

Here’s a bigger question though: will a 17 foot skiff plane with 16ish HP? And if so at what speed? And will the prop be at roughly the right height? I cut the transom to 20” but these old Johnsons are a bit random – this one has something like an 18” leg.



Answer: yes indeed! Transom is fully dry at 6 knots. Goofy trim and random prop and 16ish HP got 9 knots – I should be able to increase that a fair bit. Particularly if my friend who’s been promising to send me the god damn intake and carb from a 30 for the last 7 months actually puts that stuff in the mail. Otherwise I’m flying to Ontario and strangling him in front of his dog.
There’s no transition at all on the way to planing. It just increases in speed and then the transom gets dry.


Plenty stable. Traces of wasted, miscreant youth still visible on middle aged gut.


I took the above pic while sitting on the gunwale right at the forward bulkhead. You can see it hardly lists even with my 220 pounds way out on the rail, well forward of the shallow planing surface. A few people warned me it would be really unstable with off-centre weight towards the bow because the entry is so sharp and carries back a fair way. No, it’s fine.


So I relaxed for a while, then came home and took the family to the beach for Father’s Day.


Finally I cleaned out the garage which took hours, and measured the boat on the trailer about five times before attempting this:




And that about does it for Father’s Day weekend.
My buddy had an almost identical looking tat. Only his said "strugglin" even though his dad was probably one of richest guys in our neighborhood and he had every opportunity in the world but chose to be f***ing loser and borrowed money and weed from his friends then tried to pay it back in shake so took a beating and then called the cops and had to move to the valley so I wouldn't kill him. But yeah... boat looks nice.
My buddy had an almost identical looking tat. Only his said "strugglin" even though his dad was probably one of richest guys in our neighborhood and he had every opportunity in the world but chose to be f***ing loser and borrowed money and weed from his friends then tried to pay it back in shake so took a beating and then called the cops and had to move to the valley so I wouldn't kill him. But yeah... boat looks nice.
Jeez mine says "upper middle class"

Well, it doesn't, but now I wish it did. I spent a bunch of time living on the street when I was young so I have some leftover artifacts from then.
Has she been officially christened ?? What's her name ??/and what did you use for bubbley to pour on her deck ??
Has she been officially christened ?? What's her name ??/and what did you use for bubbley to pour on her deck ??
Not yet - I want to get the sole glassed down and maybe even the side decks complete before I really treat her as mostly built.

As far as the name goes... I had this summer job years and years ago painting houses and we were doing this one owned by some people with a bunch of nautical stuff in the back yard.

One thing they had was a big scotchman float, you know the type, the big commercial floats that are bright orange with a black top that you tie a rope to. This one had a loop of two inch dock line tied to it, maybe six feet long so doubled over, it was a loop about three feet long.

We were eating lunch one day and this guy I was working with, who is one of my closest friends to this day, came walking around the corner of the house wearing it around his neck like a necklace, walking in this totally loopy way, arms extended over his head with this exaggerated limp like Flava Flav, the float swinging crazily around his knees. He looks at us and shouts what I think I will name this boat:

You have done an amazing job here! You have some mad talent and skills. Congrats on an awesome boat hope you and the family have a lot of fun with it! This has been a great thread!!
When are you going to start my pod thread?
You have done an amazing job here! You have some mad talent and skills. Congrats on an awesome boat hope you and the family have a lot of fun with it! This has been a great thread!!
Thanks a lot...now just wait until I begin the side decks and...


yes seriously, I have a design on hand for an ultra-lightweight foam-glass structure for winter use...this was secretly the plan all along. This was the original concept sketch I did last October:

2020-11-01 14.20.52.jpg

I want to be able to just see over the roof, but I also plan to put a set of controls up front. That's my winter project, build the cabin.

It was partly inspired by Dorman Point's boat. The kerosene heater I got way back near the beginning of the thread will get mounted to the cabin wall, and output through a little dry stack on the roof. Which is sort of pointless but I love the mini-troller look it creates.

She’s looking great and it’s nice to see the stability. She’ll be a great cabin freight hauler.

I love the look of the wheelhouse in the sketch. The lines look perfect, to my eye. And, the heater is a great idea. I have a small bus heater in my wheelhouse which I am very thankful for on cold winter prawning days.

The best part is this means the thread will continue for another year!

She’s looking great and it’s nice to see the stability. She’ll be a great cabin freight hauler.

I love the look of the wheelhouse in the sketch. The lines look perfect, to my eye. And, the heater is a great idea. I have a small bus heater in my wheelhouse which I am very thankful for on cold winter prawning days.

The best part is this means the thread will continue for another year!
Thank you - I thought you might like the look!
Found this image while poking through Google maps in Port Alberni.... Thought of your design

Have a look


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